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<p>I experienced an issue that prevented MercuryC from being able to access the SMTP server. During troubleshooting I moved all of the QCF & QDF file out of the queue directory. Once I got MercuryC working I moved the files back to the queue but they haven't been processed. I there a way to make that happen?</p><p>

Rolf Lindby posted May 15 '20 at 11:09 pm

We would need something to work with to try to figure it out, like a CNM file and a screen dump how the date displays in the email client. If you prefer not to post it here I can give you an email address to send it to.


Joerg posted Apr 22 '20 at 3:37 pm

Now it works and the Label (for saving attachments) will only be triggered for IP Cam sender address, while all other mails with jpg attachments will be passed. Thanks Brian.

Joerg posted Apr 14 '20 at 7:33 pm

Now, in the evening, when all staff has left the office, I was able to restart the entire Windows Server 2016, not only Mercury. And now Mercury I is working again as expected [:D][:D][:D]. But still have no idea why it failed.

TwelveBaud posted May 10 '20 at 6:24 am

The OpenSSL team publishes source code only, and expects that operating system maintainers (mainly Linux but also the communities for Apple and Windows) to compile it themselves into executable code and redistribute those compiled copies in the usual fashion.

 While there's and some random person on the Internet who do the compilation work and provide executables as a service for the Windows community, the rule with security-sensitive software like this is that it's only trustworthy if you compile it yourself from source code that you've confirmed matches the official release's source code, using a compiler that you know to be good and trustworthy. David's tried to do that a few times, and I appreciate him putting in the effort to make sure we're safe, but the last we heard he couldn't get the resulting executable to say it was compiled correctly.

 On a side note, I don't recommend using the binaries I've linked above with the current versions of Pegasus and Mercury. The 1.1.1 releases refuse to work at all. The 1.0.2 releases do work, to a point. And then someone using Outlook Mail for iPhone tries to connect over IMAPS and pull a few thousand messages and a mismatch in memory allocation causes Mercury to crash. But using 1.0.2 and dealing with the constant crashes is better, for me in my situation, than using the copy that came with Mercury that doesn't support TLS 1.2. That said, I eagerly await an official Mercury update with up-to-date OpenSSL.


I already have my own smtp server, which is the one I'm trying to use.  I also have SPF, DKIM, and DMARC fully set up.  I also run my own DNS server.  I've actually already left Gmail now.  I'm switching my users over to Thunderbird as an email client, and using Mercury as the server.  So far so good.  By the way, across different Gmai laccounts, the exactly same settings are garnering different results.  Something in Gmail's sending is truly broken right now.  It's intermittent at best.

Joerg posted Mar 17 '20 at 1:43 pm

We don't have such TFRA files on our machines in Windows\Temp, neither on W10 Client machines nor on the Windows Server.


When searching for TFRA*.tmp in the Internet, different pages describing desinfection procedures from spyware or trojan viruses will be found. [:|]

dchubad posted Mar 20 '20 at 4:31 pm

ah thanks for the tips guys, I still however have not figured out what 'Identify myself as' means yet, I have always put my domain name in there 'just to be sure' lol

Brian Fluet posted Mar 13 '20 at 12:57 pm

[quote user="Joerg"]But in that case are only you able to check the spam folder, since your mailbox is locked when in use? If so, are you permanently in charge for checking company's spam? With us, different persons are in charge to check the spam account regularly, especially if users miss any mails and it's also no problem when I'm on vacation etc.[/quote]

Our mailbox configuration is such that each user has his own mailbox, the accounting dept. has one for invoices, and there is a General mailbox that is advertised for all non-user specific correspondence.  That General mailbox is one of the three instance of Pegasus Mail that I normally have running on my machine.  The Spam mailbox is added to its folder list as an added mailbox which make me the primary spam handler.  When I'm not here, an associate runs a General mailbox instance on his machine and handles the spam.  Should neither one of us be here, one of us checks it via IMAP.

I also use POPFile instead of Spamhalter.  One of the advantages of POPFile is that it maintains a copy of messages for 3 days (I think this number is configurable).  This provides a method of retrieving a message that was tagged as spam and missed during review for false positives. 

Joerg posted Mar 10 '20 at 7:45 am

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]

The VIEWER.PM files make up the list displayed in the Content Viewer.  I say "files" because there can be two.  One is system-wide (valuable for you).  It resides in the PMail executables directory.  The other one is user specific and resides in the users mailbox directory.  In Content Viewer, the black entries are from the user file and the blue are from the system file.[/quote]

But system-wide VIEWER.PM is only available when we're talking about a Pmail network installation, where all local users start it's Pmail session from the same server shared executables. In case you prefer a single installation on each computer, you could not use this advantage.

Brian Fluet posted Feb 25 '20 at 1:52 pm

[quote user="Aimo Maileri"] P.S. Sorry, this was mailed in wrong department. Belongs to "Pegasus", not "Mercury".  [/quote]

I suggest re-posting this inquiry in the Pegasus Mail support forum where it will get the attention of the appropriate brain power. 

As a starter though you can try Ctrl+W to open the IMAP new mail folder.  That key combination opens the default new mail folder. 

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