Mercury Suggestions
Graywall Feature Request - honeypot (RCPT TO: ) exclusions

I know your post is old, but just wanted to add my voice that I think this would be a killer feature to be added to graywall.  Allowing any mail to the honeypot address address to get through.  That way those messages could be tagged as spam at least 15 minutes before they are sent to other users. 

The way it is now if a spam message is being sent to a bunch of users there is no guarantee that it will be sent to the honeypot address first.  It may in fact go to all the other users before ever being sent to the honeypot address.

<p>I know your post is old, but just wanted to add my voice that I think this would be a killer feature to be added to graywall.  Allowing any mail to the honeypot address address to get through.  That way those messages could be tagged as spam at least 15 minutes before they are sent to other users.  </p><p>The way it is now if a spam message is being sent to a bunch of users there is no guarantee that it will be sent to the honeypot address first.  It may in fact go to all the other users before ever being sent to the honeypot address. </p>

Hi all,
I just discovered that not only a mailing list exists but a forum too. I am sorry for "crossposting" but think the post might be placed better here

I am using M/32 4.52 /w Spamhalter and Graywall enabled.
As usefull as a honeypot certainly is it is made almost worthless by the great Graywall feature. Graywall blocks 98% of the SPAM attacking my domains. In means of training the Spamhalter DB using honeypots this is a pitty as the honeypot addresses are blocked the same way.
Was it possible to either read directly the spamhalter.ini and let the honeypot addresses pass or (better) have the same "Honeypot=[addresses]"
line in graywall.ini (in this case I could reduce the "whitelisted" traffic in case it gets too much for the server). One could use the Exclusions-tab of graywall and add a 2nd box for recipient addresses excluded from being graywalled.
For a first shot and as a test the .ini line was enough and I was happy to be a alpha- or beta-tester.
Thank you very much

[edit]adjusted tags[/edit]

<P>Hi all,   I just discovered that not only a mailing list exists but a forum too. I am sorry for "crossposting" but think the post might be placed better here I am using M/32 4.52 /w Spamhalter and Graywall enabled. As usefull as a honeypot certainly is it is made almost worthless by the great Graywall feature. Graywall blocks 98% of the SPAM attacking my domains. In means of training the Spamhalter DB using honeypots this is a pitty as the honeypot addresses are blocked the same way.   Was it possible to either read directly the spamhalter.ini and let the honeypot addresses pass or (better) have the same "Honeypot=[addresses]" line in graywall.ini (in this case I could reduce the "whitelisted" traffic in case it gets too much for the server). One could use the Exclusions-tab of graywall and add a 2nd box for recipient addresses excluded from being graywalled.   For a first shot and as a test the .ini line was enough and I was happy to be a alpha- or beta-tester.       Thank you very much Rainer</P> <P>[edit]adjusted tags[/edit]</P>
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