Pegasus Mail Suggestions

If you have suggestions or special wishes for Pegasus Mail here is where you make your voice heard.


Often I create a new filter for an email (example Move to specific folder on my Folder list) in my the New Mail folder.

The problem is the new filter is only applied for future emails, not the one(s) in my box.

It would be nice to have an option for the "New Mail" folder "Reapply Filters." This would specially help if there are several emails that the filter applies to.

MageMaster posted Nov 18 '21 at 4:39 pm

The display screen for PMail Filters needs update.

1) At present the Scroll Bar does NOT work, this need fix.

2) Need a Search feature like Browsers have.
My filter list is very long and when I add/edit a filter, at present I have to use Up/Down and read entries to find where the filter is for edit, or where to add a new filter to a given domain that is already listed.

recent by Michael  ·  Nov 21 '21 at 6:03 pm
Jim Adney posted Apr 27 '20 at 6:30 am

[quote user="idw"]. But maybe I could create a convenience add-on for you (this isn't a joke!), but no promises with regard to time schedules!

Please don't bother, but thanks for the explanation. Earlier versions of Pegasus didn't have the Size column, but it appeared a few years after I suggested it. It would be nice if that field had useful info from the start, so perhaps that could become part of the script, to be added someday.

Think of this as a suggestion from a very satisfied long term user.


Well it printed to PDF when I changed the printer to the MS PDF printer.  However the output is not even in formatted columns so when you copy and paste to libre office write it is all over the place so I would literally have to reformat almost all of it by hand to then put it in a table and sort it.  So at this point I am giving up on it.  I can at least see the names of the folders corresponding to the largest folders in the file directory on screen so that is helpful.  This program however needs a lot of work just to work as it's text file instructions claim it does.  Lack of opening up standard windows dialogs for saving and printing is pretty rough edged. 


euler posted Feb 29 '20 at 12:56 am

Hi All,

I'm pretty much satisfied with all of Pegasus Mail features, but I could use a greater number of Quick actions if available. Could it be considered in the forthcoming versions?



Yes, Euler German, said, above, "I can only see IMAP" in Sky and I too have seen that Sky appears to now require log-in by IMAP only.

Yes, I believe you are correct in saying that if however one chooses to access email directly from Yahoo, then POP3 and SMTP settings are available for doing so.

And, yes, you are correct in stating that IMAP and POP+SMTP are separate systems.

However, I believe that accessing Yahoo mail via Sky's new IMAP system offers much greater security than accessing Yahoo mail directly from Yahoo and via POP+SMTP.

ehasbrouck posted Feb 16 '20 at 2:28 am

It's been mentioned in a several threads in the "support" forum, and I have always assumed that it woull bepart of Pmail v.5, but just to be sure that it is on the list here: The most imporetant change that needs ot be made to keep Pmail usable for mnay users is to have properly scalable fonts throughout the application, replacing all current bitmapped fixed-size fonts.

This is a growing problem because (1) all of us are aging, incluidng of course long-time Pmail users, and vision tends to decline with age, and (2) the fixed-pixel-count fonts look smaller and smaller on displays with higher resolution.

Ironically, Pmail can he hardest to use for users with the highest-resolution displays.

The addtional irony is not lost on me that this has become of increading importance ot more Pmail users even while David harris has struggled with reduced vision. I hope for continued improvement in davi'd vision, but also for improved usability fo Pmail v. 5 for users with limited vision.

ehasbrouck posted Feb 16 '20 at 2:18 am

I thought I had suggested this previously, but can't find my suggestion in this ofrum.

I'd like an option to add the *recipient(s)* of a messages to an addressbook. Even better, I would like a global setting to create an entry in a specified addressbook for any (new) recipient of a message I send.

There's a right-click option to add the sender to an addressbook, but no option to add the recipient.

There are workarounds, of course, but they are inconvenient.

I receive many messages from people/addresses mthat i am unlikely ever to want to contact again. But if I send a message to an address (the first time I do so, it will typically be by using "reply"), there is a good chance that I will want to send a message to that person/address again at soem unknown time in the future -- and therefore will want to be able to find them in my addressbook.

In the absence of this feature, i often have to perform searches of my mail archives of copy-self folder(s) to find the address of someone who I have corresponded with in the past.



Thank you both for the suggestions re. changing the colour tone of Windows 10 to reduce the amount of blue and lower the colour temperature.  I am already doing something similar. 


* I have [url=]calibrated the monitor colours[/url] to have overall less blue, similar to Windows Night Light - carefully done to preserve relative colour accuracy, so photos and movies etc still look good.  This is similar to having f.lux or the Win10 Night Light enabled all the time.  I don't change it at different times of day.  Technologically this is also a good solution because colour calibration is done through the graphics card, so it automatically applies to everything (full screen movies, games, etc).  Specifically, Windows uploads the colour calibration profile to the graphics card when Windows starts, and then the graphics card does the rest.

* Windows 10 apps are [url=]set to use Dark Mode where possible[/url] - since the March 2019 update this includes folder windows (Windows Explorer) and most - but not all - Windows 10 components

* I have set the Windows 10 accent colours to something dark 

* Windows 10 [url=]system colours are set[/url] to a generally dark palette chosen by me, for example window borders and title bars are dark.  For reasons already explained, I do not choose a full "white text on black background" colour here because that breaks a few applications (hard-coded black text would become invisible with a black system background).  Obviously I do not want to be changing my Windows system colours for each different application I use, anyhow Windows requires a re-logon to update the colour palette so that would be practically impossible.  The best compromise is black text on a mid-range background.  The mid-range Windows system background colour is giving rise to the severity of the Pmail colour issue raised in this suggestion.

* I have disabled Cortana in the Windows 10 task bar (an ugly white search box)

* A nice Chrome extension, , allows the colour scheme of any website to be over-ridden by a user style.  Stylish is a popular tool and therefore the community has created good 'dark' user style for many popular websites, which you can choose and activate for each site, so I have these for Google, StackOverflow, Github and others that I use regularly, all of which have the tyrannical black text on a white background.


I should probably write a blog post about all this, if I had a blog...

euler posted Jan 9 '20 at 1:21 am

[quote user="PaulW"][quote user="Brian Fluet"]

Yup.  The http:// should not be erased when inserting a hyperlink.  Instead, attention should be paid to whether it should be http:// or https:// unless you intent is not to provide a clickable hyperlink. 

A clickable hyperlink requires either http:// or https://.  As a test, send yourself two hyperlinks, one to "" and one to "".  You will find that the one without the https:// will not be a clickable hyperlink.  Browsers handle adding the http* part automatically; hyperlinks need it so the system knows to invoke a browser.


This certainly applies to Pegasus Mail but I've found that a lot of other mail clients will assume the HTTP protocol if none is specified - and websites with SSL certificates will often (usually?) rewrite HTTP to HTTPS.


Agreed, but that is because they use full blown web browser engines to render messages. It is the browser that "accepts" the incomplete URL and provide what it "thinks" is missing. Pegasus Mail has a long history of compliance to the standards and safety and this may look awkward nowadays.

euler posted Dec 11 '19 at 2:14 pm

That's correct. The "problem" I think is because when you forward without editing the message is build on its "final form" and so no more editing is allowed. My bet is that David H. didn't find useful to refresh the queue pane to show it. It would be nice though as the user could confirm his action was correctly performed.

And as mentioned behind, closing and opening the queue pane will show (refresh) the forwarded message waiting for the next polling.

euler posted Nov 6 '19 at 4:10 am

If I got you right you expect Pmail warns you you are offline when trying to access the Internet after turning this access offline, right? As I said, I look at the icon first and act accordingly. YMMV.

I think I didn't explain myself clearly. Pegasus Mail warns you when even while connected to the Web/LAN you can't establish a POP3, IMAP, SMTP or direct connection. My bad.

And yes, I'm sure your suggestion is welcome. Cheers.

irelam posted May 10 '19 at 1:20 am

Hi John,

    There is no vulnerability. Its Gmail trying to sell its two factor authentication as well as SPF, DMARC and DKIM . Almost no-one has implemented all these protocols and any, if not all users have experienced disabling problems. The solution is to turn off this new setup and go back to the previous standard international protocols. 

this thread is closed. 



[quote user="johnjames"]fiasco.[/quote]

You need to contact David Harris directly who can add you manually. Since I'm not at home I can't exactly tell you where to get his address from, but I think it's somewhere on the Help > About > Info screen in Pegasus Mail.

Michael posted Nov 15 '18 at 3:52 pm

[quote user="eirman"]Perhaps it should be ON by default.[/quote]

The reason for implementing it were serious issues (like crashes IIRC) when being enabled, otherwise it would never have been considered at all.

irelam posted Aug 25 '19 at 8:25 pm


   Just to let you know that Html V5 has made a number of formatting changes, including the Strike tag which is now deprecated, as well as the simple S tag. The recommended solution is to use CSS commands instead.  You can look up, in Google, the details of what html tags are dropped as well as put on end-of-life notice (deprecated).  I doubt this will affect us any time soon, as take up by the software vendors is slow until a majority of users insist on the changes. 


irelam posted May 23 '18 at 6:52 pm

I trust you have installed Pegasus Mail in C:\PMAIL and NOT c:\program files directory tree. The latter has read/write access set to Read Only, and that is only bypassed when software is installed.  Rules are normally set up in its NewMail directory (ie: c:\pmail\mail\admin). 



[quote user="FJR"]

Hi Jim,

[quote]When new mail is collected via POP3 it is deposited at the top of the list (as desired) but it is not sorted. If I click the Date/Time column heading twice (which is what I usually have to do, and what I'd like to avoid) the sorting is done correctly. I have not changed these settings; this is how they've always been.[/quote]

Times I was using POP3 have past long ago ... but if my memorization is correct, this was always the behaviour of Pegasus. When getting mails per POP3 they are put into the local NMF at time they arrive. Pegasus doesn't make a refresh on that special folder[/quote]

Yep, that's exactly right, and that's why I posted this in the suggestions forum. Sure, there's a workaround (double click on the Time/Date column header) but it seems like a reasonable feature to add.

Thanks for the confirmation.


Cassandra posted Apr 29 '18 at 8:20 pm



I'm running Pegasus Mail Version 4.72.572 on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.


I have my Pegasus set to do word-completion on the To: line.  I very frequently have two recipients whose username has the same beginning, e.g., and  When I first start typing "jo", Pegasus correctly completes "", and I continue by typing a comma.  When I then type "jo" again, Pegasus again suggests "", which is unlikely to be my second recipient.  How often would the sender want to put the same recipient's name twice in the To: line?  It would be better if Pegasus could ignore the recipient which I have just typed, and could suggest "", the second on its list, instead.




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