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I want to have some rules that only filter READ mail when closing New mail-folder

The last line sounds like the solution! Although a little cumbersome.

It would be smarter if the options on the "Attributes"-filter-window were combined with the options on other filter-windows like "Headers".

Thank you!

 - Henrik


<P>The last line sounds like the solution! Although a little cumbersome.</P> <P>It would be smarter if the options on the "Attributes"-filter-window were combined with the options on other filter-windows like "Headers".</P> <P>Thank you!</P> <P> - Henrik</P> <P mce_keep="true"> </P>

Dear Everybody

I can't find a way to make Pegasus apply certain rules ONLY on read messages, when closing the New mail folder.

That would by very useful.

How could that be done?


Henrik Rosenø


<P>Dear Everybody</P> <P>I can't find a way to make Pegasus apply certain rules ONLY on read messages, when closing the New mail folder.</P> <P>That would by very useful.</P> <P>How could that be done?</P> <P>Regards,</P> <P>Henrik Rosenø</P> <P mce_keep="true"> </P>

1) Tools -> Mail filtering rules -> Edit new mail filtering rules -> Rules applied when folder is closed

2) Click "Add rule" and choose to create a filter of the type "Attributes"

3) Check the checkbox in front of "Is marked as having been read"

4) Choose the action (copy/move etc) that you want to perform.

If you wish to combine this rule with some matching on other properties of the message such as from/to address, I suggest you take a look at dividing your filters into sections using the "call label" and "return from call" rules. 

<p><b>1)</b> Tools -> Mail filtering rules -> Edit new mail filtering rules -> Rules applied when folder is closed</p><p><b>2)</b> Click "Add rule" and choose to create a filter of the type "Attributes"</p><p><b>3)</b> Check the checkbox in front of "Is marked as having been read"</p><p><b>4)</b> Choose the action (copy/move etc) that you want to perform.</p><p>If you wish to combine this rule with some matching on other properties of the message such as from/to address, I suggest you take a look at dividing your filters into sections using the "<b>call label</b>" and "<b>return from call</b>" rules. </p>
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