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I don't think Pegasus is responsible, but my mail provider refuses to go any further until I have discussed it with you. We have used Pegasus for many years, without problems. We are currently running Pegasus 4.80, on Win-10, and using a mail server from our local internet provider, In brief, Eastlink revised their security protocols, requiring us to update our password. The revised p/w works on Eastlink's webmail, but when we entered it into Pegasus, using the Pegasus Setup Wizard, followed by an attempted login to Eastlink, the trace shows things going smoothly up to the request, (from the mail server), for the p/w, at which point their server throws an error message: ERR AUTH, Authentication Failed. (Pegasus displays a message that either username or password are incorrect.)

Seems to me that it is not Pegasus which is complaining, but Eastlink, who are rejecting the transmission from Pegasus. Eastlink says it has nothing to do with them, but must have something to do with the transmission from Pegasus itself. (I don't have a very good feeling about this being easily resolved...) (And, underlying it is a distinct hostility on the part of Eastlink to our use of POP-3 in the first place.)


Hello, again. After getting past the problem of "Pegasus dies after saying 'Preparing folder management layer'", by doing a Dropbox rewind of the entire Mail directory, I've done the necessary reconfigurations (don't know what the rewound system thought I was a new user) and am almost back up and running, sending and receiving, and my old data are all there. But there's one problem I haven't been able to solve: the proper handling of the received .CNM message files.

Currently they are landing in the same directory as the folder .PMI and .PMM files, and the STATE.PMJ, PMAIL.INI, and PND files, for example -- but they stay there and are not automatically deleted when the message is moved to the New mail folder or, by a filter rule, to some another folder. They just sit there and accumulate.

What's worse, if I delete a .CNM file, its message (now located in New mail, say) is no longer readable!

I've messed up something by making some change since all was working well, but can't figure out what. A little background: A few months ago, I used the proper Pegasus tool (I believe) to move my mail folder from what I'll call the OLD directory to a NEW directory within the Dropbox folder, so that it would be backed up by Dropbox. Everything worked. But later I discovered that the OLD directory (specifically its "craig" subfolder for user craig) was still in use as well -- for .CNM files. The PMAIL.INI was located there, too.

So the standard "move" procedure either didn't work right, or (more likely!) I messed it up somehow.

So now, in recovering from my crash by means of a restore, I thought I'd "fix" (dangerous thought!) this odd combination of OLD and NEW directories. (Maybe it's also significant that the old installation was multi-user and the restored one is declaring itself to be single-user -- which is fine now.) I ran pconfig32 to move both Home and New mail directories from OLD/~8 (i.e., OLD/craig) to NEW. Seemed to work OK, except for this problem of not deleting the .CNMs and not letting them be deleted safely.

So I'd like to better understand how the CNM files work, both intrinsically and with respect to the Home and New mail directories, so I can fix everything.

Sorry to be bothering you again, but I certainly do appreciate your help!


recent by craigc  ·  Jan 13 '23 at 5:29 pm

I'm currently unable to start my beloved Pegasus. A few days ago, it crashed, warning me about a problematic folder. I replaced it with a backup copy, to no avail: The banner now immediately shows "Preparing folder management layer" for a second and then disappears. It has created a lock file, but hasn't changed anything else in the New mail (= Home) directory.

Any idea what the problem might be? I'm running 4.80, which was installed in multi-user mode, I believe (there's a PMAIL.USR file).

I'd appreciate any suggestions! I feel helpless without my flying horse!


recent by craigc  ·  Jan 11 '23 at 9:12 pm
Frankyboy3 posted Jan 10 '23 at 7:30 am

I have installed Pegasus Mail on my new laptop and try to manage download controls. But both available functions to avoid repeated excessive downloads don't do their job:

"Delete mail on server once it has been successfully retrieved" should be enough, but every time I see the program startting to download 1575 new mails again.

The alternative, "Download only unread mail" does not work either.

What can be wrong in my settings?

Frank Steenkamp

bosjo posted Jan 8 '23 at 4:03 pm

The situation is this: when I start Pegasus, I get a message which asks me to enter a username. When I enter »bosjo», a new message appears claiming that there is no such user. I have also tried some »identity names», but without success.

I think what has happened is this: Some days ago, my old NAS died, or at least I'm not able to get it to work anymore. This contained the mail directory for Pegasus until a few years ago, then I move this directory to my new NAS. It seems I did that in an improper way, so that something was still active on the old NAS. If I remember correctly, I just copied the mail directory to the new NAS, and changed the address somewhere, but probably not the right place. I have now used pconfig32 to change the address in pmail.cfg; I think that address was still pointing to the old NAS. It now contains the address J:\HOME\MAIL~N (J is the new NAS [I have also tried J:\HOME\MAIL~N, which seemed more logical, but it did not work either]). The mail directory is J:\home\mail\bosjo. New mail has been added to the folder files in that directory, but PMAIL.INI seems very old, and probably has not been used for a long time.

I think I am using some kind of hybrid of Pegasus; I installed 4.80 a few months ago, but immediately had a nasty crash pasting something when composing a message. I then downgraded back to 4.73, but still had some problems with pasting in new messages, so I assume a part of 4.80 did survive the downgrade. I don't think that has anything to do with this problem, but added this information for completeness.

Assuming that I can extract the mail directory from the old NAS (I think the harddisk is gone, but I took a backup each night of some directories, and hope the mail directory is among them), how do I piece together a working pegaus environment on my new NAS? And if I cannot retrieve the directory from the backup, what hope is there for retrival of my old email?

Thanks in advance for any help!


recent by bosjo  ·  Jan 9 '23 at 10:02 am
Harlan Shinn posted Jan 2 '23 at 10:04 pm

Greetings all -

Recently upgraded from 4.7 (as I recall) to 4.80.1028. I have always from early years using PMail sorted my mail into filing trays and folders. Until now I've been able to double left click a mail folder to open and view its contents while also being able to double click an individual email message to view and reply to it as well. While I can still open the individual messages, double clicking a folder fails to open it. I can open it with the 'Open' option on the menu bar above the folder window so it's not a big problem, just something that I always found convenient to readily access my mail folder contents. I did figure out I had to upgrade the IE Render app on my PC since once clicked on a folder name, PMail would essentially freeze for some reason but I go that sorted. Is there something I've overlooked in the setup for the new 4.8+ PMail version that will enable double click opening of folders?

Thank you very much in advance
Dennis Shinn
PMail user since the late '80's

recent by Michael  ·  Jan 3 '23 at 5:10 pm
Steeley posted Dec 31 '22 at 9:20 pm

[Pegasus Version 4.80.1028, IRR version]

When a link is received in an email with:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8,
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

it gets broken at various punctuations.. (the "https" is edited to keep this forum from rendering the pasted text as a clickable link)

ex: h...s://;board=40.0

..for example, at the semi-colon above.

Other clients (Roundcube, horde, etc.) don't suffer this affliction. I believe it's been that way for a long time.
Is this corrected (or scheduled to be) in a later version of either Pegasus or IRR?

recent by Michael  ·  Jan 1 '23 at 10:00 am

We have temporarily withdrawn the public beta to improve the way it handles the disabling of old Gmail POP/SMTP definitions. In its current form, there are certain types of definition (particularly those that use a simple username as the login component, without adding the full '' suffix) that the Gmail setup code will not detect and disable correctly, leading to confusion when the old definitions remain in use but fail.

We expect to re-release the public beta in a couple of days. Our apologies for any inconvenience this might cause.

bob crownfield posted Dec 28 '22 at 9:04 pm

pmail 4.80, win 10

pmail ( single user ) on a second drive, copied from the first drive, shows that the email is all in an admin folder, the only folder at that level in the mail folder. that admin folder is read only, and a windows admin can not unmark that read only.

no new mail can come in.

any ideas?

recent by msetzerii  ·  Dec 29 '22 at 2:07 am
Enxsss posted Dec 25 '22 at 7:07 pm

I am having an issue with the formatting of new emails, whether they are new messages or replies, that appears to be related to the program's optional signature setup. The program, v 4.73, is configured to automatically insert a formatted signature at the end of a new email. This has worked flawlessly for years. Recently, however, the program has begun applying the formatting of the signature file to the entire email. This includes the text of an original message that is being replied to. I have tried purging the signature under Tools > Options > Outgoing mail > Signatures, but the error persists. Can anyone offer a suggestion as to how this can be resolved?

Below is an example.

The replay headers and the initial font for the reply should be Aerial 10.


recent by Michael  ·  Dec 25 '22 at 10:43 pm
Joerg posted Dec 21 '22 at 1:14 pm

German Pmail 4.73.639

Different of my users reported that using the Print Button caused to a huge popup window which is extending the monitor boundaries. This popup note recommends to use the <STRG + Shift + P> for printing activities instead of the print button.



Hello the Forum,
My partner and I have been using Pegasus Mail for years and years - never a problem until this morning. Out of the blue - with no changes on either machine - Pegasus Mail crashes when trying to check or send emails on our laptop and on our PC. Both running windows 7, both worked absolutely perfectly yesterday - but this morning both crash when we try to send or receive mail.

Here's the Windows "problem details" report:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: winpm-32.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 61e3dbc2
Fault Module Name: baselib.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 621b1ec3
Exception Code: 80000003
Exception Offset: 000a687e
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

And another windows crash report:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: winpm-32.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 61e3dbc2
Fault Module Name: dhui.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 621b1ecd
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000a76bb
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

I have tried using Pegasus with several different email accounts connecting to various servers - no joy. Any help or advice will be most appreciated.


recent by Michael  ·  Dec 14 '22 at 8:31 am
Siosal posted Dec 12 '22 at 3:19 pm

I am still using Pegasus Mail V 4.8 on a Windows 7 laptop and all was fine up to a couple of days ago when suddenly the emails I have downloaded in the program will not open. When I reply and forward they will open and show the email and also when I open a draft this shows up but any emails I receive or are already saved on Pegasus Mail refuse to open. I have deleted Pegasus Mail program and reinstalled it but the problem still exists. I have thought of deleting the MAIL folder before reinstalling the program but this would entail having to reconfigure Pegasus Mail including allowing messages to be download from my Gmail mail client.
Can anybody assist please?

recent by Siosal  ·  Dec 13 '22 at 11:39 am
erikp posted Dec 5 '22 at 5:29 pm

"the user you are attempting to 'become' (user name here) does not exist on this system."

We have used Pegasus for many years and are having an issue we cannot seem to troubleshoot. We are currently having to look at mail through our backend (hosting) and cannot get into any user accounts. HELP!

recent by msetzerii  ·  Dec 6 '22 at 6:37 am
David Harris posted Dec 3 '22 at 3:47 am

I am looking for a few volunteers who use GMail to help me in the final testing of Pegasus Mail v4.81. The code is complete and working (apparently quite well) but too few of my standard test team use GMail for the testing to be comprehensive enough for release.

If you have a GMail account and would like to help me by testing that v4.81 works correctly for you, please mail me directly at my main address, and I'll send you a link to the pre-release installer.

For now, I am only looking for people who can help by testing the GMail code - please do not contact me if your interest is in other parts of the program. Once a few more people have tested and confirmed the GMail OAUTH code, I will release v4.81, which has otherwise been stable and ready for release for some time.

I am conscious that this process has taken an inordinately long time, and has stalled other development paths while it was going on. I am actively considering opening up a wider range of public betas going forward, and will be looking for volunteers to join the dedicated testing team in the next few days.


-- David --


We have Pegasus installed on a Windows 2008 server and then we used wssetup.exe to install on our Windows workstations.

Recently the time it takes to move an email from my "New mail" folder to one of the other folders created under "My Mailbox" had increased dramatically - up to 3 minutes. Pegasus will show "Not Responding" while the move is taking place.

We archive out of these folders so they are not overly large. They have no grown significantly prior to the issue with the time it takes to move and email.

Does anyone have any ideas on what may be causing the slow down?

recent by msetzerii  ·  Dec 2 '22 at 10:59 pm

In my IMAP profile settings I only have the server and username saved, so when I load Pmail it prompts me for a password to connect to my IMAP profile. I want a similar thing to happen when I send an email (at least my first email of the pegasus session). This is how Thunderbird behaves, but I can't seem to do it in Pmail.

In the SMTP security tab, if I don't tick any authentication boxes, pmail tries to send an email without authentication. Selecting "Login to the SMTP server using the following details" only works if I fill in the username and password; if I leave the pw blank, pmail doesn't ask me for it when attempting to send an email.

The closest thing I can do is fill in the pw field before sending an email and then manually delete the pw, which isn't great.

recent by fluxion  ·  Nov 22 '22 at 8:49 pm
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