There are no reports of messages disappearing that weren't the result of some sort of filter. If you are certain that the message was not acted on by a filter rule then it is possible you inadvertently enabled an auto-filter although if this were the case the message should have been in a folder somewhere unless that folder was being acted on by a general rule set. Anyways, to see what auto-filters are in place right click on a folder name, select autofiltering then Manage Autofilter folders. This will display any folders for which auto-filtering is enabled.
Did you try logging in using the name of the folder that contains your mail data C:\Pmail\mail\<username>\
One thing I would be tempted to try is to put Pegasus Mail into multi-user mode.
Restore a copy of your archived data. Delete pmail.cfg
Run Pegasus Mail - it should ask you which mode you wish to run it in - choose network - it will then ask you for the location of the user data. Point it at the copy you restored. When you do, it will list the usernames of the account(s) in that folder.
Otherwise, it sounds as though you might have a corrupt archive. Even so, you may be able to retrieve the data.
It just occurred to me that your backups may not consist of the entire pmail folder structure. Before you do this can you confirm exactly what you are archiving - which folders?
[quote user="Brian Fluet"]I only know the rudimentary concepts of spamhalter but doesn't moving a message out of the junk folder retrain as not spam?
Also, I don't know whether spamhalter identifies when a message has already been processed and doesn't process it again. I think the only way to test that would be to remove all of the spamhalter headers from the .cnm to see if it makes a difference.
A new spam of the type cited was caught by Spamhalter.
[quote user="kaiparagirl"]... How do I configure it for more than one domain that I use to send mail. Like I have my personal one, our business one and a few organisations I do voluntary work for.
The IP address is the literal address. This is used so that people can address messages to and is the IP address that mail is delivered to. See the Mercury manual for more information about it (search for literal).
However, it depends on how you are using Mercury. Are you using POP3 to download the mail from the hostgator server or have you configured the hostgator server to forward all mail to your private IP address? What are the values of the MX records for your domain(s)? If they point at the hostgator server you don't need to worry about including the literal address.
It seems to be working ok now, and showing queued messages. Odd, I tried it sending three test messages. It must have been a network/socket error or the firewall didn't recognize the new version even though I didn't get a popup warning.
Is your mail folder (did you take a backup before upgrading), in the MAIL folder off C:\PMail e.g. C:\PMail\MAIL\your-mail-folder. Also, does the MAIL folder contain the pmail.usr file from your previous installation?
FWIW, I have a shortcut on my desktop that triggers a Free File Sync of my USB thumb drive to a location on my local drive. I try to run it every night after shutting down Pegasus Mail.
Don't attempt to maintain a live sync. Interference with Pegasus Mail file updating can cause problems.
It may not help but you can drag folders to the trays you want them in (maybe even drag trays top other trays, but I've not tested how well that works)
Go into Control Panel, and select Administrative Tools. Then select Computer Management. Finally select Event viewer. Below that item select Applications & Services. You may see entries about Pegasus Mail.
Also check Windows Logs --> Applications for any entries about Pegasus Mail.
Take note of problem summaries and post them here.
That depends which folder(s) you saved your messages to in Pegasus. If you saved all files to another location, look through the .PML and copyself.pmm files there.
I noticed an odd thing today. One of our staff said that every time Pegasus Mail opened, the sorting on the new mail folder always reverted to sorting by the From column. If they clicked the Date/Time column to sort messages, closed and opened Pegasus Mail, the From sorting had been used again. I checked that Pegasus Mail was configured to save the desktop state between sessions (it was). When the account was opened, Pegasus displayed a notification that autosaved messages existed. The member of staff was simply clicking Continue.
When I saw this, I opened the saved messages dialog and deleted all the drafts and saved messages. I then applied the Date/Time sorting, closed Pegasus Mail and opened it again and Pegasus displayed the new mail folder with the desired sorting applied.
After a 10 year+ hiatus, where I was forced off of PMail to Outlook [:(], I have now returned to PMail. I just downloaded and installed PMail and attempted to setup one of my personal GMail accounts using IMAP. After a bit of trial and error, I was able to successfully attach to my GMail, and see my folder structure. I was also able to successfully send one test email. On my laptop computer, I have been using the GMail web interface, but really would like to get away from that and use the PMail client. I am successfully getting my GMail on my android phone and my iPad mini. I can see the GMail folders that are labelled [Imap] on the web interface and read the mail in them.
The problem comes when I click on the INBOX or any of the folders under the sub-folder "GMail" These folders do show message counts, some of which are close to or over 1,000. the INBOX is over 2,000. The one small folder under 100 messages opens just fine. Every time I click on one of these folders, PMail crashes.
I have searched the forums and found similar problems but no resolution that helps my problem. I have increased the timeout to 1200, but that only delays the crash. I did check the release, and I am on Version 4.72.572, Feb 19 2016, build ID 572. IE Renderer is V I am using an older Dell Latitude running Windows XP. Below are a few screen shots. Any and all suggestions are appreciated.
Oops. I just used the Shift-Ctrl-P on a different email, and the preview showed 4 pages of printing for what should be no more than a page an a half. This preview inserted more than a half page of blank space between sections that weren't separated in the email. Is this normal?