> Do you know how I have to configure the different modules of Mercury?
> example
> step 1
> Outlook account have to be configured with the smtp server ip adres of the Mecury Server
That works and you should see the action on the MercuryS screen and log. Turn on session logging in MercuryS to verify that the mail is received.
> Step 2
> MercuryS SMTP Server has to be configured.
> Announce myself as : < What should this be?>
Your registered host name associated with the IP address of your connection.
> Ip Adres interface used : < ip adres of the interface where Mecury is running on or localhost?>
Leave it blank
> Other specific parameters to send also to hotmail accounts
> Step 3
> Configure MercuryE SMTP Client end to end
> Identify myself as: < What should this be? >
You registered host name associated with the sending IP address. You can leave this black and it will use the host name you have set in the general section.
> Name servers : < A DNS servers ip adres, or default gateway adres>
The IP address(es) of your DNS host(s) should be entered here. The default gateway setup is a Winsock setting and is not material to MercuryE
There is nothing specific here but you must have a fixed IP address and host name with a PTR record to send via MercuryE. Your ISP also must allow you to send via port 25 to other hosts.