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PiS posted Nov 6 '07 at 1:14 am

buying a license is not = travel expenses, which violates mr bfluets company policy.

And here a PayPal receipt is not the same as a purchase order.

IMHO: The comment & sincere request is fair, and should not be "corrected" as a proff of lack of "petty cash" system.

m_g_w posted Nov 1 '07 at 11:09 pm

[quote user="Thomas R. Stephenson"]

Correct.  The bounces are generally coming at the time MercuryE is talking to the receiving host but you should still get a bounce message .  I run a number of lists using VERP and I always get a bounce message pretty much telling me why the connection failed.  Are you not seeing any bounce messages at all?


Yes, I do get some bounce messages but I didn't think I got all of them. Perhaps I do - I will start paying more attention to them and, heaven forbid, perhaps even keep copies of them.

Thanks for the reply.

[quote user="jatubio"]

Hello, today i a have a very, very bad day [:S]

I don't know why, but my ip server is listed into spamcom spam lists... Now i can't send mails to many of my big clients.. 

I need one  fast solution. I have think to get one cheap mail hosting and 'reroute' Mercury SMTP mails through new server.

It's possible to config Mercury to do this??

This is one possible solution? O maybe no solution because the 'ip source' of e-mails is the mine (black listed)??

Thank you in advance.

PS: Sorry for my bad english



Unload the MercuryE protocol and load the MercuryC.  You point MercuryC at your ISPs SMTP host to send the mail.  If you might need to find another SMTP host because you might be caught in a block type blacklisting.  Hard to tell anything more since you provided nothing in the way of domains and IP addresses for us to work with.





I came across PLAIN authentication in a FileMaker Pro plugin once, and that one could also do the LOGIN authentication - so it worked.

In this case, the point was to chech the session log, to see why the authentication failed - and if it is using PLAIN, then change the client behaviour if possible.


At the SMTP level, Mercury is very strict on proper addressing standards being used. This dates from the days of "services" like ORBS, that would try to trick a mail program into relaying mail, often using tests that involved addresses in illegal formats.

In a plain mail message, having an address without "<>" is generally OK, but in the SMTP transaction state, it's quite illegal, and it's my guess that this is where the problem is occurring in your case. Your best bet is to get the application generating the faulty addressing corrected.


-- David --

David Harris posted Nov 5 '07 at 5:32 am

[quote user="Heini_net"]

i let all my Mails on my MercuryMail-Server. but after it has changed the timezone to Winter-Time so my E-MailClient download all e-Mails again. whats wrong ?


It's only quite recently that I've been able to work out exactly why this was happening. It turns out the problem is a clear bug in Windows - see this link for more: . It turns out that Windows incorrectly applies timezone variations even to files that were not modified when that timezone variation applied! In other words, a file modified at 9am before daylight savings time will appear to have been modified at 10am after daylight savings comes in, even though that's obviously nonsensical.

I'm trying to find a solution for this, but it is likely that the solution will cause some initial pain - i.e, the first time you switch to the new method, you'll probably get all your mail offered to you again, but it will be the last time it will happen. The solution will be available in v4.53, which will be out before the end of the year.


-- David --

David Harris posted Nov 5 '07 at 5:23 am

[quote user="dkocmoud"]

Mercury currently doesn't have the ability to change the Sender header from to


You also would never want to do this - it would result in too many errors, bounces and other assorted malformatted kruft being redistributed to the list when problems occurred.

As I mentioned in another thread, I'll see what I can do about this, either by adding an option to suppress the "Sender" field, or by allowing its content to be changed.


-- David --

Thomas R. Stephenson posted Oct 29 '07 at 5:44 am

[quote user="mt_100"]

I am getting this error from Mercury running on Windows platform but only when sending to one domain. I can send mail several places with no problems but Yahoo gives this error when I try to send mail to it.


Anyone have ideas? 



Turn on session logging and see exactly what's happening when you send to Yahoo.  There is probably some error message that indicates what is going on.



Greenman posted Nov 12 '07 at 10:44 am

Sorry about this - the POP3 modules were not downloading anything. No *.MD files were in the folder.

What was happening was that the MessageLabs banner was not visible in one view - all mail defaults to plain text view, and although the banner is visible in the majority of these, it is not visible in others. Switching views revealed the banner. And the spam mails are addresses to two people who have filled out online surveys and and have not un-ticked the 3rd party mail request.... grrrr


Sorry for the false alarm.


Thomas R. Stephenson posted Nov 1 '07 at 10:33 pm

[quote user="cfastner"]David:

We are using Mercury32 for hosting several listservs. We have found that there seems to be a problem with a Groupwise Client "adding" or "removing" email addresses from one of our Listservs. It appears that when you type an email address into the Groupwise client, Groupwise tries to turn it into a link and adds an extra space at the end of the line which is converted to "=20". This means that we have several email addresses on the Listserv that produce errors because of the "=20" at the end of the address. Can Mercury32 changed to process these messages properly?

"add" becomes




Probably not.  These should be sent as plain text messages and if Groupwise does not have a plain text capability then the only option is to use a mail client that does have this plain text capability.


slavergne posted Nov 5 '07 at 9:35 pm

I appreciate all the assistance.  The problem is now gone.  I haven't changed anything on my end, so I assume the techs on the other end found the problem.

 Thank you to everyone for their suggestions.

JustMe posted Oct 25 '07 at 10:36 pm


many thanks. I tried in several times with the rule "If header "T" contains "" Copy "SFeiler"" an it works great. The solution can be sometimes so easy.

Now I will trie some other rules but I think/hope, I dont need help any more...

Thanks for your time!


Eichstetter Marco


[quote user="bryroller"]I would like the delivery transcripts from Mercury/E to include the recipients address. What variable could I use to paste that info to the returned TS: message?[/quote]


Not sure what you are looking for here.  The returned transcript provides both the MAIL FROM: senders address and the RCPT TO: receivers address.

                         Mail Delivery Transcript

This system-generated message contains a transcript documenting the
process of delivering an e-mail message. It does not prove that the
recipient has either received or read your message - merely that the
message has been successfully accepted by another system, which now
assumes responsibility for delivering the message to the recipient.
In the vast majority of cases, though, this transcript can be used as
a reasonably reliable indication that a message has been successfully

In the transcript, lines marked ">>" are the commands sent by this
mail server, while lines marked "<<" represent the replies from the
remote mail server.

   Transcript generated by:
   Message date:                Thu, 01 Nov 2007 13:40:08 -0700
   Message subject:             Transcript testing
   Job identifier:              MO006C3C
   Delivery started:            Thu, 1 Nov 2007 14:40:13 -0700
   Delivery ended:              Thu, 1 Nov 2007 14:40:16 -0700

----------- Transcript of delivery process follows ----------------------
Established connection to
>> MAIL FROM:<> SIZE=930
<< 250 2.1.0 OK
>> RCPT TO:<>
<< 250 2.1.5 OK
<< 354 Go ahead
>> [Sent 930 bytes of message data]
<< 250 2.0.0 OK 1193953216 m6si3014480wag
14:40:16: 3 seconds elapsed, closing connection.

David Harris posted Nov 5 '07 at 5:43 am

Doh! Ignore my last posting - I just noticed you say you're using v4.01c, which is of course the patched version.

Pardon my noise... ;-)


-- David --

chriscw posted Jul 7 '08 at 12:57 pm

I have been having a similar problem, although not with spam from a specific sender, and had wondered if some of the mails which were not being scanned by Popfile were missed because the server was too busy since it is only a single core single CPU system.   However I had a quick look at one example today and noted that it was 58 K in length and that my -s setting was 50.   I have now raised this to 100 and await developments.


There goes my reason for hassling my bosses for a spangly new server!

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