German Pegasus Mail
Spam Mail lastet Pegasus und Computer voll aus

Hallo Pegasus-Macher,

ich habe hier wiederholt eine SPAM-Email von EuroMillions bekommen, die Pegasus sehr lange hängen lässt und den Computer ziemlich auslastet, wenn ich sie mir in der Vorschau- oder Einzel-Ansicht ansehen möchte. Pegasus kann man dann abschießen und es geht wie vorgesehen in den Modus ohne Vorschauansicht. Soweit kann ich damit leben.

Hat jemand interesse, sich diese Email mal genauer anzusehen? Ich könnte sie dann 7zippen und zur Verfügung stellen.

Schon mal vorab: Sie enthält ziemlich viel Whitespace.

Viele Grüße an die Alt-Pegasusen!


<p>Hallo Pegasus-Macher,</p><p>ich habe hier wiederholt eine SPAM-Email von EuroMillions bekommen, die Pegasus sehr lange hängen lässt und den Computer ziemlich auslastet, wenn ich sie mir in der Vorschau- oder Einzel-Ansicht ansehen möchte. Pegasus kann man dann abschießen und es geht wie vorgesehen in den Modus ohne Vorschauansicht. Soweit kann ich damit leben. </p><p>Hat jemand interesse, sich diese Email mal genauer anzusehen? Ich könnte sie dann 7zippen und zur Verfügung stellen. </p><p>Schon mal vorab: Sie enthält ziemlich viel Whitespace.</p><p>Viele Grüße an die Alt-Pegasusen!</p><p>Jörg </p>

I would like to examine one of these problem messages in Bearhtml.  If I find anything of interest I will pass it on to Michael for IERenderer  checkout.

Send by forwarding "bounce" original to:  Thanks


<p>I would like to examine one of these problem messages in Bearhtml.  If I find anything of interest I will pass it on to Michael for IERenderer  checkout.</p><p>Send by forwarding "bounce" original to:  Thanks </p><p>Martin </p>

I have received the sample message and reviewed it. The message is severely damaged html. It looks like it was created by some html message generator that got itself into a loop and probably ran out of disk space while creating the Sp*m.

No surprise the sender is faked and is your email address, so the only solution to this kind of sp*m is to set a filter on incoming mail that has a From: using your email address.

You could also setup a filter for the subject line, but that would probably be more work than it is worth doing.


<p>I have received the sample message and reviewed it. The message is severely damaged html. It looks like it was created by some html message generator that got itself into a loop and probably ran out of disk space while creating the Sp*m.</p><p>No surprise the sender is faked and is your email address, so the only solution to this kind of sp*m is to set a filter on incoming mail that has a From: using your email address. </p><p>You could also setup a filter for the subject line, but that would probably be more work than it is worth doing. </p><p>Martin </p>

Martin, can you please forward a copy nevertheless? TIA

Martin, can you please forward a copy nevertheless? TIA
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Michael  I have sent you both the 7Z compressed attachment (16Kb)  and the expanded attachment (615Kb) so you can view it outside Pegasus Mail. The compression achieved is mostly due to the blank lines.


<p>Michael  I have sent you both the 7Z compressed attachment (16Kb)  and the expanded attachment (615Kb) so you can view it outside Pegasus Mail. The compression achieved is mostly due to the blank lines. </p><p>Martin </p>
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