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Pegasus Crashes when Printing Attachments

Here is another thing that conistently causes Pegasus to shut down for me - whenever try to print an attachment. Printing the message is no problem, but when I am looking at an attachment and try to print, Pegasus exits and shuts down. Just got a  new computer, and it still does it. Any help out there for this? pmail 4.41 / WinXP.

Here is another thing that conistently causes Pegasus to shut down for me - whenever try to print an attachment. Printing the message is no problem, but when I am looking at an attachment and try to print, Pegasus exits and shuts down. Just got a  new computer, and it still does it. Any help out there for this? pmail 4.41 / WinXP.

I have been havig a problem with PM for awjile now. When I try to move a

message to a folder pegasus freezes up and I winf up restarting the program. It does

not respond. This just started happening about a week ago. Here's the deal. I highlite a

message right click and try to move it to a folder. Notnhings happens, Help.........




<FONT size=2> <P align=left>I have been havig a problem with PM for awjile now. When I try to move a</P> <P align=left>message to a folder pegasus freezes up and I winf up restarting the program. It does</P> <P align=left>not respond. This just started happening about a week ago. Here's the deal. I highlite a</P> <P align=left>message right click and try to move it to a folder. Notnhings happens, Help......... </P> <P align=left mce_keep="true"> </P> <P align=left mce_keep="true"> </P> <P align=left>Gene</P></FONT>

Can you provide any more information at all.  I can't see Pegasus Mail doing this without some external changes to the system,

Can you provide any more information at all.  I can't see Pegasus Mail doing this without some external changes to the system,

Ok, I am using vista home on a dell.  I try to use the feature to classify spam on the system.    When I do the system freezes up and I have to restart. I hope this helps.

Ok, I am using vista home on a dell.  I try to use the feature to classify spam on the system.    When I do the system freezes up and I have to restart. I hope this helps.

[quote user="Gene"]Ok, I am using vista home on a dell.  I try to use the feature to classify spam on the system.    When I do the system freezes up and I have to restart. I hope this helps.[/quote]

Actually it does not help all that much.  I do not think the Dell is causing the problem but Vista could be.  i also do not know what feature you are using to classify the spam. We really need more specifics about what you are doing.

<p>[quote user="Gene"]Ok, I am using vista home on a dell.  I try to use the feature to classify spam on the system.    When I do the system freezes up and I have to restart. I hope this helps.[/quote]</p><p>Actually it does not help all that much.  I do not think the Dell is causing the problem but Vista could be.  i also do not know what feature you are using to classify the spam. We really need more specifics about what you are doing. </p>

Ok, here goes.  When i have recieved a message that I want to classify as spam.  I right click on the message and go to spamhalter andclick on classify as spam.  I then click on that.  The email client freezes up and I have to restart Pegasus.  When I restart I have to click on continue to get back into Pegasus.

Ok, here goes.  When i have recieved a message that I want to classify as spam.  I right click on the message and go to spamhalter andclick on classify as spam.  I then click on that.  The email client freezes up and I have to restart Pegasus.  When I restart I have to click on continue to get back into Pegasus.

Go to Tools | Spam and content control | Spamhalter and tell us how you have configured Spamhalter.


<p>Go to Tools | Spam and content control | Spamhalter and tell us how you have configured Spamhalter.</p><p> </p>

Ok,  I have spamhalter enabled. I have Spam Folder set as spam. I have train on classification errors set. I have spam level set: 100%  Not spam boost: 2

<STRONG>Ok,  I have spamhalter enabled. I have Spam Folder set as spam. I have train on classification errors set. I have spam level set: 100%  Not spam boost: 2</STRONG>

[quote user="Gene"]Ok,  I have spamhalter enabled. I have Spam Folder set as spam. I have train on classification errors set. I have spam level set: 100%  Not spam boost: 2[/quote]


Does the folder spam actually exist?  Can you move a message to this folder?  Does it become classified as spam if you do?


<p>[quote user="Gene"]<b>Ok,  I have spamhalter enabled. I have Spam Folder set as spam. I have train on classification errors set. I have spam level set: 100%  Not spam boost: 2</b>[/quote]</p><p> </p><p>Does the folder spam actually exist?  Can you move a message to this folder?  Does it become classified as spam if you do?</p><p> </p>

The folder does exist. I have to check to see if it does in fact classify the messages.  I wil also check to see if I can move messages to folder.

The folder does exist. I have to check to see if it does in fact classify the messages.  I wil also check to see if I can move messages to folder.

I tried it and I can move messages in and out of the folder.  I hope you checked my setting. I have since set the spam levels to 80%.

I tried it and I can move messages in and out of the folder.  I hope you checked my setting. I have since set the spam levels to 80%.
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