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PiS posted May 9 '07 at 4:30 pm

[quote user="yravi"] Our institution has 2 mail servers on different domains maintained by 2 ISP's across the globe.[/quote]

Email is routed based on mx-pointers within the dns. For your two domains, the mx-pointers either go to you ISP or to your XP machine.

If the mx-pointers point to your XP-machine all e-mails will be delivered to it, and received by using MercuryS, SMTP Server. 

If they point to your ISP, you can collect all the mail by the XP box, so that your users later can retrieve the emails. The module to use to download mail from your ISPs is MercuryD.

[quote user="yravi"][/quote]

Configure these two domains in "Configuration" | "Mercury Core Module Configuration" tab "Local domains"

[quote user="yravi"] we have 10 to 15 mail-id on each mail server. I want to configure my Windows XP box which is connected to Broad Band Internet connection and have installed mercury/32 on it to distribute mails to the clients on outlook express in the LAN. Bascially I want my XP system to work as a mails hub.



Under "Configuration" | "Manage Local users", you add mailboxes. A mailbox works like your mailbox by the road, it can receive mail addressed to many nick-names as long as the delivery address is correct. A delivery address is set up using aliases.

Under "Configurarion" | "Aliases", you tell that should go to the "real address" which is the local mailbox, you can also add any other alias to be delivered to the same mailbox (ie "Real Address".

Hope this helps

PiS posted May 11 '07 at 11:51 am

[quote user="Methuselah"]
Local Users:
 Username=TechnoMail, Personal Name = Robin Martin

Core/Local Domain:
  LocalHost = YMCSERV, Internet name = technolib.coza

  Alias=robin@technolib.coza, Real address=TechnoMail

THIS WORKS - via Mercury spooler only . . .  at last !![/quote]

My goodness, you're really good at trial and error. Now here is an explanation:
Real Address within the Alias configuration, is either

  1. A local mailbox, a local user in netware, (or later a local user in Windows AD)
  2. An off-host recipient - we call it a relay address then, since the email is relayed out of this system.

Configuration interfaces is hard to do that are so intuitive that someone with limited knowledge can set this up. As programmers it is also very hard to imagine, how someone not involved in the lingo reads the interfaces.
Nonetheless, you DID IT! Congratulations.

dkocmoud posted May 22 '07 at 11:37 pm

Just to clarify:

  • MercuryS: SMTP Server module that receives incoming SMTP email from SMTP clients and from other SMTP servers.
  • MercuryC or MercuryE: SMTP Client module that sends outgoing SMTP email to other SMTP servers; MercuryC is a relay client that simply relays all outgoing mail to a specified SMTP server whereas MercuryE is an End-to-end delivery client that can do domain name resolution in order to contact the recipient's SMTP mail server and deliver the SMTP email message directly.
  • MercuryP: POP3 Server module provides new emails to POP3 clients
  • MercuryD: POP3 Client module downloads new emails from other POP3 hosts on behalf of your users

I recommend that you keep the "do not permit SMTP relaying of non-local mail" option enabled at all times.  Otherwise, your Mercury server will become known as an "open relay", which is a bad thing and which will get your Mercury server's IP address added to various blacklists.  Instead, I recommend adding your local subnet(s) to MercuryS's connection control's Allow column and optionally enabling the "strict relaying" option.  If you have any remote users that use public IP addresses outside of your control, then see about using SMTP authentication in Outlook when relaying email through Mercury.



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-- David Harris --
mangrove posted Mar 13 '07 at 1:11 am

I know of three occasions where this happens:

  1. When two Mercury/32 processes are running simultaneously (by mistake) both are polling the same queue, leading to several identical mail being delivered.
  2. When using MercuryD (POP3 client) a mail might be too big, or a TCP/IP error might occur during the transaction. Then MercuryD won't delete the mail from the POP3 host, and it gets redownloaded at the next try. Try setting the timeout to a larger number, and increase the time between POP3 connections as needed.
  3. Some double-mail IMAP errors with Thunderbird can be solved by setting mail.server.serverX.max_cached_connections to 1 (where X is the number of the associated account, typically 2) in the Thunderbird configuration editor.
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