Mercury FAQ
mercury run as nt service

[quote user="arnaudherve"]It would perhaps be interesting to move the messages on Mercury to the Mercury category.

You're perfectly right. Done.

<p>[quote user="arnaudherve"]It would perhaps be interesting to move the messages on Mercury to the Mercury category. [/quote]</p><p>You're perfectly right. Done. </p>


I need to run mercury server as NT service but need still to have access to the management screen.


any idea?



<P>Hi </P> <P>I need to run mercury server as NT service but need still to have access to the management screen.</P> <P mce_keep="true"> </P> <P>any idea?</P> <P mce_keep="true"> </P> <P>cheers</P>

NTwrapper (lite)

Edit by Peter: NTWrapper Homepage is at:

<P>NTwrapper (lite)</P> <P mce_keep="true">Edit by Peter: NTWrapper Homepage is at: <A href=""></A></P>

You can also use srvany/instsrv, see at :

<p>You can also use srvany/instsrv, see at : </p>

It would perhaps be interesting to move the messages on Mercury to the Mercury category.

It would perhaps be interesting to move the messages on Mercury to the Mercury category.
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