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BMS posted Feb 28 '10 at 12:55 am

Go to Network Configuration > Receiving > and enter a time frequency in seconds for checking your server.


Go to Tools > Options > User Interface > Reporting select all 6 options and also select desired sound to play on email receipt.

That's it. :-)


weamish posted Mar 1 '10 at 4:14 pm

[quote user="Sharkfin"]As an aside, I've never used this option myself so I'm intrigued as to why you use it so much.[/quote]


I find that almost all HTML emails look much better in the browser, more readable, easier to click on links and open in new tabs...

billmccray posted Feb 27 '10 at 1:30 am

Yep, that's it.  As soon as you mentioned it, I remembered that I had changed that option.  I set it back to "On Demand", where I had it before, and that fixed the problem.  Many thanks.




Doug posted Feb 26 '10 at 3:03 pm


Thanks - couldn't see the wood for the trees.

Is there a quicker way to delete 100's of previous search results rather than one by one, anybody?



Thomas R. Stephenson posted Feb 25 '10 at 6:38 pm

> Thanks to those who responded to my migration problems from Eudora to Pegasus 4.52. The migration is complete. Now, I am not able to send
> emails as I keep getting the error message "15. Peer connect failure (the host has refused the connection)". I am running a single laptop
> on Windows 7. I have entered the pop3 and asmtp parameters exactly as they are entered in Eudora which has no connection problems. Is there
> something unique in 4.52 which could be causing this problem?

The peer connect failure just means Pegasus Mail cannot connect to the host.  This can be because the Windows firewall is blocking Pegasus Mail access to the internet.  It could also be something else between Pegasus Mail and the internet doing the blocking.

Thomas R. Stephenson posted Mar 2 '10 at 6:29 pm

Thanks for you reply, and yep CTRL-SHIFT-P works!  Is there an explanation for this behaviour?

Sure, to print using the BearHTML viewer you need to use the CTRL+SHIFT+P, the normal P uses the built-in TER and it does have problems with some HTML.  Use SHIFT+F1 when reading a HTML message to get all of the options available with the bearHTML viewer.



To clarify my question above:

Can I send an email with Pegasus with fixed width lines/paragraphs where I control the width?

I can currently only reply with a fixed-width replied-to message, where each line begins with ">". I want my new added text to have paragraphs about the same width or a little wider.  Presently the new paragraphs expand to the width of the page -- both when printed and in sent emails.

The text is the desired width in the editor, but that doesn't carry through to printed or sent message. Are there settings that will control this?

Michael posted Feb 27 '10 at 6:11 pm

[quote user="Bones"]

I'm not sure what's going on... I'm new to Pegasus.  All I know is when I enter my email account information and try and retrieve email Pegasus sends me an error message that says Pegasus has encontered an error and needs to close every time[/quote]

Do you use any kind of SSL or TLS (see Tools => Internet Options => Receiving => [whatever the name of your POP3 definition is] => Security)? If so try Disable certificate validation.  You may need to check the SMTP definition for sending as well, and try Do not use CRAM-MD5 authentication ... when doing so.

If none of these helps you may need to run some diagnostics as described in (you may need to use my crash dump extension as explained in there).


I have installed 4.52 from scratch since I had to reformat my harddisk. I managed to get the old folders allright but my problem is also all the POP3 addresses. I will "happily" input them manually but how do I do? I have forgotten [*-)]

I have a main mail server and many mailboxes e.g. I remember the POP3 should be written something like "" or perhaps "". I have tried all various options but it will not work...???

I have managed to download mails from "" but the other mailboxes are impossible to reach.

I have managed to send e-mail via port 26 so that function is fine.

Please help me how and where to input the various mailboxes to get the hundreds of mails stuck there now!


Bjorn W


Teffy posted Jul 25 '11 at 1:02 am

THANK YOU!  I kept trying, and failing, to create another "entity which can send email" with the identity dialog. After reading your post, I was able to create a new "sender" account via Tools, Internet Options.

Teffy posted Feb 22 '11 at 7:12 am

Oh, yeah, now I have my signatures and Spamhalter data - it will be interesting to see what gets sent to the spam folder.

 Thanks also for the reference on file types!

 Pegasus rocks, and you guys rock for coaching me out of the mess I made!!!

rstuff posted Aug 12 '11 at 10:54 pm

I just went through the same thing as Art.  It got rid of preview mode for me but it also got rid of the list of folders.  How do I get the list of folders back without having preview mode?  I would like it to look like Outlook Express.

Sharkfin posted Feb 28 '10 at 8:14 pm

I've just experimented with Here's some info, though it may not be gospel and is definitely not helping with everything.

I suspect that the two versions of each, denoted by M and T, refer to the two different versions of the message that exist as Pegasus processes the sending. You may have heard of the "final form" message. This is where Pegasus takes the message you've submitted for sending and finalises it ready for delivery before initiating transfer to your SMTP server.

The NNYNNN section clearly refers to the selected options of the six boxes for Copy to self, Urgent, Confirm Reading, etc.

Your identity is also listed apparently (my said "default").

I tried to send to a couple of addresses and, to reproduce your error, included a period rather than a comma between the two recipient addresses. I immediately received a delivery failure message that said "553 Invalid address syntax". Neither address received the message. Your example had several recipients so perhaps all but the first two *did* get the message.

jhpark posted Feb 22 '10 at 6:28 pm

Yes I did.

Anyway, I took a backup, deleted state.pmj and it looks like all my settings regenerated just fine, so I think I'll leave it at that.

 I think this happened when my display driver went wonky -- windows gave me an error message about the driver not responding correctly anymore, and defaulted to something like 640x320 resolution. I'm guessing that when the screen redrew and Pmail had to render the list for that size, it could only fit in the From column, and dropped the others when I exited.

 Is there any chance that's what happened? It's the only unusual behavior on my PC I can remember that corresponds at all to the time I lost the other columns


Sharkfin posted Mar 21 '10 at 1:47 pm

Username should be the name of the folder in which your mail is kept. Usually has no more than 8 letters in it.

For example, in the folder structure below, 'admin' (without quotes) is the username:


petulengro posted Feb 21 '10 at 4:39 pm

Hello again Thomas,

Since my last entry I discovered an old reply of yours dated 11/09/2007 (How to migrate Pegasus)

In which you sugested the drive letter may have to be changed, I did this adn everything works fine.

Many thanks for your help, 

Regards Paul

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