and enjoy your favourite Beach Cocktail instead of sitting in the "dark" server room. 
Hello Mercurians,
after waiting too long I started my long desired web-interface for Mercury Mail. What started as a small privat project became a little bigger as I realized when working on it, why not making it available to other Mercury Mail users.
After creating, testing and testing and more testing it was finally finished and is ready to use, if you desire.
I tried to incorporate as much "daily to use" positions as possible and hope it will help others to maintain Mercury a little easier.
What can you expect ? Here we go:
Mail Server System
Check Server Module Status, online or off
Change various Template Files
Have the Mail Server Lookup Commands presented
Read and Edit Mercurys Configuration File as needed
Start, Restart and Stop the Server as needed to apply certain Changes. For some changes a Restart is automatically executed
User Management
List, Create and Delete Local User
Change User Passwords
Create/Delete Alias
Create/Delete Synonyms
SMTP Server
Update the SMTP Authentication File
Update the Transaction Filter
Update the Compliance Whitelist
Update the Kill File
Create & maintain Connection Control rules
Create & maintain RBLs
IMAP Server
Update the IMAP Login Alias File
Create & maintain Connection Control rules
POP3 Server
Update the POP3 Login Alias File
Create & maintain Connection Control rules
Content Control
Update Mercurys Spambust File
Update a Custom Content Control File
Update the Content Control Blacklist File
Update the Content Control Whitelist File
SpamHalter Daemon
Update the Sender Whitelist
Update the Local Receiver Exclude List
Mercury Logs
View the different Server Module Logs
System Requirements
A licensed Mercury Mail Server, as Mercury has to run as service, and a Web Server, both on the same machine. The Web Server must handle php, Server Side Includes (SSI) and if Mail Server Logs
are desired, Directory Listings have to be activated in the virtual host configuration for the logs directory.
The project is developed with Apache as Web Server.
Any other Web Server should work as well, maybe some changes to the SSI commands have to be adjusted.
Check the README in the archive for more detailed install instructions.
Questions, Comments or better ideas are welcome.
And a few images as well. Those are missing the IMAP and POP3 menu items as they came later. But you will get an idea, hopefully.
and enjoy your favourite Beach Cocktail instead of sitting in the "dark" server room. 8)
Hello Mercurians,
after waiting too long I started my long desired web-interface for Mercury Mail. What started as a small privat project became a little bigger as I realized when working on it, why not making it available to other Mercury Mail users.
After creating, testing and testing and more testing it was finally finished and is ready to use, if you desire. ;)
I tried to incorporate as much "daily to use" positions as possible and hope it will help others to maintain Mercury a little easier.
What can you expect ? Here we go:
Mail Server System
Check Server Module Status, online or off
Change various Template Files
Have the Mail Server Lookup Commands presented
Read and Edit Mercurys Configuration File as needed
Start, Restart and Stop the Server as needed to apply certain Changes. For some changes a Restart is automatically executed
User Management
List, Create and Delete Local User
Change User Passwords
Create/Delete Alias
Create/Delete Synonyms
SMTP Server
Update the SMTP Authentication File
Update the Transaction Filter
Update the Compliance Whitelist
Update the Kill File
Create & maintain Connection Control rules
Create & maintain RBLs
IMAP Server
Update the IMAP Login Alias File
Create & maintain Connection Control rules
POP3 Server
Update the POP3 Login Alias File
Create & maintain Connection Control rules
Content Control
Update Mercurys Spambust File
Update a Custom Content Control File
Update the Content Control Blacklist File
Update the Content Control Whitelist File
SpamHalter Daemon
Update the Sender Whitelist
Update the Local Receiver Exclude List
Mercury Logs
View the different Server Module Logs
System Requirements
A licensed Mercury Mail Server, as Mercury has to run as service, and a Web Server, both on the same machine. The Web Server must handle php, Server Side Includes (SSI) and if Mail Server Logs
are desired, Directory Listings have to be activated in the virtual host configuration for the logs directory.
The project is developed with Apache as Web Server.
Any other Web Server should work as well, maybe some changes to the SSI commands have to be adjusted.
Check the README in the archive for more detailed install instructions.
Questions, Comments or better ideas are welcome.
And a few images as well. Those are missing the IMAP and POP3 menu items as they came later. But you will get an idea, hopefully.

edited Jul 21 '24 at 5:01 am