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Brian Fluet posted Nov 27 '19 at 3:00 am

The unknown is whether the issue that prevented the deletion from the server will be a common problem or a rare one.

You can try IMAP for a day or two and if it's not for you switch back to POP3.  If you switch back consider whether to use webmail to delete unneeded messages from the server before switching to avoid a POP3 download of a bunch of messages that you don't care about.

I'll be travelling for the next 5 days so don't know when I'll be able to check back.

irelam posted Oct 17 '19 at 3:12 am

SMTP is fundamental to email messaging and other data transporting across the Internet. I would suggest that there would be an uproar if anyone suggested this. Who other than this company would be

promoting this ? I would be very suspicious of their motives, as there is already encryption and authentication being implemented by mayor ISP services, that rely on the basic transport protocol such as SMTP and IMAP.



[quote user="irelam"]

I can confirm your experiences with the latest Windows 10 updates. My system got slower and slower until it became intolerable. I then had to do a system backout of these updates, and my system seems to have recovered almost completely. I have not investigated which of all of the updates sent to my system caused this problem. I will be looking to Microsoft to report what the problems may have been. I will be turning off Windows Update shortly, unless I see a statement from Microsoft.



I've just found this "Windows Automatic Updates Manager review" from Ghacks and I think it is worth a try. The application (WAU  Manager.exe) is portable and free to use, giving much more flexibility to Windows update ([un-]installation) process. It can even substitute Windows' built-in update manager.

Download link at the bottom of the review.

Shades posted Sep 29 '19 at 5:45 pm

Unless I've missed the point somewhere easiest way is just go to

Tools | Internet options | Receiving (pop3) | Add | New

and enter the settings for account(2) then repeat for the next…

If you also wish to post from these other accounts do the same in

Tools | Internet Options | Sending (smtp) | Add | New

You can, but don’t “have to” make a fresh Identity (Tools | Identities | Add)

for each account (or group on a server) and have different use settings

You may have to change a setting in Gmail to pass their

Auth2 problems (see other thread(s) about that)

after that it’s just a matter of setting filters to place

mail where you wish

PS if you post to teh mailing list you may get answers quicker

Brian Fluet posted Sep 22 '19 at 5:10 am

Pegasus Mail stores numerous paths (home mailbox directory ,new mailbox directory, programs directory)  in configuration files which are stored in a mailbox directory (eg: ...\MAIL\ADMIN).  In order for a copy from one machine to another to be successful the paths must be identical. 

I assume you can tell from the image what the path to the \PMAIL directory was when it was made.  If it was anywhere inside of a \PROGRAM FILES directory don't read an further because this procedure won't work.  Post back for an alternative approach.

If not inside of a \PROGRAM FILES directory here's what I suggest:

Rename the new C:\PMAIL take it of the picture for now (hopefully to be deleted).

Restore the backup to the same location.

Run  C:\PMAIL\PROGRAMS\WINPM-32.EXE.  This will start Pegasus Mail and create a registry entry of its path.  You should be able to see folders and any new messages that existed when the backup was made.  If you don't, something is wrong so stop here and post back, otherwise just close Pegasus Mail.

Run the installer.  It will use the registry key to identify this Pegasus Mail instance and offer to upgrade it, which you should do.  This will create shortcuts and other registry entries.  You don't mention what version is being used but I suggest upgrading to the latest version (4.73).

Note: while doing this I think you might need to do it as the Win10 user who will be using Pegasus Mail, with that users privileges elevated to Admin.  You should reduce them once the upgrade is complete.

Pegasus Mail should now function like it did when the image was made.  The next step will be to address whatever isn't working.  Let us know those details as you identify them and we'll help however we can.

irelam posted Sep 14 '19 at 9:42 pm

I would examine the email headers for lines that start: "Received: from *********** and note the domain addresses.  Then compare with other similar problem messages. 

If there are matching domain names, that could be the starting point for building a newmail filter. The filter argument should be  "Received: from ***********" (less the double quotes)

The action for the filter should be to Move the message to the Spam Folder.

The From: and Subject: are usually subjected to programmed alterations to avoid filtering matches.



What you describe is the behavior experienced when the pmail.ini file gets corrupted or deleted.  Mail data is not affected but configuration settings are at defaults.  If you have a very recent backup you can try restoring pmail.ini otherwise you'll need to review all configuration settings and set to your preferences.  The pmail.ini file resides in the home mailbox directory.

I have not know the bold new mail to be enabled as default but you'll find that setting in Tools > Options > Incoming mail > Folder behaviours.

If Pegasus Mail was running during the Windows update the forced shutdown might have caused the problem.

Ted posted Sep 12 '19 at 2:39 am

Thank you Euler.  You were correct, i.e., "Big Brother" has decided how best to care for our security :o(    All is now working as it should.


Jay-Mercury posted Sep 10 '19 at 6:05 am

Thanks Brian -

I'm trying to get access to the original server again, so that i can mount the imap directory and then move the files properly.  Thank you for your quick response.   

FJR posted Nov 11 '19 at 10:48 am

To avoid some of these problems with attachments of type iCalender and VCalendar, I've done this:




text/calendar = iCalendar

This should avoid the [Type unknown]. For PMICAL to open those attachments:



For the problem  with the "Alternative message format" I do not have any solution. It arises with vCalender attached by webinterface of Exchange Server (don't know if Outlook too). The understanding of Microsoft is, because they put the text in "plain text" and "HTML Text" in addition into field description of their calenderfile, that a calenderfile is an alternative of that text. May be discussed ... but Pegasus does abviously not expect this to be an alternative and so simply marks it as text and not as an attachment. David would say, that this is another case where Pegasus has to correct problems arising by an mal programed mailprograms :-)


Bye    Olaf



Until now I've thought the extract and replace approach was best for upgrading IER in shared Pmail installations like ours but the updating of VIEWER.PM by the IER installer puts a wrinkle in that thinking. I wonder if copying VIEWER.PM from one Pmail installation to another would cause any problems.  I'm thinking of copying the one on my home laptop for use in the office.

BTW, I think you switched your VIEWER.PM content listings because mine, which is old, is identical to the one you listed as new except for .ics and .vcs entries that I had added.

irelam posted Aug 23 '19 at 12:57 am

While this is not really of concern to everybody, please be aware that there is not a 64-bit Windows version for Windows 10. The 32-bit version does install, but the locations of all the files have changed. So the Pegasus Mail utility SendDoc may need to change its location to remain active. You need to locate SendDoc.exe and SendDoc2.exe

They used to be in the Programs sub-directory but now they are in the Bin directory.  Once they are properly located you will be able to send files using Pegasus Mail services.

Please note that Microsoft Office applications data files cannot be mailed by using the File/Sendto menu.



Brian Fluet posted Nov 18 '19 at 9:36 pm

Yes, it would be nice if the history on the download page included v2.6.2.12 but it's not like v2.6.2.12 isn't disclosed.  Information about it is in the History.htm file included in the downloaded zip.


Final comment in this regard. It seems the [Location of PMR System Address Books] entry in german pegasus.ini is without functionality. An added UNC path to a changed PMR location will not be processed by Pmail even if the new folder name doesn' exceed the 8.3 limits. Pmail is still searching its default Pmail\Programs for system's pmr files. What I didn't try is to connect a separate network drive (at each user's machine) to that new server share (e.g. \\server123\Pmail$\Programs\Address\) to avoid adding an UNC path to pegasus.ini. It would be a little bit over the top connecting a separate network drive for address books or put pmr files outside our Pmail environment to other existing network drives.

At the moment I keep it as it is, editable address books are in Pmail\Programs.

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