Community Discussions and Support
About this forum - what it is, what it isn't, and how to use it.

Welcome to the Community Support forum for the Mercury Mail Transport System.

What this forum IS: 

a place where you can ask questions and give answers, where Mercury

users can share their expertise and experience with each other for

the benefit of all.

What this forum IS NOT:

an official technical support forum. Whilst I and my test teams will

participate here as much as time permits, the fact that you post a

question does not create any formal obligation on us to answer it. We

will do our best to assist you as time and circumstance permits.

Rules for using this forum: This forum is provided as a community service: as such, certain rules apply.

  • No

    flames, outbursts, bad manners, slurs, abuse or rudeness. Discourteous

    behaviour will not be tolerated. Forum moderators will delete posts

    that breach this rule without notice or apology. Don't get me wrong:

    you're welcome to complain here - but if you do so, do it courteously

    and respectfully and we'll all get along fine.

  • No spam or advertising. Don't post irrelevant messages or advertise products unless they are directly relevant to Mercury.
  • No large attachments, please.
  • No wishlists please - not because we don't want them, but because there is another forum specifically intended for them.
  • No WareZ, no links to illegal download sites, no porn, no material that breaches copyright.

To participate in this forum, you must be a registered user of the site.

These rules notwithstanding, this forum is provided so that we can all help each other. Enjoy!

-- David Harris --
<p><b>Welcome to the Community Support forum for the Mercury Mail Transport System.</b> <font color="#0000cc"><b>What this forum IS:</b></font>  a place where you can ask questions and give answers, where Mercury users can share their expertise and experience with each other for the benefit of all. <font color="#0000cc"><b>What this forum IS NOT:</b></font> an official technical support forum. Whilst I and my test teams will participate here as much as time permits, the fact that you post a question does not create any formal obligation on us to answer it. We will do our best to assist you as time and circumstance permits. <b>Rules for using this forum: </b>This forum is provided as a community service: as such, certain rules apply.</p><ul><li>No flames, outbursts, bad manners, slurs, abuse or rudeness. Discourteous behaviour will not be tolerated. Forum moderators will delete posts that breach this rule without notice or apology. Don't get me wrong: you're welcome to complain here - but if you do so, do it courteously and respectfully and we'll all get along fine. </li><li>No spam or advertising. Don't post irrelevant messages or advertise products unless they are directly relevant to Mercury.</li><li>No large attachments, please.</li><li>No wishlists please - not because we don't want them, but because there is another forum specifically intended for them. </li><li>No WareZ, no links to illegal download sites, no porn, no material that breaches copyright. </li></ul><p>To participate in this forum, you must be a registered user of the site. These rules notwithstanding, this forum is provided so that we can all help each other. Enjoy!</p>-- David Harris --
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