I use a batch file to create new domain users and set them up on Mercury at the same time.
The syntax of my batch file is: newst <USERNAME> <password> <actual title and name>
eg: newst FVanderMerwe 123456abc Ms Felicity van der Merwe
That will give her the username and email address of "FVanderMerwe" and password of 123456abc
In the folder in which the script runs, I have a file called body.txt
# Mercury/32 User Information File
(Note, there is no <CR> at the end of the file)
The relevant part of the newst.bat file is then as follows:
REM Create the new user entry in pmail.usr, the master user list for Mercury:
echo U;%1;%3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9% > newline
copy D:\UserData\Mail\pmail.usr pmail.tmp
del D:\UserData\Mail\pmail.usr
copy pmail.tmp+newline D:\UserData\Mail\pmail.usr
REM Delete the user password file if it exists and create a new one
md D:\UserData\Mail\%1
del D:\UserData\Mail\%1%\passwd.pm
echo %2%> temp.$$$
copy body.txt+temp.$$$ D:\UserData\Mail\%1%\passwd.pm /B
del temp.$$$
(Obviously you will have to edit the paths in the above script to comply with your installation)
The final step is to force Mercury to re-read the user file. To do this, go to to "Configuration", and, while holding down the <Ctr> key, click on "Manage local users.." The newly created user should appear in the refreshed list.
<p>I use a batch file to create new domain users and set them up on Mercury at the same time.</p><p>The syntax of my batch file is: newst &lt;USERNAME&gt; &lt;password&gt;&nbsp; &lt;actual title and name&gt;</p><p>eg: newst FVanderMerwe 123456abc Ms Felicity van der Merwe</p><p>That will give her the username and email address of "FVanderMerwe" and password of 123456abc</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>In the folder in which the script runs, I have a file called body.txt</p><p># Mercury/32 User Information File
</p><p>&nbsp;(Note, there is no &lt;CR&gt; at the end of the file)</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The relevant part of the newst.bat file is then as follows:</p><p>REM Create the new user entry in pmail.usr, the master user list for Mercury:
echo U;%1;%3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9% &gt; newline
copy D:\UserData\Mail\pmail.usr pmail.tmp
del D:\UserData\Mail\pmail.usr
copy pmail.tmp+newline D:\UserData\Mail\pmail.usr
</p><p>REM Delete the user password file if it exists and create a new one
md D:\UserData\Mail\%1
del D:\UserData\Mail\%1%\passwd.pm
echo %2%&gt; temp.$$$
copy body.txt+temp.$$$ D:\UserData\Mail\%1%\passwd.pm /B
del temp.$$$</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>(Obviously you will have to edit the paths in the above script to comply with your installation)
The final step is to force Mercury to re-read the user file. To do this, go to to "Configuration", and, while holding down the &lt;Ctr&gt; key, click on "Manage local users.." The newly created user should appear in the refreshed list.