Just wanted to add this worked for me on Windows8 64bit,
BUT after downloading and running the program i then had to do the following:
go into control panel
go into programs
go into "default programs"
click on "Associate a file type or protocol with a program"
scroll way to the bottom and look for "MAILTO"
click on it and now "Pegasus Mail WSENDTO Utility" will be there
select it and you should be good.
Just wanted to add this worked for me on Windows8 64bit,
BUT after downloading and running the program i then had to do the following:
go into control panel
go into programs
go into "default programs"
click on "Associate a file type or protocol with a program"
scroll way to the bottom and look for "MAILTO"
click on it and now "Pegasus Mail WSENDTO Utility" will be there
select it and you should be good.