Hi there.
The messages I'm referring to are indeed ReadReceipt.
They show up in the Mercury Core Process log window as :
hh:mm:ss Job MG0009B2: from <> (local)
To: whoever@someplace.com (non-local) (Job MO0009B3)-OK
I had no joy trying to catch these in the outgoing filter.
( Looking in headers where "F" (from) or "E" (sender) = "<>" (exact match)
The line in ORULES.MER was
If header "F" is "<>" Move "BLACKHOLE"
HOWEVER: We have a winner.
I had to resort to scanning all headers for "Return-path: <>"
This is in global RULES.MER, not in outgoing ORULES.MER
If expression headers matches "Return-path: <>" Move "BLACKHOLE"
I hope this post saves someone a little time.
<p>Hi there.
The messages I'm referring to are indeed ReadReceipt.
They show up in the Mercury Core Process log window as :
<b>&nbsp;hh:mm:ss Job MG0009B2: from &lt;&gt; (local)
&nbsp;&nbsp; To: whoever@someplace.com (non-local) (Job MO0009B3)-OK</b>
&nbsp;I had no joy trying to catch these in the outgoing filter.
( Looking in headers where "F" (from) or "E" (sender) = "&lt;&gt;" (exact match)
The line in ORULES.MER&nbsp; was
<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If header "F" is "&lt;&gt;" Move "BLACKHOLE"</b>
<b>HOWEVER:</b>&nbsp; We have a winner.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I had to resort to scanning all headers for "Return-path: &lt;&gt;"
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This is in global RULES.MER, not in outgoing ORULES.MER
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>If expression headers matches "Return-path: &lt;&gt;" Move "BLACKHOLE"</b></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I hope this post saves someone a little time.