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Using Beta 4.81 SMTP/OAUTH2 with Gmail Identity configured for POP mail retrieval.

Two computers, both with Pmail configured the same - using the SMTP/OAUTH2 feature. Both are set to NOT delete emails from the server after downloading them. Gmail account is set to enable POP.

I receive an email(s) at my gmail account and then use pmail to download it on computer A. When I go to download my emails using computer B it does not download the emails that I just downloaded to computer A. The message is still in my Gmail inbox as unread.

I use POP to download messages to several computers (could be my travel laptop, my home laptop, my home computer, etc) until I login via a webmail app and delete the message from the server. Only an issue with Gmail, not in other email accounts such as Spectrum, Comcast, etc

Any ideas?


I have not been able to send emails from Win-Pm to my Spectrum account since July 20th using Win-Pm .. I can still receive and download messages as normal. Accd to the error message log the email address I used for authentication is not the same as the address I've sent from. I've redacted my addresses in the log below, but they are the same. Also I can send email using an identical profile from my iphone or using the web-mail site. The problem occurs ONLY with Pegasus (both 4.8 and 4.81).

Anyone else having problems like this, with Spectrum

12:31:58.786: --- 30 Jul 2023, 12:31:58.786 ---
12:31:58.786: Connect to '', timeout 30 seconds, flags 16842753.
12:32:00.005: >> 220 cmsmtp ESMTP server ready
12:32:00.005: << EHLO []
12:32:00.070: >> hello [], pleased to meet you
12:32:00.070: >> 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN
12:32:00.070: >> 250-SIZE 30000000
12:32:00.070: >> 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
12:32:00.070: >> 250-8BITMIME
12:32:00.070: >> 250-STARTTLS
12:32:00.070: >> 250 OK
12:32:00.077: << MAIL SIZE=2244
12:32:01.080: >> 550 5.1.0 sender rejected. The email address you are sending as must match the email address you used to auth. Please check your SMTP settings. AUP#Out-1500

buyer1328 posted Jul 27 '23 at 11:11 am

Reply/Forward Sent email issue.
case 1:
I start new email and send it out after I reply/forward this email from sent folder and no any format problem.
case 2:
I reply/forward a email in "New Mail" folder after I reply/foward thie email from sent folder and I got some format issue in this email...this will show "?" into "space", something like that:

Copies to:
Subject: Re: xxxxx
Date sent: Web, 26 Jul 2023


This is a test 2.

????????"xxxx" <>,

This is a test 1.

I also hope you can fix this issue.


recent by Michael  ·  Jul 28 '23 at 1:21 pm
0MrSkeezix143 posted Jul 21 '23 at 10:22 pm

Don't know if this is the correct spot but I'm wondering if Pegasus has a location to check on problems. Sounds goofy but recently I'm getting messages I cannot read...messags from Spectrum AND the USPS regarding packages for example most of the mail come through but a few like mentioned....every time i try to open I get the following.

"Pegasus Mail for Windows has stopped working"

A problem caused the program to stop working corresctly
Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution
is available.

says I will be notified but I never am so I'm wondering if there is a way to find out what the problem actually is so I can correct. As mentioned it happens only on a few

recent by buyer1328  ·  Jul 27 '23 at 5:28 am
buyer1328 posted Jul 25 '23 at 5:34 am


My Current Version:
Win10 22h2 64bit
Pegasus Mail v.4.8.1028
Here is part of content source something like this :

Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64


This will not display content.
I don't know why, could you fix this issue?


recent by Michael  ·  Jul 26 '23 at 11:51 pm
TonyQuick posted Jul 19 '23 at 7:45 pm

Using Pegasus Mail 4.81.1154 and IERenderer here, and one of my users noticed a bug in the Window menu in Pegasus.

With IERenderer enabled, closing any window, such as starting to compose a message and cancelling it, leaves an empty entry in the Window list. Closing the Folders window also causes it.

If IERenderer is disabled, it's different. Start to compose a message, and check the Window list, and the new window is not there. Click on a different window, and check the list, the new windows shows in the list. Click back on the new message window, and cancel the message and the entry stays in the list even though the window is now gone. Close all windows and the list is now empty. But, opening Windows now causes no entries to appear in the Window list.

Closing Pegasus at that point, leaves the icon in the task bar until you hover over it, and re-launching Pegasus shows the "Mailbox is locked" dialog.

When IERenderer is enabled, closing Pegasus doesn't seem to cause any issues.

Can anybody else reproduce this?


recent by Michael  ·  Jul 21 '23 at 3:59 am

Up until now, when I have configured Pegasus using POP3 to receive e-mail for my Google Workspace account I needed a special Google account password. My Google Workspace password didn't work. I have always followed the instructions in this article:

Today the "App Passwords" option is no longer an option in the Security section of Manage My Account.

Has this option moved to somewhere else? How can I create the needed a a password?

recent by msetzerii  ·  Jul 11 '23 at 4:08 pm
dhughes posted Jul 6 '23 at 3:27 pm

I have several pmail trays that give the error:

You have asked to delete a tray file which still contains folders. Please delete or move all folders from the tray before attempting to delete it.

but there are no folders to delete or move.

WinPMail version: Version 4.81.1154, Jan 10 2023, build ID 1154

recent by msetzerii  ·  Jul 8 '23 at 4:06 am
gwlee posted Jun 16 '23 at 12:17 am

I've been using Pegasus Mail since they started charging to use Eudora, and the free version didn't have an address book anymore. Pegasus ran fine on my Windows 10 machine. When I got a new computer (Windows 11) I copied all the files over to the same folder (PMAIL) on the same drive (Esmile and then installed version 4.8 as an update. It downloads mail fine but won't sent mail.

Every time I try to send mail I get this message:

Delivery has failed on the enclosed message for the following
reasons reported either by the mail delivery system on the mail
relay host or by the local TCP/IP transport module:

554 5.7.1 <[]>: Client host rejected: Access denied

I checked all the SMTP settings and they were all OK. I then did another update install. Still wouldn't download mail. I went on the email website and sent an email to myself and I got it. I thought it might have been a problem with the email server but it's still doing it after five days so I know the problem is with Pegasus. I don't know what else to do.

Could you please help me?
Thank you,
GW Lee

0MrSkeezix143 posted Jun 24 '23 at 5:39 pm

Just wondering if any improvements been made in the spell checker process. when i asked the question several months ago, I believe someone said there were bugs they were trying to work out. I had mentioned mine wasn't working like it used to. Before it automatically detected misspelled words and i was able to correct. I'm using version 4.73 as i had various problems (other than spellchecker) with the latest version and had to drop down so maybe the later version has it corrected.

Thanks for the help as usual

recent by msetzerii  ·  Jun 26 '23 at 4:42 am
TonyN posted Jun 19 '23 at 7:03 pm

Most, but not all, Gmail addresses that I send to are now getting bounced with the following message appearing instantly in my new mail box:
Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Seems as though its coming from Pegasus not from a server.
I’ve looked on line for solutions but everything I find seems to be relate to adding a Gmail account to Pegasus, and that is not what I want to do.
If I send to the same addresses using a Gmail account I have there is no problem, but I only use this account occasionally for non-business purposes so that isn’t a solution either.
I have whitelisted the email addresses.
I updated to PMail ver 4.8 this morning and noticed something in the release notes about Gmail protocols but again, this does not relate to the bouncing emails so far as I can see. Nor has it helped.
I’ve been a PM user for decades and would not be without it, but this has got me stuck and any help would be very much appreciated. I’ve tried searching the forum but can’t see anything that is likely to hit the spot.

recent by TonyN  ·  Jun 23 '23 at 11:22 am
ddmartin posted Jun 21 '23 at 10:08 am

I have PM Version 4.80.1028 on Windows 10 Pro 64bit.
From yesterday is opening folder COPYSELF very slow.
It take about 10 min.
Whole PM is blocked this time.
I see that folder COPYSELF has 64004 messages.
File with this folder had size 337 MB.

When I delete 50 messages, it start open quickly.
Best regards

Knobiator posted Jun 16 '23 at 4:13 am

Using pmail since ages, much delighted with it.
Now, new hdd, installed freshly downloades version.
horror: pmail asks for password ... i never created one! Never was aksed for a password in the last years!
Were can I create a password, so that I can finish the installation???

recent by Knobiator  ·  Jun 17 '23 at 8:46 pm
DavidTC44 posted Jun 16 '23 at 5:57 pm

Over the last three weeks, I have been getting the following error message for emails that have been bounced;-

"Delivery has failed on the enclosed message for the following
reasons reported either by the mail delivery system on the mail
relay host or by the local TCP/IP transport module:

550-We're sorry, but we can't send your email. Either the subject matter, a
link, or an attachment potentially contains

Your original mail message follows:

X-PM-Identity: <Default>
From: "David T-C." "

If anybody can offer an explanation or reason, that I am getting this message, I would be eternally grateful.

David Tarbox-Cooper (aka DavidTC44)

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