Mercury Suggestions
Commandline too short in Policy


Yes, I already use dos command format, sometimes it is still not short enough.  In these cases I resort to .bat files.  However, this is the 'Suggestion & Wishlist' forum, which is why I am posting a request for a feature, which in my opinion, should have been implemented years ago.

<p>@fojtik </p><p>Yes, I already use dos command format, sometimes it is still not short enough.  In these cases I resort to .bat files.  However, this is the 'Suggestion & Wishlist' forum, which is why I am posting a request for a feature, which in my opinion, should have been implemented years ago. </p>

Configuration->Mercury core module...->Policy->"Commandline".  The number of characters is too short (128?).  I'm sure this is a remnant from Win98 days, but it is far too restrictive today.  Many virus scanners have longer command line parameters than they used to (likely because they have moved on from Win98 days).  The result is that I cannot run mine (nod32) directly using this setting in Mercury, I have had to create a batch file and run using a sentinel file.  This should not be necessary and is likely beyond many novice users.

Ideally, Mercury would set the length of this parameter based on the detected OS, but I'd settle for a hard-coded limit based on the NT 5+ kernel (Win2k+) which is 2046 characters (WinXP+ = 8191 chars).


<p>Configuration->Mercury core module...->Policy->"Commandline".  The number of characters is too short (128?).  I'm sure this is a remnant from Win98 days, but it is far too restrictive today.  Many virus scanners have longer command line parameters than they used to (likely because they have moved on from Win98 days).  The result is that I cannot run mine (nod32) directly using this setting in Mercury, I have had to create a batch file and run using a sentinel file.  This should not be necessary and is likely beyond many novice users. </p><p>Ideally, Mercury would set the length of this parameter based on the detected OS, but I'd settle for a hard-coded limit based on the NT 5+ kernel (Win2k+) which is 2046 characters (WinXP+ = 8191 chars).  </p>

Most admins use virprot when calling nod32

Most admins use <a href="/files/folders/mercadd/entry803.aspx" title="VirProt Anti-virus application invoker for Mercury" mce_href="/files/folders/mercadd/entry803.aspx">virprot</a> when calling nod32

Great, but I shouldn't have to use an external 'pipe' to do what Mercury should be able to do internally.  The command line length is a problem, regardless of workarounds.  This is a suggestion/wish, not a request for help.


<p>Great, but I shouldn't have to use an external 'pipe' to do what Mercury should be able to do internally.  The command line length is a problem, regardless of workarounds.  This is a suggestion/wish, not a request for help.  </p>

As long as Mercury supports Windows 98 it wouldn't be a good idea to have a command line that exceeds the maximum length for that OS. But if it would be possible to detect the OS and set the length accordingly without extensive code changes that certainly sounds like an improvement.


<p>As long as Mercury supports Windows 98 it wouldn't be a good idea to have a command line that exceeds the maximum length for that OS. But if it would be possible to detect the OS and set the length accordingly without extensive code changes that certainly sounds like an improvement. </p><p>/Rolf </p>

I think the minimal 'fix' that would work is to set the length to 2048 chars, but if the user enters more than 128 chars, have a popup warning letting the user know that their command may not work if they use Win98/95/ME.  Nice and simple.

Still, OS detection is *not* difficult.  It's a simple registry lookup...

<p>I think the minimal 'fix' that would work is to set the length to 2048 chars, but if the user enters more than 128 chars, have a popup warning letting the user know that their command may not work if they use Win98/95/ME.  Nice and simple.</p><p>Still, OS detection is *not* difficult.  It's a simple registry lookup...  </p>

There should be no problem to enter shortened path:

dir c:\progra~1\

15355\ Webcam\ Live
NX\ Client\ for\ Windows


do you see how to short the file path. This works even on Windows XP. 

<p>There should be no problem to enter shortened path:</p><p>dir c:\progra~1\ </p><p>15355\ Webcam\ Live MySQL 7-Zip NX\ Client\ for\ Windows </p><p> </p><p>do you see how to short the file path. This works even on Windows XP. </p>
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