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[quote user="Euler GERMAN"][quote user="Melissa2011B"]

I just viewed the full code of the message, copied it to a WP page and searched for: <script

but found none.

 The email only had a PDF file that the client attorney was sending me.




PDF files may have scripts inside (JavaScript), specially those with filling forms, and may be used to spread malware, etc.



Interesting. Well these are from legal clients - usually attorneys. And I used  Malwarebytes and  Windows Defender, both on all the time.




Joerg posted Jan 31 '20 at 2:08 pm

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]I like WSSETUP because it creates the appropriate MAILTO: and SENDTO: registry entries, including adding Pegasus Mail to the right-click context menu "Send to" list.[/quote]

Maybe I should give it a try next time since I still miss the Pmail entry in W10 standard app selection.

eirman posted Jan 23 '20 at 5:26 pm

If you are a single user of Pegasus on PC-1 and you would like to use it on
PC-2 and PC-3, you do not neet to install Pegasus on these other PCs.
On PC-2 and PC-3 create a network share to C:\PMAIL\Programs\winpm-32.exe (on PC-1)

Share C:\PMAIN on PC-1 and map it as a shared drive on PC-2 and PC-3
then run winpm-32.exe on PC-2 and PC-3 .... so easy!

Note: You can really only use this method on one PC at a time.

If the share tab is missing on your version of Windows 10
read the following including the comments. (It Works!)


I emailed Support at Shortkeys and he gave me some things to try, but before I could try them, I started IERenderer again, then opened the new mail folder again, tried replying to an email with a macro, and it worked! Yay! So thanks guys and if it does that again, I can try their suggestions.

Update 1-25-2020: Another source of frustration was that emails that contained graphics were taking several seconds to load - sometimes in the order of 10 seconds. I just thought Pegasus was slow. But it seems that it was because IERender had not been turned on. Now that IERenderer is working, graphic emails open up FAST.

 Thanks to all of you who helped me with this! :-D

Update 2-3-2020: IERenderer is working wonderfully, has speeded up loading of emails, AND I'm not seeing the crashes that I previously mentioned, anymore! THANK YOU!!! 

Michael Robertson posted Jan 17 '20 at 7:09 pm

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]

I appears that FastMail supports app passwords which should work with Pegasus Mail.


Thank you.  I may use that procedure.

euler posted Jan 26 '20 at 2:40 pm

[quote user="rgakins"]

Removing the auto-filtering (and, thus, the "little person icon") did the trick!

I don't really understand how auto-filtering on some random folder would cause

a problem in the copies-to-self folder, but that seems to be the case. Thanks

for all the help.




that's exactly the way Autofiltering was meant to be. The following text is from Pegasus Mail Help:

[quote]Autofiltering is a simple way of organizing your mail into "conversations". Put simply, if you move or copy a message into a folder that has autofiltering enabled, that folder will subsequently automatically gather all the messages you receive from the sender of that message, and all the messages you send to that person. Being able to see both what you've received and sent in order allows you to read your correspondence with that person as if it were an ongoing conversation.[/quote]

So, Autofiltering it is not a substitute to mail filtering rules that is still the way to organize your mail archiving. It is quite limited, focusing only on sender's address: if message is from Sender it goes to that "autofiltered" folder. If you answer to that archived message your message will go to that same folder instead of Copyself, and building a "conversational" storage. I found it to be very useful but one must take care if other rules could interfere. Autofiltering has low precedence order.


OK i figured out what is happening :)

Pegasus has generated this "brown" colour uniquely for me on screen, to try to make a contrast with my chosen window background colour of #9AA7BA (that's the pale blue colour, which I have set in Windows 10, because I hate seeing a screenful of pure white, hurts my eyes).

In hex, #9AA7BA + #655845 = #FFFFFF.

It's not really creating styled messages with a brown colour, the message text is still seen by the recipient in the default black colour.  The brown is only on my own screen.


It's an interesting programming choice by David Harris, which I've not seen other applications use.

I'm not sure I agree with it.  Foreground Colour = #FFFFFF - Background Colour is not necessarily the highest contrast choice.  Imagine if the background colour is #808080, that would produce a foreground colour of #7F7F7F which would be visually indistinguishable.   There must be better algorithms for automatically picking a high-contrast text colour - for a start, black text usually looks good on any bright background, and white text looks good on any dark background.

I'll take this up in the suggestions area. 

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]Perhaps the "Check no more frequently than once every X minutes" setting then controls the frequency?[/quote]

Well, for me it's all pretty easy: Firstly, I don't really care whether I'm getting messages sooner or later since I prefer to not be interrupted when working on my machine. Secondly, if I feel the need to do an immediate check I manually trigger it, so keeping idle checks limited to 900 seconds = 15 minutes is my setting, especially since I once had a free account limited to this frequency anyway.

euler posted Jan 16 '20 at 2:17 pm

[quote user="Joerg"]

[quote user="Euler GERMAN"]...  I don't see David H. compiling a "fix" version of Pegasus Mail just for that, and I don't know how easy or complex it would be to accomplish.

From time to time I think we (or the forums admin) should create a sticky thread, where all suggested improvements, little bugs as well as wishes should be collected for David and his developer crew [:D] On the other hand I'm aware that such a list could increase rapidly because everybody would add anything.


I think that's the whole idea behind this forum.[:D]

euler posted Jan 11 '20 at 10:42 pm

Yes, as far as I know it is an undocumented feature, though well known for quite a time. I remember of this matter being brought to our attention in the PM-WIN discussion list.

As you noted it toggles the "Sort unread before read". If you click the unlabelled column-header and then open the Folder menu, you'll see that the option "Sort unread before read" is shown ticked/unticked after each click.

Michael Robertson posted Jan 8 '20 at 6:49 pm

Yes, It was a Gmail "insecure device" problem.  I went through the "Allow less insecure access" reset.  New I can use Pegasus.  I agree with David Harris about Google throwing it's weight around.  Thank you for the response.

denniss posted Jan 7 '20 at 7:02 pm

Thank you, Brian and Euler -

The pmserver.txt file is signed by Chris Floyd at It finally dawned on me I should try his old email address to at least see if he's still there. Will let you know if anything turns up.

Meanwhile, my network setup is such a cobbled together mess I won't trouble you with those details.

Thanks again,



[quote user="mollym"]

OK, I'm writing along and I evidently hit some key or combination of keys that changed the text view to source code -- with no visible way to change it back to text.Can't find any help either here or in Firefox.

If the keystrokes (or however I did this) are peculiar to this forum, can anyone tell me...

how I did this

Is it a toggle

and if not, how can I revert to the normal message writing view?


And if I hit some Firefox "show source code" combination, perhaps someone who's more familiar with, or more patient with, Firefox can help me find the answer?





After a few decades using Pegasus Mail this is the first time I heard of such "feature", but who knows the keystrokes that make TER tickle... Are we talking about Pegasus Mail or something else? If so, can we infer "source code" is a message RAW view? Please elaborate.


Thank you, Bob, for "Adam-IBM, Bob-IBM, Claire-IBM help?  More surefire might be AdamIBM, BobIBM, ClaireIBM"...

The thing is, I want to have my contacts at, say, IBM close to one another in my address book, but I want one of them (other than the alphabetically-first) be the "default" person at IBM.... so if I am writing him, "IBM" is enough to find him the suggested contact. (For Adam at IBM, I would only have to add the A (or -A))

And this MOSTLY works. It's just that there's something weird in how Pegasus filters down, as you enter more and more letters. Getting one of the IBM addresses first, consistently, is always tricky, and sometimes beyond my many hours (literally... who needs "a life"?) of trying variations on many themes. I'd hate, in order to get "Bob" first, to have to go to...

IBM1- Bob

IBM2- Adam

IBM2- Claire

... but it is my next best guess now, unless someone can help.

Michael posted Jan 24 '20 at 12:23 am

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]One thing that I think would help is a text file that advises which files go where.  That would save the step of having to locate and then replace.[/quote]

I've now added some hints to the history file. Aside from this, there's providing two minor fixes I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss. [;)]

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