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Rolf Lindby posted Jul 24 '09 at 4:56 pm

As Thomas pointed out, brackets are required around IP numbers in Local domains. Furthermore it appears you have misspelled the sender address in your messages (...huse instead of


Rolf Lindby posted May 29 '13 at 4:46 am

There is an update for Mercury, v4.80, being beta tested right now, and one of the main changes is that Cryptlib has been replaced by OpenSSL. With this version it will be possible to use certificates from any CA. I don't have a release date yet though.


dabravokid posted Jul 22 '09 at 10:08 pm

Thanks so much for the help, I can now confirm I have a working system supporting multiple domains.  Just got to get squirrel mail or similar inplace and tie up the loose ends with security and access.  Then its apache, php and mysql.

Chris Bolton posted Jul 18 '09 at 12:45 am

Thanks, Thomas and Rolf, for your advice, and apologies for troubling you. I have fixed the problem.

Although my domains in mercury.ini didn't have the errors suggested, and the structure of the entries for my new domain replicated the existing (and working) ones, there was a surplus line in them - dating from the time when I first set up Mercury and knew even less than I know now.

I have learned two things which I hope may be of use to others

- if your domains are not set up correctly you can get weird things happening, such as being a valid address and being invalid, even with a domain mailbox. Such effects may be completely random, and not symmetrical between accounts, even if the accounts are set up the same way.

- don't munge (edit) log postings to try to avoid publishing domain names or addresses (not even a little bit)





> HI Everyone,
> Thanks for the great feedback. I still do not know what I am doing what I have done is made screen captures of everything I
> think may be important (the MX record, A record, Mercury.ini, screenshots of what I am seeing, etc). These can be found at
> . If anyone would kindly take a look at this for me and perhaps point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.
>  Thanks in advance,

Answer Section:, MX, 0,, A,, NS,, NS,

Answer Section:, A,


Answers as a mail server

220 ESMTP server ready.
ehlo thomas Hello thomas; ESMTPs are:
250-SIZE 0
250 HELP


Mercury.ini I have removed lines that are not a problem.

> [General]
> myname:    # Canonical name for this server

Since this is the domain for the postmaster and maiser addresses I would use just

> timezone:        +0000    # Time Zone to add to date fields
> file_api:        1    # Use the file api instead of queues
> mailqueue:       C:\MERCURY\QUEUE    # Where mail should be put for delivery
> smtpqueue:       C:\MERCURY\QUEUE    # Where the SMTP client should look for mail
> newmail_path:    C:\PMAIL\MAIL\~N    # Where to find the users' WinPMail mailboxes.

Everything else looks good.

> [Protocols]
> C:\MERCURY\mercurys.dll
> C:\MERCURY\mercurye.dll
> C:\MERCURY\mercuryp.dll

Three active protocols.
> [Mercury]
> postmaster:    postmaster    # NetWare UIC of postmaster

I assume that you have created an account called postmaster.

> [MercuryC]
Not used.

> [MercuryE]
> HELO :

You can leave this blank and it will pick up the data from the system name above.

> Nameservers :

Use the IP addresses of the name servers, i.e.,[][]

> Logfile : C:\MERCURY\Logs\MercuryE\~y-~m-~d.log
> Log_Verbose : 0
> DNS_Timeout : 20
> DNS_Retries : 4
> Transcripts : 1
> MaxThreads : 10
> [MercuryD]
Not used
> [MercuryS]
> Debug : 1
> Logfile : C:\MERCURY\Logs\MercuryS\~y-~m-~d.log
> Timeout : 30
> Relay : 0
> Strict_Relay : 0

Turn on strict since otherwise the spammers sending as your users will be able to relay.

> Allow_Illegals : 0
> SMTP_Authentication : 0
> Session_logging : C:\MERCURY\Sessions\MercuryS
> Session_logmode : 0
> Compliance_Settings : 0
> Maximum_Failed_Rcpts : 4
> Max_Relay_Attempts : 4
> SSL_Mode : 0
> ST_Blacklisting : 288
> No_VRFY : 0
> SMTP_ConnFlags : 0
> [MercuryP]

Nothing special here.

> [Domains]
> server: server
> server: server

Need a lot more here.

Server :     Server
Server :
Server :
Server :    []


>>I would have though the router configuration would have shown the external interface and not the internal.

You asked for the external interface. But i have no idea how to get hold of that information. All i can access on the router is the page i just posted, with all options clicked on.

If you are only getting an IP address via DCHP then this is a dynamic address and you cannot use MercuryE with a dynamically assigned IP address.  You need to switch to using MercuryC and enter the host name of your ISP's SMTP host as the relay host name.

Thomas R. Stephenson posted Jul 11 '09 at 12:11 am

Here is a copy of the session log

Thanks for the help I am new to all of this.

 15:12:59.000: Connection from, Fri Jul 10 15:12:59 2009<lf>
Nothing wrong here, this was a completely normal mail transfer.  
GordonM posted Jul 9 '09 at 5:10 am

DLN - I am now clear about how SpamCop works.  Thank you for the explanation.

No, the connection using MercuryS is for a potential special application that I haven't set up yet.  Normally, I just download mail from several of my ISP accounts using the Distributing POP3 client and read it with IMAP4.

I haven't done anything specific with regard to MX.  My DNS record shows the name of my mail exchanger to be my normal domain name, i.e. not mail.domain_name or something like that.  Given that I have a rather simple arrangement for home use, I didn't think that anything else would be necessary.  I used the DNS check tool at and the answers that came back were what I expected.

PaulW - Thank you for the comment.  Yes, I can see that looking up the more servers is likely to result in more false positives.

Thank you



Please help us solve the problem. We have installed Novell 6.5, Mercuri 1.48.  NDS mode.

And we have a problem. We cannot make postmaster receive messages about

errors. For example, if mail comes to a user who is not registered in

Novell, Mercury  sends an answer to the author of the message about the error, but postmaster doesn’t get a message about it.

First of all a warning, I do not do NDS, only binary.  If mail is rejected by MercuryS then postmaster will only know about it by viewing the MercuryS logs.  If the mail gets to core then the way you are setup postmaster is also supposed to be notified but I would have to verify that mail to the is actually received.  I tried send to the address but the DNS said the domain was invalid.  Are you providing real data?



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