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The "Other Mailbox Location" Question

Apologies if this is too far off-topic, but I've been running Pegasus Mail in "standalone mode" for hundreds of users for many years.  Works great!

I just set the location of PMAIL.INI and friends to a mapped network drive, that is individually mapped at network login time to each person's private "home" folder.

So, winpm-32.exe lives in P:/CURRENT/PMAIL, along with the various .fff files and similar customizations we have in place, and PMAIL.CFG (in the same share) tells Pegasus to find its other files in H:/PMAIL.

When I upgrade pegasus, I install the new version on the P: network share and test it for a while, figuring out the new capabilities and making sure there aren't any bugs that would impact my users, and once that's done I just move the new version to /CURRENT.

There are some additional bells and whistles - for instance, the /CURRENT directory is actually a symbolic link on the host side, so I can switch versions on the fly rather easily, and we dynamically generate registry hacks, policies, and login scripts from a perl script that runs on the server at network login time - but I think I hit the high points.

Since the location of a mail directory is a mapped drive, it's easily moved about, as long as the mapping resolves to the new location.  We're completely IMAPped now, too, so the individual PMAIL directories only hold personal settings and cache info.

Oh, and don't do this technique on a dial-up link if you are using POP or any other mail storage method that will require Pegasus to open bazillions of files on the H: share.  It will become so slow as to be unuseable with relatively few messages - this isn't really Pmail's fault, it's because SMB is a grossly inefficient protocol and Pegasus was orginally developed on the relatively snappy IPX stack.  You're still OK with IMAP though, even on a slow link.

<p>Apologies if this is too far off-topic, but I've been running Pegasus Mail in "standalone mode" for hundreds of users for many years.  Works great! </p><p>I just set the location of PMAIL.INI and friends to a mapped network drive, that is individually mapped at network login time to each person's private "home" folder.</p><p>So, winpm-32.exe lives in P:/CURRENT/PMAIL, along with the various .fff files and similar customizations we have in place, and PMAIL.CFG (in the same share) tells Pegasus to find its other files in H:/PMAIL. </p><p>When I upgrade pegasus, I install the new version on the P: network share and test it for a while, figuring out the new capabilities and making sure there aren't any bugs that would impact my users, and once that's done I just move the new version to /CURRENT.</p><p>There are some additional bells and whistles - for instance, the /CURRENT directory is actually a symbolic link on the host side, so I can switch versions on the fly rather easily, and we dynamically generate registry hacks, policies, and login scripts from a perl script that runs on the server at network login time - but I think I hit the high points.</p><p>Since the location of a mail directory is a mapped drive, it's easily moved about, as long as the mapping resolves to the new location.  We're completely IMAPped now, too, so the individual PMAIL directories only hold personal settings and cache info.</p><p>Oh, and don't do this technique on a dial-up link if you are using POP or any other mail storage method that will require Pegasus to open bazillions of files on the H: share.  It will become so slow as to be unuseable with relatively few messages - this isn't really Pmail's fault, it's because SMB is a grossly inefficient protocol and Pegasus was orginally developed on the relatively snappy IPX stack.  You're still OK with IMAP though, even on a slow link.</p>

I assume that the "other mailbox" glitch has yet to be fixed. When it is, will it be possible to locate users' mail locations in different locations rather than in the main mail folder?


<P>I assume that the "other mailbox" glitch has yet to be fixed. When it is, will it be possible to locate users' mail locations in different locations rather than in the main mail folder?</P> <P>sam</P>

On 23 Jun 2007 Pegasus Mail & Mercury - Automated Email <> wrote:

> I assume that the "other mailbox" glitch has yet to be fixed.
> When it is, will it be possible to locate users' mail
> locations in different locations rather than in the main mail
> folder?
> sam

I assume you are talking about moving the HOME mailbox directory.

In order to move the mailbox location you must either use v3.12c or  

1.  Use Help | About Pegasus Mail | Info and note the current
    HOME mail directory.  It's generally the same as the NEW
    mail directory.

2.  Exit WinPmail.

3.  Edit pmail.ini file in the NEW mail directory and change the
    following line to point at the new HOME mail directory.
    These are using the UNC format to point at server ESVCS,
    volume SYS, directory MAIL, subdirectory BB000001

Home mailbox location            = \\ESVCS\SYS\MAIL\BB000001
Working home mailbox location    = \\ESVCS\SYS\MAIL\BB000001

3.  Move all of the files from the HOME mail directory to the
    new HOME mail directory but DO NOT move pmail.ini.

On 23 Jun 2007 Pegasus Mail &amp;amp; Mercury - Automated Email &amp;lt;&amp;gt; wrote: &amp;gt; I assume that the &quot;other mailbox&quot; glitch has yet to be fixed. &amp;gt; When it is, will it be possible to locate users&#039; mail &amp;gt; locations in different locations rather than in the main mail &amp;gt; folder? &amp;gt; &amp;gt; sam I assume you are talking about moving the HOME mailbox directory. In order to move the mailbox location you must either use v3.12c or &amp;nbsp; 1.&amp;nbsp; Use Help | About Pegasus Mail | Info and note the current &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; HOME mail directory.&amp;nbsp; It&#039;s generally the same as the NEW &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; mail directory. 2.&amp;nbsp; Exit WinPmail. 3.&amp;nbsp; Edit pmail.ini file in the NEW mail directory and change the &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; following line to point at the new HOME mail directory. &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; These are using the UNC format to point at server ESVCS, &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; volume SYS, directory MAIL, subdirectory BB000001 Home mailbox location&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; = \\ESVCS\SYS\MAIL\BB000001 Working home mailbox location&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; = \\ESVCS\SYS\MAIL\BB000001 3.&amp;nbsp; Move all of the files from the HOME mail directory to the &amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; new HOME mail directory but DO NOT move pmail.ini.

Thanks for that. It's helpful and I'll try it.

But I'm sorry if I was unclear-- what I want to know is this:  In a multi-user installation, there are 4 users. Each has a mail folder which is a sub-directory in the default MAIL directory. Is it possible to move, say, User4's mail folder to another location on the hard drive away from the default MAIL directory and leave the other 3 as is?

&lt;P&gt;Thanks for that. It&#039;s helpful and I&#039;ll try it. &lt;/P&gt; &lt;P&gt;But I&#039;m sorry if I was unclear-- what I want to know is this:&amp;nbsp; In a multi-user installation, there are 4 users. Each has a mail folder which is a sub-directory in the default MAIL directory. Is it possible to move, say, User4&#039;s mail folder to another location on the hard drive away from the default MAIL directory and leave the other 3 as is?&lt;/P&gt;

On 24 Jun 2007 Pegasus Mail & Mercury - Automated Email <> wrote:

> Thanks for that. It's helpful and I'll try it.
> But I'm sorry if I was unclear-- what I want to know is this:  In a
> multi-user installation, there are 4 users. Each has a mail folder
> which is a sub-directory in the default MAIL directory. Is it
> possible to move, say, User4's mail folder to another location on
> the hard drive away from the default MAIL directory and leave the
> other 3 as is?

You cannot move the NEW mail directory and still use the same program but you can move the HOME mail directory. Use Help | About Pegasus Mail | Info as this user and you'll see his directory structure, the HOME and NEW mail directory is probably the same.  The New mail directory contains the pmail.ini file, all the other files can be moved to a different directory and the pmail.ini file modified to point at that other directory.

On 24 Jun 2007 Pegasus Mail &amp;amp; Mercury - Automated Email &amp;lt;&amp;gt; wrote: &amp;gt; Thanks for that. It&#039;s helpful and I&#039;ll try it. &amp;gt; &amp;gt; But I&#039;m sorry if I was unclear-- what I want to know is this:&amp;nbsp; In a &amp;gt; multi-user installation, there are 4 users. Each has a mail folder &amp;gt; which is a sub-directory in the default MAIL directory. Is it &amp;gt; possible to move, say, User4&#039;s mail folder to another location on &amp;gt; the hard drive away from the default MAIL directory and leave the &amp;gt; other 3 as is? You cannot move the NEW mail directory and still use the same program but you can move the HOME mail directory. Use Help | About Pegasus Mail | Info as this user and you&#039;ll see his directory structure, the HOME and NEW mail directory is probably the same.&amp;nbsp; The New mail directory contains the pmail.ini file, all the other files can be moved to a different directory and the pmail.ini file modified to point at that other directory.

[quote user="sam"]

But I'm sorry if I was unclear-- what I want to know is this:  In a multi-user installation, there are 4 users. Each has a mail folder which is a sub-directory in the default MAIL directory. Is it possible to move, say, User4's mail folder to another location on the hard drive away from the default MAIL directory and leave the other 3 as is?


Not at this point, no - or at least, not in standalone mode. A network personality module for Pegasus Mail, such as the two NetWare modules supplied with the program, can locate both new mail and home mail directories practically anywhere, but in standalone mode only the clustered model is supported.

This is definitely something I plan to change, but for now, I'm afraid I can't help you.


-- David --

[quote user=&quot;sam&quot;]&lt;p&gt;But I&#039;m sorry if I was unclear-- what I want to know is this:&amp;nbsp; In a multi-user installation, there are 4 users. Each has a mail folder which is a sub-directory in the default MAIL directory. Is it possible to move, say, User4&#039;s mail folder to another location on the hard drive away from the default MAIL directory and leave the other 3 as is?&lt;/p&gt;[/quote] Not at this point, no - or at least, not in standalone mode. A network personality module for Pegasus Mail, such as the two NetWare modules supplied with the program, can locate both new mail and home mail directories practically anywhere, but in standalone mode only the clustered model is supported. This is definitely something I plan to change, but for now, I&#039;m afraid I can&#039;t help you. Cheers! -- David --
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