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AW: Filter und Autofilter - Posteingang - Tipps und Tricks ???

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Filter und Autofilter - Posteingang - Tipps und Tricks ???

Hallo zusammen,

ich suche nach einem Tipp (oder mehreren) wie ich folgendes "Problem/ Aufgabe" am besten/einfachsten lösen kann.

Wie wohl alle, habe ich eine ganze Menge newsletter im "Abo", manche kommen täglich, andere wöchentlich und andere unregelmäßig.

Damit ich mein Posteingangsfeld der "persönlichen/wichtigen mails" nicht damit volllade, habe ich alle unter einer eigenen email-adresse abonniert und nutze genau diese email adresse dann als Filter um "bei öffnen Posteingang" alle newsletter sofort ungelesen in einen Ordner NEWSLETTER zur verschieben und das NEUE POST Feld damit davon zu befreien. So weit so gut, seit vielen Jahren so erprobt.

Verbesserung suche ich für folgendes: manche newsletter sind natürlich "eiliger" als andere, z.b. tägliche "Schnäppchen" versus "Tip für das jährliche Urlaubsziel" was natürlich länger "ungelesen" bleiben darf. Je nach persönlicher Zeit lese ich also öfters und mehr oder halt weniger, aber die "eiligeren" Newsletter sollten halt "herausgefiltert" werden.

Ich könnte natürlich 2 verschiedene newsletter ordner machen und jedem entsprechende Adressen (z.B. Absender) zuordnen, aber das ganze wäre natürlich "mühsam" und müßte für jeden neuen newsletter auch wieder gemacht werden.

Meine Frage: geht das nicht irgendwie automatisch/besser/anders, so wie man den Spamhalterordner "trainieren" kann nach Eingansposts? Im besten Fall, dass man einige newsletter EINMALIG in einen bestimmten Newsletterordner (wichtig oder unwichtig) ziehen kann? drag und drop?

Oder wie würdet Ihr das "Problem" am besten lösen / angehen?

danke & gruss [:)]

Filter und Autofilter - Posteingang - Tipps und Tricks ??? Hallo zusammen, ich suche nach einem Tipp (oder mehreren) wie ich folgendes "Problem/ Aufgabe" am besten/einfachsten lösen kann. Wie wohl alle, habe ich eine ganze Menge newsletter im "Abo", manche kommen täglich, andere wöchentlich und andere unregelmäßig. Damit ich mein Posteingangsfeld der "persönlichen/wichtigen mails" nicht damit volllade, habe ich alle unter einer eigenen email-adresse abonniert und nutze genau diese email adresse dann als Filter um "bei öffnen Posteingang" alle newsletter sofort ungelesen in einen Ordner NEWSLETTER zur verschieben und das NEUE POST Feld damit davon zu befreien. So weit so gut, seit vielen Jahren so erprobt. Verbesserung suche ich für folgendes: manche newsletter sind natürlich "eiliger" als andere, z.b. tägliche "Schnäppchen" versus "Tip für das jährliche Urlaubsziel" was natürlich länger "ungelesen" bleiben darf. Je nach persönlicher Zeit lese ich also öfters und mehr oder halt weniger, aber die "eiligeren" Newsletter sollten halt "herausgefiltert" werden. Ich könnte natürlich 2 verschiedene newsletter ordner machen und jedem entsprechende Adressen (z.B. Absender) zuordnen, aber das ganze wäre natürlich "mühsam" und müßte für jeden neuen newsletter auch wieder gemacht werden. Meine Frage: geht das nicht irgendwie automatisch/besser/anders, so wie man den Spamhalterordner "trainieren" kann nach Eingansposts? Im besten Fall, dass man einige newsletter EINMALIG in einen bestimmten Newsletterordner (wichtig oder unwichtig) ziehen kann? drag und drop? Oder wie würdet Ihr das "Problem" am besten lösen / angehen? danke & gruss [:)]

ich verwende für solcherlei gerne das "autofiltering": rechte maustaste auf den folder, der die mails erhalten soll, autofiltering aktivieren und dann lernt der folder entsprechend der hineinverschobenen mails, was er bekommen soll.


<p>ich verwende für solcherlei gerne das "autofiltering": rechte maustaste auf den folder, der die mails erhalten soll, autofiltering aktivieren und dann lernt der folder entsprechend der hineinverschobenen mails, was er bekommen soll.</p><p>lg ernst </p>

[quote user="ecz"]

ich verwende für solcherlei gerne das "autofiltering": rechte maustaste auf den folder, der die mails erhalten soll, autofiltering aktivieren und dann lernt der folder entsprechend der hineinverschobenen mails, was er bekommen soll.




Danke für den Hinweis auf AUTOFILTERUNG - habe damit ein wenig "rumprobiert" - leider funktioniert die HILFE in meinem Pegasus nicht um das vernünftig zu verwenden.

Wo kann ich  was zum Thema/Verwendung von AUTOFILTERUNG nachlesen, bitte?


oder direkt gefragt: alle newsletter gehen "durch die email adresse gesteuert" direkt in den Ordner ""zzz___Newsletter""" - kann ich dann diesen Ordner auf AUTOFILTERUNG setzen und von dort jede einkommende mail (gelesen? / ungelesen?) in einen spezifischen Ordner (z.b. zzz___Newsletter_1 oder zzz___Newsletter_2) verschieben LASSEN automatisch?



danke & gruß


[quote user="ecz"]<p>ich verwende für solcherlei gerne das "autofiltering": rechte maustaste auf den folder, der die mails erhalten soll, autofiltering aktivieren und dann lernt der folder entsprechend der hineinverschobenen mails, was er bekommen soll.</p><p>lg ernst </p><p>[/quote]</p><p> </p><p>Danke für den Hinweis auf AUTOFILTERUNG - habe damit ein wenig "rumprobiert" - leider funktioniert die HILFE in meinem Pegasus nicht um das vernünftig zu verwenden. </p><p>Wo kann ich  was zum Thema/Verwendung von AUTOFILTERUNG nachlesen, bitte?</p><p> </p><p>oder direkt gefragt: alle newsletter gehen "durch die email adresse gesteuert" direkt in den Ordner ""zzz___Newsletter""" - kann ich dann diesen Ordner auf AUTOFILTERUNG setzen und von dort jede einkommende mail (gelesen? / ungelesen?) in einen spezifischen Ordner (z.b. zzz___Newsletter_1 oder zzz___Newsletter_2) verschieben LASSEN automatisch? </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>danke & gruß </p><p> </p>

Ok, die HILFE funktioniert nicht im Programm und die Forumssuche findet es auch nicht - dann versuch ich es wieder hier:


Funktioniert AUTOFILTER nur vom EINGANSORDNER selber, dass dann dort eingehende mails direkt in andere Ordner verteilt werden - ungelesen? Oder verstehe ich das ganz falsch? Weil aus dem anderen Ordner wo meine "newsletter" landen, funzt das nicht........ [:'(]

<p>Ok, die HILFE funktioniert nicht im Programm und die Forumssuche findet es auch nicht - dann versuch ich es wieder hier:</p><p> </p><p>Funktioniert AUTOFILTER nur vom EINGANSORDNER selber, dass dann dort eingehende mails direkt in andere Ordner verteilt werden - ungelesen? Oder verstehe ich das ganz falsch? Weil aus dem anderen Ordner wo meine "newsletter" landen, funzt das nicht........ [:'(] </p>

hier der hilfetext. ich selber verwende autofiltering nur für neu eintreffende mails, die ich noch nicht in andere ordner bereits automatisch weggefiltert habe. das wird das problem sein - deine filterregel verschiebt die mails bevor autofiltering zugreifen kann.


Autofiltering folders

    See also:    Working with folders
            Different types of folders and their uses
            Mail filtering rules
            Copy-to-self ("outbox") preferences

Autofiltering is a simple way of organizing your mail into "conversations". Put simply, if you move or copy a message into a folder that has autofiltering enabled, that folder will subsequently automatically gather all the messages you receive from the sender of that message, and all the messages you send to that person. Being able to see both what you've received and sent in order allows you to read your correspondence with that person as if it were an ongoing conversation.

Any folder can be made an autofiltering folder - even public or system-wide folders. To enable autofiltering for a folder, simply right-click it in the folder list, and choose Autofiltering configured from the Autofiltering submenu. This prepares the folder for autofiltering: any folder that has been prepared in this way will show a check mark in the submenu, and will display a special folder icon in the list of folders.

Gathering and filing  Autofiltering consists of two separate processes - gathering, where the addresses of the people whose mail should be automatically moved into the folder are taken from the messages you move into the folder, and filing, which is the actual process of moving the messages you receive from and send to those people into the folder. Both processes can be controlled separately in an autofiltering folder: once you have gathered the addresses you wish to associate with the folder, you can turn gathering off, while still allowing filing to continue.

Gathering addresses  Once a folder has been prepared for autofiltering, simply move or copy any message from the person whose mail you want to autofilter into that folder. On some occasions, especially if the mail is from a mailing list, Pegasus Mail may open a small dialog telling you that the message has multiple candidate addresses, and asking you to select those on which you want to filter. That's all there is to it - from this point on, all messages from that address will be moved into the folder automatically when your new mail folder is opened, and any copy-to-self you make of messages you send to that address will also be moved in there. You can move as many messages as you wish from as many different senders as you need into one folder, and they will all be regarded as target addresses for that folder - you are not limited to a single sender in an autofiltered folder.

Activating and deactivating gathering and filing in autofiltering folders  When you turn on autofiltering for a folder, both gathering and filing are automatically enabled for the folder. You can turn both actions on and off by right-clicking the folder in the list of folders and using the options on the Autofiltering... submenu. When gathering is turned off (has no check showing next to its menu item), then moving addresses into the folder will not result in its sender's address being associated with the folder. Similarly, when filing is turned off (has no checkmark), neither messages you receive from an address associated with the folder, nor messages you send to such an address will be automatically filed. It is important to understand that you can disable both gathering and filing without actually turning off autofiltering for the folder - any addresses associated with the folder's autofiltering will stay there ready for use when you reactivate either option.

Removing autofiltering  To remove autofiltering from a folder altogether, simply right-click the folder and choose Autofiltering configured again from the Autofiltering submenu: the checkmark will be removed, and all addresses associated with the folder will be discarded. Mail in the folder already will be unaffected in any way - it will remain untouched.

Managing autofiltering folders  The Manage Autofilter folders... option on the right-click Autofiltering submenu can be used to get an overview of all the folders you have currently enabled for autofiltering. Using this dialog, you can remove individual addresses as targets from specific folders, or remove autofiltering from a folder altogether.

One address, one folder  Any single sender address can only be associated with a single autofiltering folder. If you try to move a message from a sender whose address is already associated with an autofiltering folder into another autofiltering folder, Pegasus Mail will open adialog asking if you want to remove the association from the other folder.

Copy-to-self behaviour  Pegasus Mail is smart in the way it handles copies-to-self of messages you send to addresses associated with autofiltering folders. If you send a message addressed only to a person whose address is autofiltered, the copy-to-self will be moved into the autofiltering folder. If, however, you send a message addressed to a group of addresses some of which are autofiltered and some of which are not, the copy to self will be copied into the autofiltering folder, and a normal copy-to-self will be made in the normal location as well. Furthermore, if you send a message to multiple addresses, all of whom are associated with different autofiltering folders, each folder will get a copy of the copy-to-self for the message.

Autofiltering mail from mailing lists  Autofiltering can be used to gather mail from mailing lists, with a little help from you. When it detects that you have copied or moved a message with multiple possible sender addresses into an autofiltering folder (which is a usual symptom of mail from a mailing list), it will open a dialog asking you to select the addresses it should associate with the folder. Make sure you choose only the mailing list's address from the options it presents you.

Order of processing  Autofiltering is done after all other filtering is completed on any given message. So, if you have new mail filtering rules active, they will be applied before any autofiltering, as will spam and content filtering  (SpamHalter and Content Control). Only if all other types of filter complete without moving or deleting the message will autofiltering take place. This prevents spam that impersonates a known address from being autofiltered, and gives you a way of overriding autofiltering for special conditions.

<p>hier der hilfetext. ich selber verwende autofiltering nur für neu eintreffende mails, die ich noch nicht in andere ordner bereits automatisch weggefiltert habe. das wird das problem sein - deine filterregel verschiebt die mails bevor autofiltering zugreifen kann.</p><p>lg ernst ----------------- </p><p>Autofiltering folders     See also:    Working with folders             Different types of folders and their uses             Mail filtering rules             Copy-to-self ("outbox") preferences Autofiltering is a simple way of organizing your mail into "conversations". Put simply, if you move or copy a message into a folder that has autofiltering enabled, that folder will subsequently automatically gather all the messages you receive from the sender of that message, and all the messages you send to that person. Being able to see both what you've received and sent in order allows you to read your correspondence with that person as if it were an ongoing conversation. Any folder can be made an autofiltering folder - even public or system-wide folders. To enable autofiltering for a folder, simply right-click it in the folder list, and choose Autofiltering configured from the Autofiltering submenu. This prepares the folder for autofiltering: any folder that has been prepared in this way will show a check mark in the submenu, and will display a special folder icon in the list of folders. Gathering and filing  Autofiltering consists of two separate processes - gathering, where the addresses of the people whose mail should be automatically moved into the folder are taken from the messages you move into the folder, and filing, which is the actual process of moving the messages you receive from and send to those people into the folder. Both processes can be controlled separately in an autofiltering folder: once you have gathered the addresses you wish to associate with the folder, you can turn gathering off, while still allowing filing to continue. Gathering addresses  Once a folder has been prepared for autofiltering, simply move or copy any message from the person whose mail you want to autofilter into that folder. On some occasions, especially if the mail is from a mailing list, Pegasus Mail may open a small dialog telling you that the message has multiple candidate addresses, and asking you to select those on which you want to filter. That's all there is to it - from this point on, all messages from that address will be moved into the folder automatically when your new mail folder is opened, and any copy-to-self you make of messages you send to that address will also be moved in there. You can move as many messages as you wish from as many different senders as you need into one folder, and they will all be regarded as target addresses for that folder - you are not limited to a single sender in an autofiltered folder. Activating and deactivating gathering and filing in autofiltering folders  When you turn on autofiltering for a folder, both gathering and filing are automatically enabled for the folder. You can turn both actions on and off by right-clicking the folder in the list of folders and using the options on the Autofiltering... submenu. When gathering is turned off (has no check showing next to its menu item), then moving addresses into the folder will not result in its sender's address being associated with the folder. Similarly, when filing is turned off (has no checkmark), neither messages you receive from an address associated with the folder, nor messages you send to such an address will be automatically filed. It is important to understand that you can disable both gathering and filing without actually turning off autofiltering for the folder - any addresses associated with the folder's autofiltering will stay there ready for use when you reactivate either option. Removing autofiltering  To remove autofiltering from a folder altogether, simply right-click the folder and choose Autofiltering configured again from the Autofiltering submenu: the checkmark will be removed, and all addresses associated with the folder will be discarded. Mail in the folder already will be unaffected in any way - it will remain untouched. Managing autofiltering folders  The Manage Autofilter folders... option on the right-click Autofiltering submenu can be used to get an overview of all the folders you have currently enabled for autofiltering. Using this dialog, you can remove individual addresses as targets from specific folders, or remove autofiltering from a folder altogether. One address, one folder  Any single sender address can only be associated with a single autofiltering folder. If you try to move a message from a sender whose address is already associated with an autofiltering folder into another autofiltering folder, Pegasus Mail will open adialog asking if you want to remove the association from the other folder. Copy-to-self behaviour  Pegasus Mail is smart in the way it handles copies-to-self of messages you send to addresses associated with autofiltering folders. If you send a message addressed only to a person whose address is autofiltered, the copy-to-self will be moved into the autofiltering folder. If, however, you send a message addressed to a group of addresses some of which are autofiltered and some of which are not, the copy to self will be copied into the autofiltering folder, and a normal copy-to-self will be made in the normal location as well. Furthermore, if you send a message to multiple addresses, all of whom are associated with different autofiltering folders, each folder will get a copy of the copy-to-self for the message. Autofiltering mail from mailing lists  Autofiltering can be used to gather mail from mailing lists, with a little help from you. When it detects that you have copied or moved a message with multiple possible sender addresses into an autofiltering folder (which is a usual symptom of mail from a mailing list), it will open a dialog asking you to select the addresses it should associate with the folder. Make sure you choose only the mailing list's address from the options it presents you. Order of processing  Autofiltering is done after all other filtering is completed on any given message. So, if you have new mail filtering rules active, they will be applied before any autofiltering, as will spam and content filtering  (SpamHalter and Content Control). Only if all other types of filter complete without moving or deleting the message will autofiltering take place. This prevents spam that impersonates a known address from being autofiltered, and gives you a way of overriding autofiltering for special conditions.  </p>
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