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ecz posted Jun 27 '07 at 11:06 pm

using server 2003 and 4.51: i only have the problem, when i use mercury with the help of a service-wrapper and connect to the console. then i can´t use the help. otherwise no problem.

Medievalist posted Jun 27 '07 at 6:42 pm

Thank you, Han.  I am going to move this topic to the Pegasus Mail support forum (which is where it should have been in the first place - sorry!).

I'm looking for a solution that doesn't require user interaction.  There's two reasons for this; one: I've trained the users to be suspicious of email that wants to be activated in such a fashion (that training has paid off significantly in the past - we got hundreds of email zip viruses on day zero)  and two: my users, my management, and I myself want this sort of thing to be handled in a completely user-transparent fashion.  These people do not want to mess about tuning their email system, they want to do their real jobs.

Most of Pegasus's configuration is extremely well suited to this sort of thing; flipping switches from N to Y or editing strings is pretty easy to do on a massive scale, and using INI files means that configurations can be stored and backed up using very OS-agnostic methods.  There's no putzing about with registry imports and exports that may or may not be written to disk or held in memory at any given time, there's no relative identifiers encoded into anything. The only exception is the bit-mapped and byte-mapped variables, and even those can generally be decoded by simply  turning stuff on and off and diffing the resultant INI files.

For example:  If I wanted to set the "organization string" for 10,000 users without having to co-ordinate the efforts of 10,000 human beings, I could do it all by myself with four or five lines of code.  Pegasus's simple, clean ASCII configuration is what allows me to do so.  Registry-driven software is inherently more difficult and cost-ineffective to manage.

tok posted Jun 28 '07 at 3:52 pm

Sorry for the late reply, thought I had already posted a message, thank you both for your quick response!

David Harris posted Aug 20 '07 at 6:18 am

[quote user="tokul"]

mercury32 4.51 crashes if submitted IMAP folder name does not match character set selected in IMAP module configuration.


This problem is fixed in the v4.52 patch, which will be out either today or tomorrow. Note that the "fix" only prevents the crash - if you try to create a folder with a name that cannot be represented using the default character set configured in Mercury, the foldername almost certainly won't be the way you expect it to be, but the program won't crash. In the examples in this thread, where attempts were made to create a folder with a single illegal character as a name, you'll just get a "NO" failure response from Mercury.

The aim is to add full unicode support for folder names in an upcoming release, but for now, this workaround will have to do.


-- David --

PiS posted Jul 1 '07 at 10:47 pm

Duly noted, I'll let you know when this work starts, and hopefully can add you as tester.

First I have to translate an upcoming release of the webmail product we use.


Here is the follow-up:

With ClamD working properly and no

content control to worry about, 1313 messages of about 10kb to active addresses on

our main mailing list passed through the core process in just under 8

minutes. The list is still running as a VERP list and this is with ClamWall also scanning all outgoing mail. This is running on a 2.8Ghz P4 with 1Gb RAM, running on Server

2003 SP 2.

Very impressive indeed. Thank you, David 

Thomas R. Stephenson posted Jun 21 '07 at 6:55 pm

[quote user="howard"]

OK sorry - think I found the answer in an earlier post ( was stressed and failed to spot it at the time!)

The  'Accept mail for invalid local addresses' tickbox  seems to do the trickin MercuryS - but does that apply on older version ( Novell version 1.48) - can't see  the line in the ini file?


The line in MERCURY.INI is Allow_Illegals : 0 and is in the [MercuryS]  section for v1.48. If this is turned off (off =0, on=1) then MercuryS does the rejection and the bounce goes to the connecting system and not the MAIL FROM: address.  If this is a spammer it gets dropped on the floor, if this is a good server the server sends the bounce message back to there sender.


Rolf Lindby posted Aug 22 '07 at 2:57 am

Rules and policies are executed in the core module in Mercury, so once a message has been handed over to MercuryC or MercuryE for delivery it's out of their reach. It might be possible to create a function like the one you describe using the new daemon interface, but as the specifications haven't been released yet I can't say for sure.


Klaus posted Sep 10 '07 at 3:04 pm

Came over this problem in 4.52 just now. Checked any combination of current releases of cl32.dll and cl32ui.dll I could find, but no one worked. Then I replaced the newer versions wiht those from Mercury 4.01. That worked a little better, Properties Bottomn now works, but shows incomplete info (no Info for what the certificate is good). But no Startsl connection. Debug log:

 13:59:38.234: Connection from, Mon Sep 10 13:59:38 2007<lf>
13:59:38.234: << * OK IMAP4rev1 Mercury/32 v4.52 server ready.<cr><lf>
13:59:38.234: >> A1 STARTTLS<cr><lf>
13:59:38.250: << A1 OK Begin SSL/TLS negotiation now.<cr><lf>
13:59:38.250: 21: Error -2 adding socket to CryptLib session (locus 0, type 0, code 0, '')
13:59:38.250: --- Connection closed normally at Mon Sep 10 13:59:38 2007. ---


David Harris posted Jun 19 '07 at 4:47 pm

Are you sure there isn't some kind of rights issue? The error you're getting means that the installer can't actually see the file MERCURY.EXE in that directory.


-- David --

chriscw posted Jun 25 '07 at 4:38 pm

Thanks for the suggestions about SquirrelMail and Telaen, I am looking into getting a web server with PHP set up inhouse here to support them.

 Meanwhile the SMTP problem is solved it was an issue with the way our firewall was set, it only allows connections from our ISP's relay system.   They have a secure SMTP relay we can use so that is what we are doing as the firewall setting would seem to give us extra security.   Thanks for all the help we got on this.


tBB posted Feb 7 '08 at 10:57 am

[quote user="harkyman"]

looking into the default configuration of clamd.conf in the ./etc folder in the clamd installation, I saw that on Windows, clamd defaults to not using tcp/ip port for communication: it uses a socket instead.

This setting is actually the default for Linux systems. Sounds as if you're using the SOSDG distribution which still uses the Cygwin emulation layer.

Best regards

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