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jonm posted Aug 5 '19 at 11:11 am

Between emails on Saturday the width a space takes up when I compose an email or reply has doubled or tripled. Even the text of the original email when I reply is rejustified.

However the emails sent like this appear ok when received.

I have restored pmail from various days previous (it is backed up daily) and even a fresh install but problem persists.

Here is what it should look like:

a a a a a a 

and what I get now

a  a  a  a   a  a

PC is running fully uptodated Windows 10.

My version on Windows 7 is ok.

Any ideas. I have changed fonts and the rest of the PC is ok. 

irelam posted Jan 21 '20 at 7:52 pm

Brian & Jeorg

  I have not, so far, put in code to clean up after user has finished a session in Pmical.  This could just be an option in Pmical.ini? Or it could be a dialog SaveTo question at closing time to save or not save, and then where to save things to.

As to the actual location of data and program files, this could be resolved by users declaring possible locations to be considered, in a list, and then prompted at Pmical startup to select one of the choices of location. Secondly to this I would suggest that all temporary work files created in TEMP by Pmical be deleted at Pmical closing, as they are not useful from that point on.  I have to be careful with event replies, as these need to be kept, as part of the event updating process.  For example the Accept or Decline of an event invitation, and the update of invitees list,  and updating of time and date of event invitations, or event event cancellation.

This last point suggests that using TEMP to store events would not work if event updating is needed. Further, if prompting for a location, it cannot change once set, as the updating process cannot easily change.

By the way, my PmicalAdmin app could be enhanced to handle a lot of these questions. 


irelam posted Jul 28 '19 at 9:53 pm

This utility is available at:  for those who might still find it a quick and easy to use utility. It has been upgraded to run in Windows 10 32-bit and 64- bit systems. It extracts messages from NNTP servers and converts them into Pegasus Mail incoming messages. The messages can be either individual or in digest collection forms.


irelam posted Aug 19 '19 at 10:00 pm

Brian/Michael et al

 Sorry I have been quiet over the last few days, first my ISP crashed all their email services, POP SMTP IMAP and Webmail and I have been waiting patiently for them to recover.  Meanwhile my PC has been acting up so I have not been able to install the IERenderer to help sort the display problems. I am forced to use my Gmail mailer. I am monitoring this Community and Listserv services.

I have been on Windows 10 since its beginning and recently trying out both MicrosoftEdge as well as the beta version of the Chrome-based MSEdge replacement. My vote is strongly for the replacement version even though it is only beta. Don't try it yet though, as we need to understand how to disable the MicrosoftEdge SystemApp.

Just to let you know, I have a solution for Bearhtml, which seems to work, but I am not sure what I need to test, when users choose which browser to use. Particularily what happens when Microsoft issues one of its frequent updates, which tend to reset all the default Windows settings back.

So good luck and watch this space, or mail me at




I use IMAP access to my accounts mostly to train the server's spam filters and message archiving. It works as advertised.

Today I was selecting a bunch of messages with the only intent to mark them as READ and noticed it was taking too long to mark the UNREAD messages. Usually, I use rules for this kind of job but some mail servers (Gmail) do not cope well with rules and I don't have the slightest idea why. Yahoo and GMX do just fine.

Anyway, this particular IMAP folder has 7.1% of UNREAD messages and the rest marked READ (92.9%). I think I can fairly assume Pmail will run over the whole messages at least ONCE, that is, to build the header cache. The time taken for this task was 5' 25". Differences between the three measurements were considered irrelevant. The problem is that the existence of a header cache, or not, does not influence on the selecting messages time. Pmail was still downloading all the folder's messages before comparing. Is that correct? I was expecting that only those message headers not already on cache should be worth downloading.

I'll be eagerly waiting for your thoughts. TIA.

Brian Fluet posted Jul 27 '19 at 3:22 am

Drag and drop should work, at least when dragging from a file explorer and dropping onto either the attachment tab or the attachment pane (attachment tab open).

One place it doesn't is if you click the "Add attachment..." button and then try to drag and drop from the resulting "Select a file" window.

euler posted Jul 23 '19 at 9:13 pm

No, both codes scan the whole folder content, no matter if they are unread, read, or both. While I use "Sort unread before read" option set ON on most of my folders, toggling it OFF didn't change the code behavior. I tested all scenarios I could think of including unread messages with some read in between.

It might be something related to the folder's index as longer code exits immediately if all of the folder's messages are marked read. If the shorter code is used, no matter if all, some or none messages are marked unread it will take much more time to complete.

Rupert posted Jul 21 '19 at 9:37 am

Thanks for that. I tried your method but no joy. Not a problem. I think I've got it now in a pdf, all nicely sorted in the same order as listed in the index.



I just stomped into this short notice from gHacks, and I'd like to share it with you. Though I'm not an Avast user (like the author, I'm also using Kaspersky Free), I thought some of you may benefit from his findings. There are a step-by-step procedure description, screenshots, and even a video.

You may reach the article from the link below. Beware of line breaks.


Brian Fluet posted Jul 15 '19 at 2:30 am

Pegasus Mail is an email client as are products like Outlook &Thunderbird.  Email clients can retrieve mail (POP3) from servers like gmail and comcast or access mail (IMAP) on servers like gmail and comcast.  They also send mail (SMTP) using servers like gmail and comcast.  If you installed Pegasus Mail you'll find it's manual in the \Programs installation directory as manual.pdf.  Pegasus Mail also has help buttons throughout.  Both sources are excellent.

euler posted Jul 9 '19 at 8:40 pm

[quote user="Euler GERMAN"]I have to check, but I'm positive I have a copy. If this old piece of code would work on new Windows versions (64-bit?) is another story. Let me know if you need a copy of Dawn.[/quote]

After some googling I found the link but I found this one from MajorGeeks more trustworthy:

Boris' site seems (shut)down.

Brian Fluet posted May 11 '20 at 2:31 pm

-i specifies the Pegasus Mail user

-id specifies the Pegasus Mail identity

In a multi-user system where users have multiple identities you can start Pegasus Mail as USER1 in identity ID1 by adding "-i USER1 -id ID1" to the command line.

Cassandra posted Sep 12 '19 at 11:40 pm

And I will be praying for him.  As someone who has similar - though less severe problems - in the same direction, I have some idea what he's going through.


I hope some moderator is forarding the good wishes.  It may encourage him. 

Eshtaol posted Jun 28 '19 at 11:56 pm

Thank you very much for the reply  Brian & Michael. I was just curious as it never appeared before that I'm aware.

As mentioned it never affected any part of the operation and does go away

Thank you again

Michael posted Jul 1 '19 at 4:21 pm

[quote user="Joerg"]It seems using the "Disable Extension" you can only disable main menu entries but not single entries within the different settings areas. In the ids.txt file I didn't find a code for disabling bouncing.[/quote]

It might be possible to block other IDs as well by taking a look at Pegasus Mail's resources and figuring out their IDs (Sven Henze certainly knows how to do it and I could do it as well[:-*]).

[quote user="Joerg"]Could this cause any problems in future spam results?[/quote]

Since I'm not using Spamhalter I have absolutely no idea, you may need to ask Lukas Gebauer himself.

euler posted Jan 6 '20 at 4:58 pm

Not built to the desired purpose I have used PmailUndup to verify a large bunch of folders, and eventually correct indices. Instead of mouse right-click each folder and pick Check consistency and/or Reindex folder, I use PmailUndup once in a folder set. The utility is available for download here in this Community.


I'm not sure if what I'm about to say would fulfill your needs, but there's a workaround I've successfully tested:

  1. Select all messages with attachments you need to save, that is, to extract its attachments at once;
  2. Forward them as a MIME digest to a local address. My choice is forwarding it to a noticeboard address;
  3. Open the forwarded MIME digest in the noticeboard and select the Attachments tab. You'll be able to see all attachments of all those selected messages in the classical tree view you already know;
  4. Select the attachments you want to save and click the Save button;
  5. Select the "Prompt for a filename for the first attachment, etc..." radio button, then "OK", and they'll be sent to the target directory;
  6. Finally, delete the noticeboard entry when it is done to save space.
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