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wojeda posted Aug 22 '07 at 7:49 pm

[quote user="Thomas R. Stephenson"]

I many times have WinPMail, Thunderbird, OE and Eudora all looking at the same account at the same time using IMAP4 without problems.  All see the same new mail and folders.  There is a problem with deleting since Mercury/32 does not allow deleting when there is concurrent access but I see no other problem. 

I have all sort of problems with Outlook 2002 and IMAP4 , many times it simply crashes when trying to do IMAP4, but right now I have Outlook 2002, Thunderbid, OE, WinPmail all looking at the same account al all see the same new mail.  No problems at all.  Mercury/32 v4.52 running on a HP Workstation.



Yes, you are right. That is exactly the way I think it should work. In fact, it was, prior to 4.52. Oh well, I can try Tbird for a while to see if it grows on me. It may give me the feeling I am on one of my Linux boxes. And any time I get to spend away from MS is good.  Thanks for your input.


berne posted Jan 13 '10 at 11:13 am

As of today Jan. 2010 the problem described still exists.

Server=Mercury/32 v4.72; client=Thunderbird 3.

I could find only one solution to prevent the name of a deleted IMAP folder to reappear forever: edit manually IMAPSUB.PM in the MAIL dir on the server and remove the line corresponding to the deleted folder.

1) I also saw a similar problem revolving around the management of IMAPSUB.PM: I move a message-only folder under a folder-only folder, then it is impossible to subscribe to it. I.e, I subscribe, it shows up, next time I start TB it is gone, must subscribe again.

Cause: IMAPSUB.PM was never modified by my subscription. Yet the account running Mercury/32 has all rights on that file.

2) The renaming of a folder-only folders is also not working (message-only folder can be renamed though): it is refused by the server.

3) the similar issue described in thread is also still relevant today.

4) the issue on described in thread of 2007 is also still relevant today: yesterday I saw that all IMAP sub-folders containing messages were moved (by Mercury?) under Mailbox, the tree structure still appearing in IMAPSUB.PM but emptied.
I.E. all folders in appeared as :

0,0,"38488A1:165E:FOL0027E","231A164:My Mailbox",...



gregrshaw posted Aug 3 '07 at 3:42 am

Looks like it will work if I set it to deliver to a special header only!


Slab posted Jul 27 '07 at 3:44 pm

I would but it's restricted here at work, and I wanted to see if my home mailserver backup was actually configured correctly


Dumb.  Ok, the "fix" I did was to create new self-signed certs, but when I did that, the file permissions were only for my login, it didn't inherit the folder permissions of the Mercury program folder.  Very strange.  Ok, so I fixed that.  I guess that is my punishment, better to just live with the periodic SSL errors I guess than to hose myself completely! [8-)]



[quote user="rhs"]Wouldn't you know it but Netware is "going away" at our institution.  Do you have anything to offer wrt migrating from an NDS environment to one in Microsoft's Active Directory? I checked out the wiki but no such luck there.  I'll search the mail archives as well.  Any pointers, tips, gotchas, bewares, directions would be appreciated.  Thanks!

I just responded here a few days back on active directory and Mercury/32.  There is nothing available right now other than a alpha version of dll to make the connection.  See my post [/quote]

bart posted Jul 24 '07 at 12:18 pm

Thank you for your reply. I think you are right, I'll have to start fresh. I allready started collecting spam (492 mails over the last 24 hours, just for my personal account!). 


[quote user="David Meyer"]This problem seems to be resolved. I am not sure if it was the dns timeout or removing BitDefender.[/quote]


Personally I think it was the latter.  None of the anti-virus programs seem to get the Winsock level stuff right when setting between server and clinet.



[quote] I asked the users to bounce a copy of incorrectly marked emails to the NoSpam address at each site. Unfortunately, the next email from the same source is marked as Spam again. After a few tries the users just stop sending the emails to the NoSpam address and moan at me instead.[/quote]

You have put your finger on one of the biggest dilemmas facing mail admins trying to implement Bayesian filtering in a network - managing user expectations.  I have found this a tricky problem and there are a few different strategies you can try.  Which one works for you may depend of the type of users as much as anything else.  At one site, I have to do all the classification myself because no one stays in post long enough to learn the details.

As Lex suggests, altering the whitelist expiry can help with infrequent mail lists.  Also, have a good read of the Spamhalter.pdf description - particularly the Whitelist/Blacklist section on page 17.


I had the same problem when I recently upgraded to 4.52 and found that if I disabled the "Exit and restart each day after performing daily maintenance" option the problem went away.  I had originally used this setting because 4.01b seemed to have a memory leak on my XP installations which caused Mercury to freeze up after a couple of days.  I haven't yet had this problem with 4.52.  So, that might be something to check.

Thomas Richter posted Jul 20 '07 at 11:53 am

[quote user="Peter Strömblad"]

We have the same problem, so whenever there is a new version (as a tester there can be a few) I backup the server directory, not the queues, and the pmail.usr file - rest is left alone. Then I shut down the mercury server I'm about to upgrade, check that it is unloaded using both task manager, and file open check - then do any upgrades. It takes less than 2 minutes. Only very few users will see a pop3 connection error due to the upgrade. Normally I do it at 12:20 since most people then are at lunch, whether at home or at the office.


2 minutes sounds very good. Compared to the time, that the regular Windows updates needs, this is really a short time.

I think, the POP3 connection dropouts are not the problem. The only problem I had in the past concerned IMAP connections. Because we work in Netware mode, the users mailboxes are not located on the server where mercury is running. Sometimes we got destroyed folders or hierarchies, when an user is connected by IMAP and I shut down Mercury. It seems that this happens when the user is accessing to a folder in the same moment (moving or deleting mails)

That's why I will do the upgrade today in the evening - on Friday evenings most of the people are watching TV [:D] 

Best regards

PiS posted Aug 3 '07 at 1:48 pm

Today the Mercury GUI is tightly integrated with the operating core. When running services you need to unhook a GUI from direct screen calls (such as status windows etc). When David separates the GUI from the core process, there will be methods to create users, aliases, passwords, do restarts, etc by means of hooks into the core, through an API or similar means. Then it is easier to create whatever admin interface that interacts with the core through standardized calls.

The storage of domains etc, is to make it possible to have multiple installations of Mercury, and multiple domains. Today Mercury is based on a flat structure, but domains and users and aliases actually create a hierarchical structure. We have it organized this way today, but I never made a public software for it. A relational sql-database is perfect for this type of structure. Then it is very little effort to take the info to the flat file structure that Mercury is based on.


[quote user="pbeddy"]

Thanks. I do appreciate the feedback, Thomas.

While I do not want to be lulled into a false security, it is reassuring to compare notes. I wonder how long it will take the virus authors to pick up on this measure and make their "products" "graywall-compliant"?


Not all that long I suspect, they are already delivering directly to the MX host in an attempt to bypass Graywall.   The problem for them is that the addition of the retry does make it more expensive in time to deliver the mail.  It might even make it easier for the operator of the "Zombied" machine to detect something is going on with their system.  The real point is that you still need something scanning the mail for viruses, the fact that Graywall blocks some is just an added extra.

Geyser posted Sep 9 '07 at 5:03 am

Thanks,  That was the issue.  I've now set up (once I got NAT working over satellite connection... grrr) MercuryS to handle incoming mail and that (including forwarding) is working as it should.  Is it also true that local email won't be forwarded by this method either?


Thanks again.    -Guy 




[quote user="PlayWithFire"]

I am very new to the world of PHP development, but at work i was given a task to bring a PHP application online. The application was developed on the outside, and seems to work, but i can't configure the SMTP server to work.

I'll be honest, i am not even sure where to begin troubleshooting it, but when i am trying to send e-mails, i get an error saying that PHP cannot connect to the mail server.

 When i am in Mercury/32 application, and i try to send mail from there, the SMTP client is unable to resolve the name. So, i used OpenDNS in the SMTP client configuration, and it was able to resolve the name, but it just comes up with "Connection Error" and "Connection error on alternative"

 Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!




This is not really a PHP problem at all, yuo must first install the correct modules and verify that Mercury/32 is operational.  The very first step is to use Start | Run telnet 25 to verify that Mercury/32 MercuryS is up on your system and running on port 25 and can receive the mail.  Until this works all else is a waste of time.


Personally I would install v4.51 over the v4.01 that comes with XAMPP and setup the Mercury/32 server. 


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