Community Discussions and Support

The perfect forum for discussions or technical questions about Pegasus Mail.


Greetings All,

Yesterday I came to the realization that the portable (flash drive) instance of Pegasus Mail that I have been using for years started leaving remnants on host PCs in the form of the HTML image cache. I had figured out how to keep temporary files on the flash drive but an image cache didn't exists when I created this instance and hadn't entered my mind until now.. Leaving remnants bothers me so I am asking for your help in trying to determine whether my concern is global enough to be worth inquiring into alternatives. If you run a portable instance (excluding multi-user network), a response to the following questions would be greatly appreciated..

  1. Why do you run uninstalled instead of installed?

  2. Where is it run from (portable/flash drive, local HD, other)?

  3. If located on a portable or flash drive do you have concerns about leaving temp and/or image cache files on a host PC?

BTW, I am making this request on both the PM-Win list and the Community Forum. There is no need to respond in both places.

Thank you!!!!

Brian Fluet

recent by Michael  ·  Feb 5 '22 at 5:04 pm
Bendt Skov posted Feb 4 '22 at 11:27 am

Does anyone have a solution for this?
I would like to send a small number of mails to several different people.
From a list (a file) I must send eg. 25 Invitations.
Instead of sending almost the same mail 25 times to different people, I could imagine that in a file is basic info, and then Pegasus mail it to the 25 automatically.
The file contains "Name", "Mail Address" "Subject Text", "1. Line text", "Text" and which files to attach, which are also listed in the script file. It is the same files for all mails. For example.:
The script must then send a mail so that the following stands in the mail
To: Prince Andrew
Subject: Invitation to my Birthday

1.Line in Mail: Dear Prince Andrew and Family
You are hereby invited ..... and Several Lines Follows.

  • Attachement.

recent by Bendt Skov  ·  Feb 4 '22 at 7:42 pm
Michael posted Jan 12 '22 at 2:24 am
  • Fixes the update notification feature to work for Pegasus Mail versions as of 4.73 instead of only the not yet released v4.8 and later (sorry for hosing this one ...). I also modified its implementation to the extent of only enabling the update links (in IER's toolbar button menu and its About ... dialog) if an update is actually available. If you feel the need to trigger a download of a repository version there's a link to the history page in IER's help file which can still be accessed via its button menu.

  • Added an INI file entry called UpdateNotification (default value YES) especially to be used by client-server network administrators to prevent client users from triggering (hopefully anyway futile) update attempts by disabling all notifications and links (see previous paragraph) even if updates are actually available. For doing so they would need to create an IERenderer.ini just containing the line UpdateNotification=NO into the server directory containing IERenderer.dll. It'll simply override all respective client user settings.

  • Fixed an issue with some confirmation dialogs not honoring a No anymore after recent changes related to the domain block list implementation.

IER's "homepage": < >

Download URL: < >.

recent by Michael  ·  Feb 3 '22 at 2:38 pm

Since migrating to Windows 10 Pro on a new machine, all received message body text is in blue unless I select the alternative view (when available), in which case any embedded images are of couse not displayed

When I send myself a rich text message I can make the text any colour other than black - that becomes blue when I receive the email.

This does not happen on any other machine with Windows 10 Pro.

I cannot find any reference to this anywhere on the web. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.


For those of you already using it or encountering crashes and hangs or freezes: I've updated my MiniDump reporting extension for better supporting the upcoming Pegasus Mail v4.8 and reporting some more details in the automatically created message for submitting the dump file. It may be downloaded from .

recent by Michael  ·  Feb 2 '22 at 11:26 pm
Flosex posted Jan 15 '22 at 12:57 pm

Suddenly, I cannot send email! I am getting the following error code:

12:54:05.916: --- 15 Jan 2022, 12:54:05.916 ---
12:54:05.916: Connect to '', timeout 30 seconds.
12:54:06.992: >> 220 avasout-ptp-002 smtp
12:54:06.993: << EHLO []
12:54:07.009: >> 250-avasout-ptp-002 hello [], pleased to meet you
12:54:07.009: >> 250-HELP
12:54:07.009: >> 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN
12:54:07.009: >> 250-SIZE 104857600
12:54:07.009: >> 250-PIPELINING
12:54:07.009: >> 250-8BITMIME
12:54:07.009: >> 250-STARTTLS
12:54:07.009: >> 250 OK
12:54:07.016: << AUTH LOGIN
12:54:07.052: >> 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
12:54:07.052: << YXAwNDI=
12:54:07.082: >> 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
12:54:07.082: << cGx1czEyMw==
12:54:07.132: >> 535 ...authentication rejected

I can receive emails ok.

My ISP is Plusnet in the UK and I have checked with them that my setting of "" in the Server Host Name of the Settings for Sending Mail (SMTP) page, is correct.

Can anyone suggest what is going wrong, please?

Thanks for any help.

recent by Flosex  ·  Jan 19 '22 at 7:59 am

I have 47 PMail folders and recently found I can't reorder them (right click "Move selected entry" fails). Also have one folder with "data error encountered in folder" upon trying to "reindex folder" and then "recover deleted space". I manually deleted the referenced .pmi file identified by "recover deleted space" and "folder information", but no luck. Any suggestions on deleting the blank folder or moving entries?

Michael posted Jan 7 '22 at 10:26 pm
  • This version applies some fixes to the browser menu handling to ensure a more consistent display of the manually added browser on Tools => Options => Hyperlinks. And it also takes care to reestablish the alphabetical sort order after switching IDs in Pegasus Mail.

  • Then I've implemented a visual two step notification mechanism for IER updates like this:

    First one is an addition to the toolbar button with a proper description showing up below the mouse pointer (and sorry, the buffer size for the hint text is pretty limited):


    Second one is the menu with a red dot indicating the item to click for being directed to this history page here:


    Both of them will only show up if an update is actually available. The update check is done on startup if an Internet connection exists.

    Additionally I've transformed the former download link on this page into an easier to spot download "button" on top of the page.

  • Starting with this version I'm going to provide a repository of previous IER versions linked to the respective version announcement so you might reinstall an older version if getting into serious trouble with an update. I'm certainly not going to do it for restoring little bugs like the one fixed with the previous version, though, i.e. would replace instead of both being provided.

The URLs are, as usual:

IER's history page:

Download link:

recent by Michael  ·  Jan 11 '22 at 3:10 pm
Michael posted Jan 10 '22 at 5:17 am
  • After several unsuccessful attempts I finally figured out how to get my own multiline version of a tooltip below the IER button for update notifications (and only for these, the default ones will keep the aspect of Pegasus Mail's default as shown farther below) to provide some more instructions on what to do next, here it is in Win 7 design (on Win 10 certainly looking a little cleaner):


  • I also took the chance to directly open IER's history & download page from the menu instead of bringing up even more possibly annoying dialogs before the download can be triggered. You may try it by testing the older version if you've already installed the previous one and try to use the update notification for downloading this one.

  • To make testing complete I'm also providing a link to the first "repository" version even though it doesn't completely match the criteria to be really significant - just for testing.

IER's "homepage": < >

Download URL: < >.

Michael posted Dec 26 '21 at 1:33 am

Can't get away without the usual quick fix, here comes and will also be included with the imminent Pegasus Mail 4.8 update, of course:

  • Unfortunately I didn't have all background color issues fixed as announced for the previous update which has been caught up on now.
  • Then I've taken care that dismissing the BlockList confirmation dialog without making a choice doesn't automatically result in downloading redirected images.
  • Furthermore I added the name of the domain being blocked or allowed for redirection to the confirmation request message to decide on.
  • And I would like to add that I also fixed for the previous update already the on/off effect of the URL tooltips while moving across larger linked pictures.

As usual available via .

recent by Michael  ·  Jan 8 '22 at 12:33 am

It's been over a month since David Harris blogged that Pegasus Mail would be out in a couple of weeks.... How much longer? It's been years since the last update, but mail has made great strides and now there are so many competing programs, please give me one good reason not to leave Pegasus Mail!

recent by sawbona  ·  Jan 3 '22 at 1:07 pm
Michael posted Dec 30 '21 at 5:09 am

As already mentioned in a previous thread, here's what's new (aside from the minor corrections in the redirection dialog):

  • This one is unavoidable since otherwise making a single decision on remote image downloads would affect all further downloads during the whole running Pegasus Mail session until restarting it. Fixed now.
  • And I've taken care that cached only decisions aren't confused with those getting actually saved to file so the former ones are guaranteed to stay only valid for the current session as announced.
  • It also turned out that mixing download attempts with and without blocking redirection would cause weird effects forcing me to either allow one or the other for all domains fetched from per single message.

Thanks for your reports, comments and suggestions regarding these issues!

Should have provided a link here, I guess:

0MrSkeezix143 posted Dec 29 '21 at 4:41 am

I had a computer crash and for the first time in 25 years, I'm without my Pegasus Mail. Can't seem to install back. Specs given to me by Spectrum apparently can't work for some reason and I need somebodys help in trying to install. I tried using youtube video which made things seem simple but not even Dell Pro Support can help me. That video is located at following address

. It seems Spectrum is not using the POP3 setup so I'm trying to set up an IMAP account.

o set up your Spectrum email on your mobile device, use these settings:

Username: Your full Spectrum email address
Password: Your Spectrum email password
Protocol: IMAP
Port: 993
Port: 587
Requires Authentication: Yes, or checked and any domain ending in not covered above

Incoming Email Server:
Outgoing Email Server:

I'm in New york and the set up is goofy....My email is roadrunner via Spectrum as Charter is not recognized and as you can see specs are still with Time Warner Cable OR

Can anyone help me?

Michael posted Dec 21 '21 at 8:02 pm

Several news about this version for Pegasus Mail 4.8, so here's the most important stuff:

  • Further enhancements of the copy/paste support which allow insertion of documents including pictures as far as supported by the source and converter systems which means: There are several "black boxes" involved which IER can't control since Pegasus Mail's TER editor is Rich Text based which only office applications and IE itself provide native RTF contents for on the clipboard. In all other cases TER's HTS module (with some of my tweaks) attempts to convert the HTML which works more or less successful and sometimes completely fails. So be prepared for inconsistent outcomes - but you may also be surprised about the final result even when the preview looks pretty ugly. Samples can be provided on request!

  • Then there've been two feature requests:

    1. One of them was for ways to add browser's to IER's dropdown menu without having do edit the system's Registry for testing purposes. I've done two things to achieve this, the first, simple one was to use Pegasus Mail's Tools => Options => Hyperlinks => Web browser commandline option: If you enter an additional browser there which isn't registered but can be located on a connected drive it will be listed in the menu as well as the other browsers, you just don't have any options with regard to shortcuts and its display name. If not connected it'll simply be ignored, of course (don't know about side effects in BearHtml and plain text mode, though).Safe with regard to the latter is the second option using an INI file named BrowserList.ini located in the user's new mail directory: A copy containing instructions will by installed therein when launching Pegasus Mail for the first time after the update. It will just sit there and do nothing until someone actually adds command lines to it.

    2. The second request was for a permanent exception list to permit downloads from certain domains which continuously redirect remote image URLs. The respective INI file named BlockList.ini is installed the same way as the aforementioned one, and adding domains is simply done by ticking the respective check box in the warning dialog popping up on redirection attempts by default if redirections aren't disabled at all in IER's options dialog. The INI file option will override this global setting for the respective domain, and for now there's no way other than editing the file to reverse it. Suggestions are welcome!

  • Like always there've been several fixes of issues reported by users and found by me while working on these new features and trying to enhance my code for better maintenance, you may or may not notice. Two issues I remember are a background color issue resulting in unreadable replies and image download errors caused by user agent rejections - unfortunately increasingly being seen and not always avoidable even though I'm already "borrowing" the Edge user agent on systems where it's actually installed.

IER's "hompage":

Download URL:

recent by Joerg  ·  Dec 27 '21 at 12:12 pm

I have been following the discussion regarding the remote image handling now available in IER, specifically the ability to grant permissions that allow images from sources that are different from the sending source (eg: allowing redirection for image loading). When I think about this, I envision that it mostly pertains to ads and newsletters made up of synopsis/hyperlinks to articles from different sources. I believe that loading these images encourages the clicking of email links. When I managed a multi-user enterprise installation of Pegasus Mail I worked very hard to discourage hyperlink clickers. I did not train users on how to allow remote graphics instead showing them how to open messages in a browser. I know that things are changing and that I no longer attempt to keep up so would love to see a discussion today about whether clicking links in emails is any more hazardous than clicking the same links from within a browser. Forget about the convenience factor, just from a security standpoint, do browsers provide any additional security over what IERenderer provides with all of its security options enabled?

recent by Michael  ·  Dec 26 '21 at 1:44 am
rproulx posted Dec 19 '21 at 11:48 pm

I've been trying to understand why emails I send to folks with Gmail addresses end up in their spam folder with a cautionary note added even if they create a filter to never send mail from me to spam. I thought it was a problem with my own domain host's mail system.

I just did a test sending email using Thunderbird and there was no spam warning when it arrived. Is this something to do with OAUTH2 that David said needed to be addressed in the next version of Pegasus mail?

Unfortunately, if it's a limitation with Pegasus v4.7.3, than this will be a sad day for me as I send emails to clients and others and they need to arrive in their inbox without any warnings. I would prefer to keep using Pegasus as it has so many features that I cannot easily find elsewhere.

Thank you to anyone who can confirm that this is indeed related to OAUTH2. Or is there a setting I need to change in Pegasus mail that's the culprit?

Happy holidays to all .... stay safe / stay well!


recent by rproulx  ·  Dec 21 '21 at 2:46 pm
Harvey Segal posted Dec 17 '21 at 1:25 am

After using Pegasus every day for 20 years I have done 2 things on my Window 10 PC which results in Pegasus freezing when I try to do a basic command such as MOVE an email from one folder to another.

The two things I did were

  1. Using ccleaner to update the drivers
  2. Clean up the registry

I suspect (2) is the cause as it probably deleted items that Pegasus uses ?

(I am using Pegasus 4.71.565)

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