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My ISP provides a main email account with a login email address and password. I am allowed another 4 email addresses, each with a different password which I can access directly through webmail once I have logged into the main account. But i would like to configure Pegasus to collect email from each of the other four addresses so that i can use a different identity for each that has a different sender address. Can this be done, and if so, can someone please guide me as to how ?



After starting Pegasus I can click on several (it varies) messages in the Message List , this happens on any subsequent. I can dismiss it clicking on OK several times (it varies). After that nothing is visible in the Preview Pane. The only way to deal with it is closing and restart Pegasus. The behavior is also the same running Pegasus by another Windows user and in safe mode; and it's the same after uninstalling Pegasus, including removing all references to Pegasus in the Windows Registry.

In case it helps, I'm using Win 10 ver 2H22 build 1904.2846.

recent by Michael  ·  May 29 '23 at 9:20 pm

I almost always print multiple emails but when using IERenderer only one page prints and it prints a print preview using Internet Explorer. If I turn off IERenderer, I can print all of the selected pages. Would I be able to do that with IERenderer if it prints directly to my printer without the Internet Explorer preview?

recent by lhhesscpa  ·  May 29 '23 at 4:42 pm

Cue the Twilight Zone theme....
Pegasus randomly hangs after attempting to open an email. This seems to happen on previously unread mail, but inconsistently. All .cnm files have been removed from the \mail folder. This gets stranger... the entire application evokes a busy "ding" while clicking on any thing with Pegasus... then, after a while, selecting on a folders will set focus there, but click on mail w/in any folder elicits a "ding". Then, after Exiting from the application & the window closing, the instance of WinPM-32.exe remains active with usage the same steady 13% as prior to exiting.

Help, Joshua

eirman posted Apr 24 '23 at 4:58 pm

If I have New Mail Folder selected :- When I download emails they do not appear in the folder. If I switch to another folder and back to New Mail Folder the messages suddenly appear.

If I have do not have New Mail Folder selected :- When I download emails they do appear in New Mail Folder

If I delete messages there is no deleted message folder.

Sending email / Copies-to-self (or chosen location) is fine.
All my identities are are okay.

New Mail Folder Location
( Setting > Mailbox location ... still says <DEFAULT> )

I cannot setup a functional new mail folder (or Main Folder).
Can this install be repaired or should I start again ?

I would be quite happy with a new New Mail Folder and detaching the folder with 538 messages (for the moment).



PM is installed on Windows 11 and works (after skipping this error) as expected.
When I start PM, the following message is issued:

loading extension
Pegasus Mail has encountered an operating
system error while attempting to load the
extension ,MiniDump‘. The error code returned by
Windows was: "The specified module could not
be found.

I just click away the message and PM works as intended.

Where can i find this module and where must it be placed?

Thank you for your help.

recent by kdaube  ·  May 24 '23 at 12:39 pm
George posted May 9 '23 at 5:13 am

When returning from a clicked link pmail freezes and Win 10 then produces a popup "program not responding". There is no difference to this behaviour for different websites.
My work-around is to copy the linked address and paste separately in my browser (Opera), but this is both annoying and time consuming. This behaviour only started recently ? after last upgrade to IERenderer.
Any help would be appreciated

recent by George  ·  May 18 '23 at 5:36 am

I just switched from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 a few months ago.
I installed Windows Enterprise 10.0.19045.2604 and Pegasus Mail 4.73.639, Mar 30 2018, build 639, later I switched to Pegasus Mail 4.80.1028, Jan 16 2022, build 1028.
The problem is always the same: I can receive and send emails, but not emails with a larger attachment (approx. > 10 MB). If I try this, Pegasus Mail starts sending and at some point at 27% or 75% (depending on the size of the mail, numbers are only examples) it breaks off. Much worser: The entire Internet connection (RJ45-LAN via cable modem) breaks down. To get access to the Internet again, I have to unplug the rj45 connector and plug it back in.
At first I suspected my email provider, but an email address from a completely different provider shows the same behavior.
I also tried all kind of secure connections, STARTTLS, SSL etc., without success.

What the heck is this? In the meantime I've switched to Thunderbird, which actually is a piece of crap.....

recent by msetzerii  ·  May 17 '23 at 8:18 am
Invictus posted May 11 '23 at 9:27 am

Hello - got one user who I think has been mucking about with Pegasus window sizing & now we can't see the preview pane for highlighted messages - is there an ini file or something similar I can configure to default?
Thanks for reading!

recent by Invictus  ·  May 11 '23 at 3:33 pm

Dear friends,
Since today I can not create a message containing an image which I import from


The 'ready to send' message contains a rectangle of the image size and in top left corner with a red question mark. Hovering over this I see the message "Error 120006 The URL does not use a recognised protocol".
The message is compoled with Rich Text.
The relevant part in the HTML facet reads:

<div align="left" style="min-height: 594pt; "><img src="cid:2209265.1683533827.31039" width="754" height="792" border="0" alt="graphic"/></div>

I do not see where the problem may come from.
Pegasus is v4.8, build 1028 as of 2022-01-16
Windows is
CurrentBuild 19045
OSbuild 10.0.19045.2846
OSdisplay 22H2

recent by kdaube  ·  May 9 '23 at 8:15 am

We use Pegasus 4.80 over a network, several users, nothing that complicated IMHO, although we have been using Pegasus a long time now... Server and clients are mostly Win 10 Pro.

Since updating to 4.80, there have been a very few emails where, if you click on Reply or Forward, Pegasus instantly crashes. Bounces however are no problem.

I've tried the same from several user's accounts and devices, and get the same result, so it's not likely to be an OS issue.

Is it attachments? Some of the emails have attachments, but not all.

Is it the addressee? No, we can email them ordinarily, and even reply to other emails, so it appears to be something that only occurs when the specific odd email is replied to.

In the headers of the emails, I can see some common factors that indicate the sender uses Office365/Outlook, perhaps in conjunction with Exchange. No idea if these are relevant or interesting, but I'll share some if someone thinks it might help.

Finally, the crash usually produces a couple of entries in Event Viewer:

Log Name: Application
Source: Application Error
Date: 01/09/2022 15:07:57
Event ID: 1000
Task Category: (100)
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: SUPPORT14
Faulting application name: winpm-32.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x61e3dbc2
Faulting module name: winpm-32.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x61e3dbc2
Exception code: 0xc0000409
Fault offset: 0x001c2613
Faulting process ID: 0x2720
Faulting application start time: 0x01d8bd0ec0dac55d
Faulting application path: \Fs2019\Pegasus\Programs\winpm-32.exe
Faulting module path: \Fs2019\Pegasus\Programs\winpm-32.exe
Report ID: 3b33a0e8-c78a-4526-9924-98b0e80b1a25
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
Event Xml:

<Event xmlns="">
<Provider Name="Application Error" />
<EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2022-09-01T14:07:57.0771079Z" />
<Correlation />
<Execution ProcessID="0" ThreadID="0" />
<Security />

Log Name: Application
Source: Windows Error Reporting
Date: 01/09/2022 15:08:06
Event ID: 1001
Task Category: None
Level: Information
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: SUPPORT14
Fault bucket 1327807070259735361, type 5
Event Name: BEX
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: winpm-32.exe
P3: 61e3dbc2
P4: winpm-32.exe
P6: 61e3dbc2
P7: 001c2613
P8: c0000409
P9: 00000000

Attached files:

These files may be available here:

Analysis symbol:
Rechecking for solution: 0
Report Id: 3b33a0e8-c78a-4526-9924-98b0e80b1a25
Report Status: 268435456
Hashed bucket: c422e79174d111dbd26d517ed1156b41
Cab Guid: 0
Event Xml:

<Event xmlns="">
<Provider Name="Windows Error Reporting" />
<EventID Qualifiers="0">1001</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2022-09-01T14:08:06.4418434Z" />
<Correlation />
<Execution ProcessID="0" ThreadID="0" />
<Security />
<Data>Not available</Data>


Any thoughts/ideas?


In the last week or so, I can no longer send emails with Pegasus Mail. Receiving emails still works. Here's the error:

14:38:08.653: >> 250-AUTH CRAM-MD5 LOGIN PLAIN
14:38:08.653: >> 250-STARTTLS
14:38:08.653: >> 250-DELIVERBY
14:38:08.653: >> 250 HELP
14:38:08.659: << AUTH LOGIN
14:38:08.690: >> 334 ...
14:38:08.690: << ...gobbledygook...
14:38:08.737: >> 334 ...
14:38:08.737: << ...gobbledygook...
14:38:08.775: >> 535 5.7.0 authentication failed

I phoned the email provider, but they were no help. I can send via their web app. I updated from v4.7 to v4.81, but that didn't help.



When I try to connect, it fails with:

"The IMAP server that manages this mailbox or folder has reported an error during the operation you have attempted to perform.
The operation cannot be completed."

I've tried various combinations of the security settings.

I've set the System message reporting level to "5 - Debugging messages" but there's no more useful info in the System Messages window.

How best to go about troubleshooting this?

recent by asktoby  ·  May 2 '23 at 9:24 am


I have been a user of Pegasus since...(the dark ages, or rather when the InterNet was still free, and uncensored, unlike now). I had to stop using it, for some reason that I've long forgotten. It is a competent, well designed, functional e-mail program. It is a great program, thanks to David Harris. I'm surprised to learn that Herr Harris is still supporting Pegasus...thanks.

However, I've been using ProtonMail, their email client stinks. I've expended most of today trying to cause Pegasus to work with ProtonMail...but they don't support standard IMAP or SMTP, other than through something they name Proton Bridge, which only works with OutLook, and ThunderTurd and something else?

I haven't been able to cause Pegasus to work with ProtonMail. My end-goal is to be able to alia my email and send and receive via my non-profit .org domain name website, which in the past with a different email provider was extremely easy to do in Pegasus.

So here's the question, does anyone know of any VPN email provider that works with Pegasus Mail?

Any help is appreciated.



recent by Geo  ·  Apr 30 '23 at 6:35 pm
philherz posted Apr 26 '23 at 4:43 am

Is 4.81 stable enough for everyday use? (I really miss the spell check!!!)

Any idea when the official v4.81 might be released?

If I decide to go with this one, does it just install right over v4.80 or does v4.81 Beta come with installation instructions?


recent by philherz  ·  Apr 26 '23 at 3:35 pm
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