Pegasus Mail Suggestions

If you have suggestions or special wishes for Pegasus Mail here is where you make your voice heard.

Sharkfin posted Oct 2 '08 at 1:50 am

Again, this is a valid point - assuming that pmail wants to help new, non-expert users.

Personally I think that pmail's power-user reputation is important and well-earned. However, there is a case for easing usability to allow the user base to expand. This is why I believe some kind of special mode should be considered that hides many options and wraps a more simple presentation layer around the program.

arnaudherve posted Oct 7 '08 at 1:37 pm

It doesn't pass ME by.


It's my users. They are close to illiterate in terms of computers. Even those with doctorate in medical sciences. Ctrl + something is some sort of coding ability to them.

Sharkfin posted Oct 2 '08 at 1:33 am

Almost there, Arnaud.

I think that the header box needs to be big enough to show one line of each main header.

It could maybe resize itself but when Iget a message that has many recipients: I definitely shouldn't have to scroll to find the subject or sent date. In such cases, only one line of the To header should show by default.

arnaudherve posted Sep 29 '08 at 1:21 am

It's presently a pain to copy/paste Pmail messages text, because you have to remove all those line breaks afterwards.


I found a program called Clippy that does that for me, but it would be better if Pmail provided that by default.

arnaudherve posted Sep 29 '08 at 1:15 am

It's good-looking to have a red "f" in the top bar, but is changing the font so important that it should be in the top bar?


Couldn't it remain hidden in Display -> Options ?

arnaudherve posted Sep 29 '08 at 12:57 am

I see there are two grey icons on top-right of message

- No reply sent yet

- No forwarding yet

 Shouldn't those icons just disappear if there is nothing to announce yet?


And what is the meaning of activating them in case of no relevant event?

arnaudherve posted Sep 29 '08 at 12:26 am

I tried the Print icon in the top menu. It printed a message that was selected, but not opened.


Shouldn't it appear only when a message is opened?

arnaudherve posted Sep 28 '08 at 11:57 pm

An option to chose text, icons or text + icons in all menus.


BTW maybe a Display header in top bar menu would be clearer. With Font, set Color...

arnaudherve posted Jan 10 '09 at 12:06 pm

As I said in another message I just had to rescue a hard disk from a failed computer, for someone who receives important legal documents.


In this occasion I would have found it handy to be able to open the folder from outside of Pmail, and see where the pdf attachments were. I had to look precisely for documents containing signed agreements and the specific numbers of commercial orders, that was the priority. Messages were less important.


Had there been an attachments folder, it would have been useful. I imagine it could be useful for other purposes too. Like direct browsing.

arnaudherve posted Sep 24 '08 at 9:20 pm

I was imagining the case of a girl-friend's message, and it occurred to me that I would like to see a nice photograph opening along the message's window.

Then it occurred to me that, for any kind of contact, it could be useful to have the individual identity card from the address book opening, without the whole address book. For example to have the phone number immediately at hand.


arnaudherve posted Sep 21 '08 at 3:48 pm

Sorry about that. It's not default on mine but it was an update install.


I confirm it should be unchecked by default, and the text should be "Add attachment info...".


I even doubt its usefulness at all. I don't know any mail client, local or online, which will not succeed displaying the attachment by itself.

arnaudherve posted Sep 23 '08 at 11:58 am

What you say is right and to a certain extent enlightening: the New Mail folder is the built-in Last Mail folder, and consequently it would be unelegant to add another folder with the same function.


My problem arises when messages disappear from the New Mail folder due to reception rules, and when reception rules folders are too numerous to be seen all at once. In that situation I have a new message without an indication of new message directly on the screen, which is always bad for a mail client. The solution you suggest is to make reception rules applicable only when folder is closed, which is very clever indeed: Messages would be visible in chronological order in New Mail folder, and after that archived in the reception rules folders. That would be the most elegant and close to perfection. ( BTW, closing Pmail is out of question, in orthodox windows programming at least, so I assumed you meant closing folders. )


However, why should I be forced to close New Mail folder? If I have a reception folder for discussion list [scubadiving], I want to be able to open Scuba Diving folder at once without closing New Mail.


More deeply now, New Mail folder was my Last Mail folder until I learned to use reception rules. I now use specific reception folders so extensively that New Mail has become more like Primitive Mail. More precisely, it is Unexpected Mail at the top, and Unclassified Mail at the bottom.


Maybe there are simpler solutions. For example the Folders Window could show a big New Mail icon after each POP retrieval. Or a different top bar color until I have scrolled down. Or both.


Or a new Folders window with only the relevant folders. So there would be two Folders windows: one for Folders with New Mail, one for all archived mail.


Or we could start the other way round and right-click on a folder: Warn me when there is New Mail in this folder. That would perhaps be convenient, since I don't absolutely have to read mail from discussion lists immediately, but I do have to read mail from individual clients. Or maybe "Open this folder in a new window of its own whenever there is new mail." That would create a third window and would remain consistent with the rest.


Please Add back the File Menu option to change user accounts.  

It was there in 4.41 and prior versions as long as I can remember.........

While I was able to create a new to add this as a choice...

I'm habit stuck in YEARS worth of keyboard commands for a feature no loner

supported in the 4.5 version.







arnaudherve posted Sep 5 '08 at 11:08 am

Maybe to celebrate version 5 there could be a new flying horse image.


I imagine for instance a very simplified horse figure in vector graphics. Maybe manga style.


Maybe a black Pegasus on light green background. Why not? That would look kiwi.

arnaudherve posted Sep 5 '08 at 10:59 am

In the pop options window, maybe it would be good to have a "Check every x minutes" field added to the seconds field.


It would avoid the user calculating the number of seconds to make it 15 minutes for instance.

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