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Brian and Michael,

     I now believe that neither renderer is involved, and place suspicion on TER/HTS running in Pegasus Mail.  I can see no logging activity in Bearhtml when replies are processed. The only test I can think to prove this is to disable both Bearhtml and IERenderer and see if the Reply function still works. The only other test I can think of is to check the content of the original message against the pre-loaded text in the reply. If Bearhtml was involved, then there should be a dramatic reduction in size when the wantCSS=no is enabled, as the SCRIPT and CSS content is completely removed from the Html stream. By dramatic reduction I mean at least 50% in size, not just a line or two.

I will try disabling Bearhtml and not enabling IERenderer,



[quote user="Brian Fluet"]I have seen this happen with other old apps.  The behavior is as if the print job is sent directly to the printer, ignoring the printer driver preferences.  Does setting the default tray in the printer preferences on a client machine make a difference?[/quote]

The default tray is already set on each client machine, but Pmail is ignoring it.

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]Also, might the problem be specific to printers using a PS driver?  I'm using PCL drivers on all printers due to problems with PS drivers (I don't remember the specifics though).  Tray management on a recently purchased Xerox printer was problematic with both PS & PCL6 drivers.  A PCL5 driver solved the problem.[/quote]

We are using PCL drivers only

[quote user="Brian Fluet"]Finally, I've experienced client PC's that just would not print correctly when the printer was installed as a network printer.  Installing the printer as a local printer to the appropriate TCP/IP port has been the solution. [/quote]

All of our printers are network printer. Installing local printers is not our preffered method since all printer queues should be centrally managed by the server.

But anyway. The problem is only with one of our printers where normal paper is in tray 2 and letter heads in tray 1. I will exchange the trays one with another. Then it doesn't matter when Pmail is always using tray 1, ignoring all default Windows settings.


I have been a little remiss in not keeping the internal properties info for Bearhtml.dll in step with the zip files naming, that I have been creating. I have been creating new versions of Bearhtml on an almost monthly basis, to introduce Html V5 coding requirements, at the same time keeping Html V4 coding alive. As well I am trying to implement CSS V3 fully, and started on CSS V4 as well as the draft version of CSS V5.



euler posted Jan 5 '20 at 12:08 am

[quote user="Melissa2011B"]

Just got this from a client. Several clients in the last few months, have expressed not liking the quote back marks:

BTW, if you wouldn't mind, when you reply, please just type your reply as a new

message instead of interleaving your sentences into the text of my prior

message.  They way it is displayed on my screen has a profusion of >>>> and

weird indents that makes it very hard to read.



"The client is always right," so I'd suggest you to create an Identity where all your messages would be top-posted, pure HTML, and with your client message below your signature.


P.S. Also use For replies to HTML, preserve original's formatting on your Reply options to stick with your client preferences.

Brian Fluet posted Nov 7 '19 at 2:25 pm

I meant for you to delete or disable the current POP3 host in Pegasus Mail for and then create a new one to see if that resolves a problem that is not visible in the existing one.

Also, can you post the POP3 configuration settings for

Finally, does ictglobe require Open Authentication (OAuth) or any sort of secure mail key (a term AT&T uses) or application password (a term gmail uses)?

irelam posted Oct 29 '19 at 4:23 pm

I found this "definition" which only partly describes the

filetype purpose. It sounds like someone tried to run an app copying

Pegasus Mail email messages. Sounds like bad news ????

An M

file is a class implementation file used by programs written in

Objective-C. It begins with the @implementation directive and

initializes variables and .


irelam posted Oct 26 '19 at 6:04 am

For starters select the Pegasus Mail File main menu and click on selective download.  You should get a list of messages being help at your ISP. Then if you get any items listed, select them and click Download If they really there, they should download. You should also complain to Telus and get them to explain their interpretation of the message lines: STAT and:  +OK 140 21331952  As far as I understand this says that there are 140 messages with a total size of 21,331,952 bytes (21 Mbs).

FYI, I am a Telus customer too, and I was without service for over a week, for both POP and SMTP, when their server pool collapsed.(I got a $50 gift card as a "sorry about that").   Plan 2, get a Telus Webmail account set up, and try to access your messages from it.

Good Luck,  I am back on the air again with no significant loss as far a I can tell.



irelam posted Oct 21 '19 at 5:36 am

The thread was about formatting of a screen involving visibility of a help entry. Other responses on this thread have itemised the problem and its solution.


irelam posted Oct 25 '19 at 11:05 pm

There is a possibility that the sending of an Outlook message to your Pegasus, may have caused Outlook to just pass a reference to the attachment it did not include with the body of the message.I don't have Microsoft Office/Outlook on my PC.

In a similar way when you send a Pegasus Mail message with an attachment, and elect to send that message to your Copyself folder. You won't get a copy of the attachment in that message, it just reminds you that an attachment was sent. the actual attachment would still be on your hard drive, unless you deleted it.


Michael posted Oct 21 '19 at 10:35 am

[quote user="selberherr"]The hangs are indeed true hangs, since I tested them by waiting for more than an hour. It must be connected to Windows LTSC, or at least, I did not observe the phenomenon with any older version.[/quote]

Hi Siegfried,

there is a way for doing some diagnostics on this issue: Please get and install the MiniDump extension and run its Snapshot tool while Pegasus Mail is hanging. This might give us a clue of what's going on in the guts while Pegasus Mail isn't responsive. If you don't already not about the MiniDump extension it's recommended to read (it also provides the download link) and try its suggestions before using it. Its ReadMe file explains how it works in more detail.

Michael posted Nov 7 '19 at 11:52 am

[quote user="TonyQuick"]To be clear, and you probably know this already, my users have their mailbox location set to .\MAILBOX, but the location is actually configurable and doesn't have to be under the user's home directory at all. When you look at the info in Help | About Pegasus Mail | Info...  you will see two mail box locations, "Home mailbox location:" and :New mailbox location:"  Hopefully, you're using the configuration information for the mailbox location and not just "MAILBOX"[/quote]

Thanks, Pegasus Mail maintains Registry entries keeping this information and provides a runtime access API for extension developers, these are the sources I'm using, no need to worry ;-)

Brian Fluet posted Oct 17 '19 at 7:56 pm

I agree with Euler that the problem is with the username or password as indicated by the "ERR [AUTH] Username and password not accepted." log entry.

The log shows the username and password that are being transmitted so if they appear correct I suggest disabling your current gmail SMTP host and creating a new one to see if that solves an unseen issue.

I'm using on port 587 with STARTTLS and the second option for SMTP Authentication (Login to the SMTP server with the following username and password).

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