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Sharkfin posted Jan 9 '10 at 4:42 pm

You need to delete the actual files from your mailbox. They'll be called something like inetsig.pns, inetsig2.pns etc.

I have two versions of each signature file - a .pns file and a .pms file. I presume that one is the plain text version and the other is for when I send rich text/HTML messages.


[quote user="Phons van Oploo"].....

Or use Ctrl-key and click at the Delete-button.


I've been wanting to do this same thing with SOME messages (not all), however it doesn't seem to behave quite the same as you describe in the version I'm using (I'm using a pretty old version).

In my older version, it doesn't matter whether I hold down Ctrl when hitting delete.  What matters is if I hold down Ctrl when I then click "YES" to confirm the delete.

This will be a time saving tip.  Thanks.



Sharkfin posted Jan 16 '10 at 10:00 pm

[quote user="Steffan"]

More seriously: Do you know of any email client that *is* capable of doing this? 


Just wanted to add that the mail client in the Opera browser definitely does remove the sig block of a message to which you are replying. A great function that I'd love to see in Pegasus. I'll post in the Wishlist forum linking to this thread. No harm in asking!

Thomas R. Stephenson posted Jan 6 '10 at 6:04 pm

sorry if this is a daft question but how would i check this and if it is so change it so it did update?

Since I do not have Win7 you're pretty much on your own here.  The loss of the data says the pmail.ini file is not being updated on closing.  It works while you are in the program since these data are stored in memory but of course that is cleared when you close the program.  This needs to be written to the pmail.ini file and you'll have to figure out why you can't.  You probably can't edit and save pmail.ini with Notepad either.


> However, in the account that lost its trays (thank you for your correction of my explanation of the problem) twice, the is
> still present.  It is not missing.  Please could you tell me how to re-activate it?

When the file is the not available to it's open exclusive call, Pegasus Mail will build a new one in memory using the PMM/PMI files in the home mail directory as a source. On the closing it will write these to a replacement file. The, when re-built by Pegasus Mail though does not contain any of the trays since they are only shown in the file.  

The only way to restore the trays, other than manually, is using a backup copy of the file.

rdoherty posted Jan 4 '10 at 4:47 am

[quote user="ikester"]

Hi, all I have is the .wab file I saved but there is no OE in Windows 7, so I have no way to convert it. I'll look up the program Dawn that someone else mentioned.[/quote]

There is a replacement for OE on the Microsoft website called 'Windows Live Mail'.  It will import OE .wab files and then export them as csv.


is it possible to send email from external programs using pegasus mail.

 Yes, but I do not do it.  If I want to send mail from a program I use a commandline mailer like Blat!. 

As for the example shown, I would use WinPMail's mail merge using the Excel data as the source file to send personalized messages to each user.  The file would need to be saved as tab-delimited text, but the whole process is quite simple and you can actually verify what you are sending before it is sent.  Imagine what would happen if this VBA code slipped a cog and sent the wrong data to the members of the staff!



Sharkfin posted Dec 28 '09 at 1:21 am

Web account?

Am I right in thinking that you have a webmail account that also lets you submit and receive via SMTP and POP/IMAP and that you have configured Pegasus to do so? Have you confirmed whether you can use this account via its web interface? At least we could then work out whether the account itself has a problem or the SMTP/Pegasus side of things is the issue.

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