> Yes I have but AJAX is not the only way to do things.
Right now it's the only way to avoid to reload an entire page every time you click somewhere. And it is done in JavaScript. And even if you don't use AJAX if you want a modern looking web page you will end up writing a lot of JavaScript. HTML itself is no longer enough.
> if there is no need for anything more than the stdin/stdout redirection then anything more is a moot point.
Never said that CGI can't work - just that it's being phased out due to its shortcomings. You can code the application of tomorrow, or that of yesterday.
> Ok, I see you want to be picky.
No, I am just correct. That's science - you can be correct or wrong, not "picky". Therefore I have no misconception about what is needed and what is not.
> Now to address the subject of dll files. As of Windows 2000, dll files once loaded stay in memory until the system is rebooted,
Again, not true.
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > AlwaysUnloadDLL
That's just avoid the "cache time" Windows Explorer uses when an application exits and its dll are unloaded - as long no other application uses them. That's to avoid to reload them from disk if the next app needs them. Ask yourself why this key is not the default if so useful...
>. You cannot tax 486 DX2 66 on a T1 with NT4 running, with todays computers....
Don't know where you live, but I can easily overwhelm a P4 with Windows 2003 with the bandwith and users available here.
> So you are implying that I cannot write a webmail system that is useful and should use an existing package.
No, I am just implying that your foundations are probably wrong, or obsolete. Feel free to write your own, but I suggest you to compare yours with those already available, and ask yourself why someone should use yours instead of the others.
> Because I want to.
Good luck. Bidirectional synchronization is always a nightmare, believe me. You are just reimplmenting the wheel, adding more complexity and the need of more resources, with no benefits. But you're the kind of guy who needs to hit the wall to acknowledge it's there.
Then feel free to insult me when you're unable to support you claims with facts.