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ruler posted Aug 6 '23 at 5:49 pm

Hi, first I have read through a bunch of posts looking for answers on here but nothing really relates to my issues I am having as such.
I will first explain my setup then explain what I have tried.

My router ( which is forwarding all traffic to my computer ( Ports opened for the mail server are 25, 143, 587, 465 and all point to which is my only computer, nothing else connected to my router.
Windows Firewall disabled, no other firewall or antivirus (fresh OS install) and I am using windows 11 Pro.

My ISP is talktalkbusiness and to connect to their smtp servers I use port 25 strait connection plain text and not secure. I use my username and password they provided for me.

The smart host name I use is

it was all working fine for years and I changed nothing but a few weeks ago connections began to be refused or timed out when connecting to my ISP's server. The message I was getting was Error FF queue job.

The log files really told me nothing apart from conenction timed out. I have been in contact my with ISP and they say over n over n over again it is my end not theirs.

I can not really find a realistic step by step guide on how to properly configure Mercury Mail but I did have it working fine before despite changing nothing.

Under Protocol Modules I have the options ticked as follows...


My PHP.INI file has

[mail function]
; For Win32 only.


It doesnt send or receive anything at all, it ignores emails created through my site and ignores emails created from the GUI send mail feature.

There are too many windows with settings to list here in one go but I am happy to do my best to provide details if needed. I'd appreciate any help to get this working. thanks


AFAIK the auto-reply (e.g. out-of-office notification) functionality of Mercury could only be controlled by Pegasus which is adapting and changing the file extension of the "areply" file.

In the meantime more and more colleagues retire Pmail and replace it by Thunderbird which is collaborating great with Mercury.

But a simple adjustment of Mercury's auto-reply function by another Mail client is missing.
Either we have to keep installed another Pmail installation, only started for switching the areply function, or we have to edit the areply file manually. But we don't want to grant every user full write access to its mailbox directory.

Are there any other solution in place?

recent by Joerg  ·  Aug 19 '23 at 9:12 pm


So the pdf file for mercury mail says that if you use the run a program option for a filter..

"The Run Program rule action will start the specified program, passing a temporary copy of the message on the commandline"

Well it's not working! I thought i was imagining it so i used a small test program i have for displaying parameters that are passed via the command line... no parameters are passed to it from mercury mail.

It does indeed start the program but it does not pass any parameters containing the email.

I really need this as i need to run a second mail server on the same machine on a different port (it's custom for another website and sends email via http to a url). If mercury can call another program and pass the email then the second program can simply pass the email via tcp connection to my other mail server.

Without the email being passed though, i'm unable to get this working.

Any ideas?

recent by Johannes  ·  Aug 16 '23 at 3:50 am
RHMoore posted Jul 30 '23 at 5:37 pm

I have not been able to send emails from Win-Pm to my Spectrum account since July 20th using Win-Pm .. I can still receive and download messages as normal. Accd to the error message log the email address I used for authentication is not the same as the address I've sent from. I've redacted my addresses in the log below, but they are the same. Also I can send email using an identical profile from my iphone or using the web-mail site. The problem occurs ONLY with Pegasus (both 4.8 and 4.81).

12:31:58.786: --- 30 Jul 2023, 12:31:58.786 ---
12:31:58.786: Connect to '', timeout 30 seconds, flags 16842753.
12:32:00.005: >> 220 cmsmtp ESMTP server ready
12:32:00.005: << EHLO []
12:32:00.070: >> hello [], pleased to meet you
12:32:00.070: >> 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN
12:32:00.070: >> 250-SIZE 30000000
12:32:00.070: >> 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
12:32:00.070: >> 250-8BITMIME
12:32:00.070: >> 250-STARTTLS
12:32:00.070: >> 250 OK
12:32:00.077: << MAIL FROM: SIZE=2244
12:32:01.080: >> 550 5.1.0 sender rejected. The email address you are sending as must match the email address you used to auth. Please check your SMTP settings. AUP#Out-1500

Duke posted Jun 12 '23 at 11:58 pm

I have set mercury to save PDF-attachments from e-mails. Now Mercury should "Highlight" this e-mail in colour red. Unfortunately, the function is not executed.

If I use the Filter-action "Add a header to the message" (X-PMFLAGS: 128 1), the e-mail is displayed in red, but unfortunately the formatting does not fit for some emails.
Is there a way to insert X-PMFLAGS: without formatting the email?



Since the last MS updates of April, which we've installed on our MS Server 2016 on weekend, Mercury GUI has been terminated automatically different times.

No any error messages found, neither in Mercury logs nor Windows event logs. Has anybody an idea?

The Mercury service will be started on each server restart. And on next opportunity we quit the service and start the Mercury GUI manually to permanently see the Mercury "dashboard" on the server desktop. This worked for years.

recent by Joerg  ·  May 10 '23 at 2:20 pm

Our organisation has recently migrated to Microsoft 365. Since then I have been unable to access emails using Pegasus.

Instructions were sent that as yet do not include Pegasus, but do include Thunderbird.

Here are the settings for Thunderbird.


I have noted that there is an option in Thunderbird to use Oauth2 as a method of authentication. This option is not available in Pegasus. I noted and found the option for gmail when setting up a new account but this does not work for my usual email address.

In addition I did find the settings provided by the Kansas State University to access emails using Microsoft 365, no mention was made of Oauth2 and these settings did not work.

I was successful in accessing my yahoo domain email address by following the instructions provided by Yahoo. It gives an option of using Pegasus as a third party app and provides a one time password.

Any solutions would be very much appreciated. I have been using Pegasus since the 1990’s, and continue to appreciate it.

Thank you.

recent by J R  ·  May 8 '23 at 10:24 pm

I have setup a moderated mailing list in Mercury 4.91 with 2 moderators. Listmembers are able to send to the list and should get their own replies. I just tested the list with my member address and Mercury started working the list. And than came the strange and buggy part: The sender was not my member address The From address was formed of the 2 moderators email address. It created a total mess.

MercuryE log:
T 20230424 212520 64473626 Begin processing job MO000016 from
T 20230424 212523 64473626 Established ESMTP connection to
T 20230424 212523 64473626 MAIL FROM:<> SIZE=1368
E 20230424 212523 64473626 553 5.1.3 <>... Invalid route address
T 20230424 212523 64473626 Connection closed normally.

I can't see any wrong settings in my list configuration which could cause such behavior. I have 2 lists with 130/150 users.
Years ago with Mercury 4.01 I did not have such problem.



Any pointers would be appreciated.


recent by Johannes  ·  Apr 26 '23 at 4:34 am
raindropuk posted Apr 25 '23 at 10:17 am

We have setup mercury to receive emails by SMTP and then distribute the emails to POP3 mailboxes.

However, I don't seem to be able to find an option to tell mercury what domains to accept emails on and which to reject.

I've found the global filtering rules for distribution, but the only way I can find to receive emails is to untick this option "do not permit SMTP relaying of non-local mail" - however when I do this, although I do receive emails, my IP address is then advertising as an open smtp-relay when I run an SMTP check on the IP at website.

Hopefully I am missing something here, and hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

Hopefully once this is all sorted, I can then purchase a licence to help support the development of the product.


recent by Johannes  ·  Apr 25 '23 at 3:43 pm
Johannes posted Apr 21 '23 at 4:52 pm

That I have now successfully TLS working with Mercury, I am wondering how to improve the cypher list Mercury is using. As I have not found any settings in this regard, is there some way ? And if, where and/or what has to be done ?

Any pointers very much appreciated.
Thank you


Gargoyle_77340 posted Mar 27 '23 at 8:40 am

I have installed 2 Mercury Servers for testing purposes.

I tried tend a batch of 5 messages, using MercuryE on sender and MercuryS on receiver, and SSL on both (self-signed certificates)

Messages 0 1 2 4 arrived

Message 3 failed with "8: Socket read timeout" appearing in the log

That is the best characterization I got

On the Receiver's side, (MercuryS)

The lo is:

08:36:33.401: << 220 OK, begin SSL/TLS negotiation now.<cr><lf>
08:36:33.591: [] SSL/TLS session established
08:36:33.591: [
] TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, TLSv1.3, Kx=any, Au=any, Enc=AESGCM(256), Mac=AEAD<lf>
08:36:33.592: [] No peer certificate presented.
08:37:03.857: 8: Socket read timeout
08:37:03.858: >>
08:37:03.872: [
] OpenSSL secure session normally terminated.
08:37:03.873: --- Connection closed at 27 Mar 2023, 8:37:03.873. ---

What should I do


I am experince a strange problem with Mercry's authentication. It does not matter if STLS is advertised by Mercury and/or used by the clients.
Depending on the module I can authenticate or I am not able to authenticate.

Testing different clients it all comes down to that I can only authenticate using PLAIN authentication which I find quite strange. CRAM-MD5 no way to be successful.

Mercury 4.91 with:
Pegasus 4.80
pop3 is working
smtp session gives me "wrong username or password" even if I tick "do not use CRAM-MD5 if advertised"
tried smtp with seperate username/password pair and the pop3 login. No success

imap & smtp only with plain username possible, with & without STLS offered by Mercury and used by Thunderbird

imap & smtp only possible with plain username. Do not use STLS as it is on the same server.

Mercury C 4.7 smtp client from a different location
sending to Mercury 4.91 with CRAM-MD5 not possible
using MercuryD to pickup mail no problem

All error messages are "wrong password or username" as mentioned above.

Is this normal?
How are you authenticating, plain or CRAM_MD5 or...?
I don't know where to look anymore.

In Pegasus mail smtp I can't even choose how to authenticate. I am totaly stuck. How is pop3 authenticated, as it is working ?

Any pointers are really appreciated.

recent by Johannes  ·  Apr 13 '23 at 2:13 am

I just went live with my 4.91 install. Used synonyms in the past and it worked just fine, so did not test it in this version of Mercury before going live.

Now I am stuck, big time.
user mailbox: iprost
synonym: Ingrid.Prost@xxx.yy
another mailbox: ingrid

Mail comes in as Ingrid.prost@xxx.yy
according to core window is delivered to Ingrid.Prost -OK

mail is delivered to mailbox ingrid instead to mailbox iprost

To top this, a second instance of this situation with a diferent email and synonym has the same problem and is delivering the mail into a wrong mailbox.

To make things worse, a second instance of Mercury at another location is suppose to pickup new mail at iprost to deliver at that location to local mailboxes.

Why is the mail not delivered to the corresponding mailbox of the synonym?
My synonym.mer is

ingrid.Prost@xxx.yy == iprost

and mail should be delivered to mailbox iprost and not some different mailbox ingrid

Anyone having such strange things?

recent by Johannes  ·  Apr 11 '23 at 4:43 pm
Darwin4Ever posted Mar 18 '23 at 2:52 pm


How are messages stored in Mercury ?

Is it in sort of database containing all messages, or are messages stored as single text-files ?

And how are these text-files organised ?

All messages belonging together (inbox - sent a.s.o) in one folder ?

Thank you

Johannes posted Mar 15 '23 at 12:15 am

Mercury 4.91
Mercury S > transaction filter

I am unsure right now HOW the filter is applied.
My filter has a rule to drop the connection immediately when the remote server is announcing itself in the HELO command with localhost.

Using now roundcube and it announces itself with localhost AND the user is successful authenticated, the connection is still drop immediately.

The box underneath the filter "Successful AUTH exempts from filtering" is ticked, as shown in the image. But it is not applied to my successful authenticated user.

Do I missunderstand this, or is this not working correctly ?
To test this, I commented out the rule in the transaction filter and the message was send correctly. Activated it again, failure. smile



Johannes posted Feb 12 '23 at 12:27 am

Hello all,

I got a problem with usernames, either I understand this incorrect, or there is something wrong in Mercury 4.91. smile

According to the Help:

The name the user will give to identify himself to Pegasus Mail or Mercury. By default, this is also the user's address. Usernames cannot contain spaces and must be less than 50 characters in length. Usernames should contain only the letters A…Z, the digits 0…9 and the special characters '.' (period) and '_' (underscore).

I am trying to create a username with a period like this


and Mercury is not accepting this, as by clicking the Add button nothing happens.
Using instead an underscore like


this is accepted.
Using just a name, is ok too.

Problem is, I have to setup a new mail system(Mercury) and have to keep the old email addresses.

Any ideas how to solve this ?

Thank you

recent by Joerg  ·  Mar 16 '23 at 6:21 am
KEIOMAS posted Mar 13 '23 at 2:37 pm

I would like to setup Mercury so when a User logs in they can only send and receive emails from other Users on the same server. There would be no way to send to or receive from any other IP address.

Could someone please explain to me how I would accomplish this using Mercury?

Johannes posted Feb 10 '23 at 1:40 am

Hello All,

too long gone from Mercury, I need a refresher. smile

Mercury-S Compliance tab > exception list

Listing wildcard domains is not a problem *
It is not mentioned in the help, so my question to make sure:
is it possible to have comment lines # to kind of group domains for easier overview? I have quite a listing.


(# business listings

(# privat listings

Please disregard the ( for formatting purposes in the forums editor.
Anyone any ideas ?

Thank you

Johannes posted Feb 6 '23 at 6:22 pm

Hello All,

coming back to Mercury I did a test install with Mercury 4.91 and Roundcube 1.5. Can't use Roundcube 1.6 as the webserver is still running php5.6.40. After install I ran into the following problem:

According to Mercury session log and roundcube imap log I get a * LIST (\Noselect) "/" "" error. User is directly successfully loged out.

Both logs are the same as shown below

[05-Feb-2023 18:55:08 -0600]: <fbaqiuum> [8273] Connecting to
[05-Feb-2023 18:55:08 -0600]: <fbaqiuum> [8273] S: OK IMAP4rev1 Mercury/32 v4.90.299 server ready.
[05-Feb-2023 18:55:08 -0600]: <fbaqiuum> [8273] C: A0001 CAPABILITY
[05-Feb-2023 18:55:08 -0600]: <fbaqiuum> [8273] S:
[05-Feb-2023 18:55:08 -0600]: <fbaqiuum> [8273] S: A0001 OK CAPABILITY complete.
[05-Feb-2023 18:55:08 -0600]: <fbaqiuum> [8273] C: A0002 AUTHENTICATE PLAIN
[05-Feb-2023 18:55:08 -0600]: <fbaqiuum> [8273] S: +
[05-Feb-2023 18:55:08 -0600]: <fbaqiuum> [8273] C: ** [18]
[05-Feb-2023 18:55:08 -0600]: <fbaqiuum> [8273] S: A0002 OK AUTHENTICATE completed.
[05-Feb-2023 18:55:08 -0600]: <fbaqiuum> [8273] C: A0003 LIST "" ""
[05-Feb-2023 18:55:08 -0600]: <fbaqiuum> [8273] S: LIST (\Noselect) "/" ""
[05-Feb-2023 18:55:08 -0600]: <fbaqiuum> [8273] S: A0003 OK LIST completed.
[05-Feb-2023 18:55:08 -0600]: <k3ji8448> [8273] C: A0004 LOGOUT
[05-Feb-2023 18:55:08 -0600]: <k3ji8448> [8273] S:
BYE IMAP4rev1 server terminating connection.
[05-Feb-2023 18:55:08 -0600]: <k3ji8448> [8273] S: A0004 OK LOGOUT completed.

Assuming that I am missing, or have wrong settings in some config settings in Roundcube.
Looking through the forum posts, my particular problem did not come up.
Maybe someone could point me in the right direction.

BTW, Squirrelmail is working fine, but wanted to offer my users something different.


recent by Johannes  ·  Feb 9 '23 at 3:57 am
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