Pegasus Mail Suggestions

If you have suggestions or special wishes for Pegasus Mail here is where you make your voice heard.

NTxLS posted Sep 20 '12 at 8:57 pm

Mr. David Harris,

In the "About this folder" message and the send date should be using the date of the install upon the New User's system not when that message was created, "Mon, 17 Mar 2003 12:46:43 +1200" it will then appear to be freshly sent even though provided by your installation software.  Plus they then have a record as to when they started using PMail.

NTxLS posted Sep 20 '12 at 4:34 pm

Have noted when doing a "SAM HALTER" train as SPAM for more than one message my PMail drops out, turns grey and is shown as 'Not Responding' for a short.  If more like maybe 3 to as many as you are wanting to train as SPAM PMail goes grey and 'Not Responding.'   The more messages the longer it will take before you may use PMail again.

 This also happens when those messages are moved to a SPAM folder, you may choose to rename so it is not at the very top area of the "Folders" panel.  Also if you are deleting multiple messages, have only noticed from the "In Box" and "SPAM HALTER" folder so far, but; probably will also happen for other Folders when multiple messages are marked for deletion.

NTxLS posted Sep 20 '12 at 4:20 pm

When a message is transferred to "DELETED" or "SPAM HALTER," from the "In Box" folder automatically be marked as "Read" or a check box in "Tools/Options" to give us the ability to select as automatic marking.



Thank you for this reply, sorry it has taken me so long to get to this.  When logging in and clicking on this thread a strange box came up and could not click the back arrow, "User already logged in" with instructions to contact an administrator.  So I sent a message to the Feed Back crew from the bottom of that window.  Could not get back to this area so had to log in again by clicking the notification message received.

Will look into your suggestion when time will allow, have many problems to chase outside of home with friends having other issues.  That is my life as a 'troubleshooter' and analyst for any problem, just cannot deal with programming as I am not a programmer.  Journeyman Electronic Technician with over 65 years experience along with other fields of experience thrown in to the mix like pneumatics, hydraulics, electrical, mechanical, automobiles, plumbing, A/C, et ceteras.  


 Maybe this would be mostly for myself, but; if another would like to see this then maybe they can add to it for other opinions.

As an extra, after thought, why not give the user an option for that 'tattle-tale' message alerter to float around the boundary of the screen

instead of just leaving it in one place.  With so much being placed on

these screens especially a laptop it is/could be over some info you are

reading.  Give an option of display time of 0.5 sec. per position or

more, if you like my permission is granted.  Some of us 'Hide Status

BAR' and placing it there could also hide it or be over icons that may be filling

the status bar.

 Or maybe just have it move back and forth across the top of the screen as an eye catcher that mail has arrived that could also be added as an option under 'Tools/Options (Alt+F10)' and entered in the area for incoming mail.

Thank you Mr. Harris for this wonderful powerful client that is more flexible than a 'rubber band' and still evolving

bfluet posted Sep 13 '12 at 11:23 pm

List mode vs. Preview mode is a personal preference but I believe List mode would provide the functionality that you are looking for.  One of the ways to make List mode very  useable is to keep multiple folders open in appropriately sized windows on the Pegasus Mail desktop.  At a minimum keep the New Mail folder and the Folder list open but perhaps the Main folder as well.

NTxLS posted Sep 1 '12 at 3:30 pm

Will do, just not time enough in a day for me and my systems.  Have other duties as well and just pressed for time.  As one famous person once said:

 "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once."
    - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

 "Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach."
     - Albert Einstein

Thank you for being my instructor/Teacher . . .


When moving mail to a Mail Box and there is a 'Filing tray' the high-lite moves to that FT when you click on the plus sign (+) to open to have access to the MBxs.  Then you need to move the high-lite back to the MB you are wanting to move mail from and to one that is under a FT.  I do not use the Filters to sort my mail to mail boxes until after I have read them, then some are deleted and not filed.  I use the Drag&Drop method.

When clicking the plus sign (+) on a FT to open a list of MBxs be such that the high-lite remain where you last were, which ever MB you were on at the time you needed to open a FT.

Can this be adjusted in the next version?

Greenman posted Aug 23 '12 at 1:44 pm

I came across an issue this week that surprised me. We have a new member of staff who started just a couple of weeks ago. She uses Preview mode to view her messages but sometimes double-clicks a folder to open it in its own window. She reported that her Main Folder was giving an error when closing Pegasus Mail - it was the usual issue that can be fixed by re-indexing. I was surprised because there is not a lot of mail in her Main Folder and this is something that usually only crops up after several months of usage.

When I looked at the list of open windows, her Main Folder had been opened several times. I'm pretty sure her issue was caused by making changes in one window while the others were still open, then later switching to a different Main Folder window and perhaps making other changes there.

In order to avoid this happening again is it possible to force the focus to switch to the window that is already open, rather than opening a second, third and fourth instance? Perhaps it might help prevent folder corruption.


Guy posted Aug 4 '12 at 7:31 pm

[quote user="Rolf"]
There used to be a command line tool that could convert all of the messages in a folder to show "to: SENDER".
However, this was cumbersome (as it was command line driven), and I can't actually find the programme anymore
(anybody know where I can find it in the interim?).

Maybe this tool:

from Dragon Computer Consultancy
  Simple DOS program for use after converting messages from another
  mail program. Run it on a 'sent' messages folder and Pegasus will
  then see all the messages as a Copy to Self.


KhleSmizth posted Jul 26 '12 at 4:24 am

Could we just merge the Internet options and main options settings windows? Just to make something simpler.

Dave Martin posted Aug 23 '12 at 8:40 am

I think Thunderbird is just slowing down, even only doing bug fixes and critical updates users will still continue to use it. I guess when the time comes they would be looking for something in active development.

bliker posted Jul 22 '12 at 5:24 pm

I join in the petition.
I was looking at a number of topics and did not find an answer.
I had to write myself but I tkos warned
I apologize immediately for his poor English language 
Rendres posted Jun 29 '12 at 12:22 pm


I use the "paste special" function quite a lot in both Pegasus (Ctrl + Shift+ V) and MS Office/Lotus/(Other?) products (Alt + E + S).

It would be great if by default these shortcuts were the same (given that they do the same type of thing). Recognising that Microsoft has somewhat greater standard setting power, I'd like to propose adding the (Alt + E + S) shortcut to Pegasus... maybe even keep the old one for long time Pegasus users, but add the MS shortcut in addition.



Greenman posted Jun 21 '12 at 12:25 pm

My experience of the average PC user is that they just plod on. I've been a network administrator for 12 years now, providing support to staff and my experience is that those who are not PC savvy do not think to look at the options to see if this can be changed. Those staff that do attempt it often find it a chore trying to find the setting. This is why I asked if the default installation configuration can be changed. I ask for two reasons:

1. New customers will be able to select more than one attachment without wasting time figuring out how to enable multiple file selection.

2. It makes Pegasus Mail just that little bit more user friendly.


djweber posted Aug 22 '12 at 1:57 am

My dearly beloved wife --my poor wife-- "lost" an important branch of her folder hierarchy by trying to copy a large branch under another tray.  The files are still in her mail folder, and some can be located with a search, opened and moved, while others aren't showing their heads.

So I poked around to figure out how to help her. Someone mentioned editing the file.  I'd like to be able to do that, but I have only educated guesses about how to do that.  IS THERE ANY technical documentation, that explains, for example,

  • the syntax of the lines (which come in a few different patterns),
  • what the pair of digits at the beginning of lines mean
  • the structure of the file as a whole (e.g., any ordering constraints there might be
  • and what is the good and the bad (danger!!) of directly editing this file 
  • DOCUMENTATION on the  the structure of entries, what can be omitted?

Perhaps this should be another message thread? ...say, "


NTxLS posted Aug 27 '12 at 8:40 pm

Mr. Harris,

I have not been using PMail for about 2.5 years, my Wife just would not accept it and use it so we went through many other clients, finally setteled with one and she was not happy with that one either but accepted it and worked.  My Wife passed on Mother's Day this year, 13 May, 2012.

 I now am back to using Pegasus Mail again, thank you for this latest update the look is GREAT, except for a few little problems.  One is the same as what is posted in this thread, double spell check is a big pain for each message.  There are others, they will be posted elsewhere, am not going to high-jack another person's thread.

 I do hope this will not be a problem in v5.x the latest version 4.63 looks very well put together and I will stay with you.



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