Community Discussions and Support
Address book picture removal

Hello Peter in New Zealand,

It seems it's not possible to remove a photo within Pegasus Mail so delete or rename the picture in your Windows Explorer.

<p>Hello Peter in New Zealand, It seems it's not possible to remove a photo within Pegasus Mail so delete or rename the picture in your Windows Explorer. </p>

Have returned to pegasus after several years absense and find it just as solid as ever. But there is one thing that came up while I was banging entires into the address book. How do I remove a photo previously attached to an address book entry? Sounds like a silly question, but for some reason I just can't seem to find how. Thank you. [:$]

<P>Have returned to pegasus after several years absense and find it just as solid as ever. But there is one thing that came up while I was banging entires into the address book. How do I remove a photo previously attached to an address book entry? Sounds like a silly question, but for some reason I just can't seem to find how. Thank you. [:$]</P>
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