Pegasus Mail Suggestions

If you have suggestions or special wishes for Pegasus Mail here is where you make your voice heard.

Bob C. posted Sep 11 '15 at 12:19 am

Thanks to both of you for the responses. I have to admit that since I only use PMail on a home network, and since I'm the sole user on my computers (PC and laptop), the issue of portability and multiple access didn't occur to me; I agree that it makes the issue of multiple users' data just a *wee* bit more complicated than I'd envisioned.

Just as an aside to Martin's last comment, I don't think program code is stored in the \<user>\AppData directory, although configuration files are. Anyway, it's usable as-is even though I installed it in \Program Files; the Task Scheduler workaround seems to work fine.

The only thing left is the oddity that my center mouse button doesn't have its normal double-click functionality within PMail the way it did in XP; I suppose it's yet another "feature"... ;-)


Brian Fluet posted Jul 14 '15 at 10:45 pm

I have six folders that I want available for quick access so my workaround was to name them in such a way that they sort to the top of the folder list (eg: 01_Sent Pending Response, 02_Cust Inquiry Pending, 03_Vendor Inquiry Pending, ...). 

Alternatively you could create a tray named 01_Favorites and place your favorite folders in it.

If you already have folder names that begin with numbers then use a special character.  My default mail folder is named "!_Main Folder" insuring that it is always at the top of my folder list.

whiskyfizz posted Jun 24 '15 at 11:31 pm

Hi !

Well, I am sorry but I did not suggest the code to be open source. I was just suggesting that being a huge program, should the idea of changing the coding language to make it available on other systems (which could significantly increase the user base, and thus by extension financial support) be given some thought, to help the translation, maybe some parts could be "open-sourced" for a given time period. Of course, those 15 years of coding and suffering are not to be thrown away, and that is not what I suggested. I apologize if my post was understood in this way.

However, given your answer, it seems Pegasus mail is a complex program, not only by the number of lines, but also by "nature", so I guess my suggestion is not very doable. The folks coding Wine seems to be the way to go, at least for Linux systems.

I am happy to hear that the add-on portion will be greatly improved in a direction where the community could contribute more easily. On that note, I really hope it will become fully skinable. But I guess, those features will be dealt with after the new and promising Mailstore and contact manager.

Cheers !


I'm afraid I'm on Mr. Hanson's side here.


My example is the Address Book Window. Address Books are listed in upper left pane; address entries in the pane below; and address details in right pane.

Bring up the Address Book window

Select a Book

Select an entry - it is NOT selected

Click it again - NOW it's selected

Now that you are in the Window, going back and forth between Books and Entries selects with a single click.

A non-Pegasus example of focus switching:

Have browser open and in focus, sharing screen with a text editor, word processor, whatever (so you can see both).

With a single mouse click-and-sweep, select text in other app, a url maybe, or anything.

Note that focus switches AND text selection occurs.

Also, with text selected in other app, switch to browser via click.

Now right-click selected text in other app - context menu appears - NO second click needed.

This says focus-switching and an operation action can and should be done with one mouse operation. If focus-switching is handled by it's own listener, that listener should then call/allow operation listener to have control. My opinion, anyway.




One super convenient feature that I use all the time when sending e-mails is to use the "autocomplete" function. If I type the first few letters of an e-mail address, it will autocomplete the address from the MRU (Most Recently Used List).

 The super slick thing is that when I've typed enough letters to fetch the desired name, I can just hit the "Comma" key and it will insert the full e-mail address, append a comma and a space, allowing me to CC multiple people extremely rapidly.


However, if I try this same trick in the "BCC" field, as soon as I hit the comma the program interprets this as a valid letter and will not function properly. Instead I have to fetch the desired address, then hit "End", "Comma", "Spacebar" before I can type in another address. It is not just the extra keystrokes, but also the fact that I have to stop touch-typing and move my hand (whilst watching) to find the "End" key, then return my hand to the home-row to hit the "Comma" and "Spacebar" keys.

This slows filling in multiple BCC addresses significantly.



Charles Hansen posted Apr 23 '15 at 5:59 pm

 If you use the dropdown box to select "Search all folders in the selected mailbox", it does NOT do so! Specifically the "New mail" folder is not searched!

 Big bummer. I've been doing bogus searches for years and not realized it.


The only way to actually search ALL of the folders is to start your search while in the "New mail"

folder, then select "Search the current folder and all folders at the

same level", then check the box "Search folders contained in sub-folders

as well".


In other words, for some reason the search function does NOT consider the "New mail" folder to actually be a folder, unless you start the search from within it....


applies to version 4.7, build 546, which I believe is the current

version. I do not know if prior version are also affected.

mhi posted Mar 23 '15 at 3:32 pm

When I, for example, click the Move button to move an e-mail message to a new folder, I get a clear and useful dialog headed "Select a mail folder". Across the top of it are five buttons New..., Delete, Rename, Open and Cancel. My suggestion is for the name of that Open button.

Every time I've introduced Pegasus Mail to a new user, I have to explain that this button doesn't (in a user sense) open the mail folder. It means, in this case, Move (and Finish command). "Select" or "Use" might be better all-purpose text for the button, and a different icon, not showing a folder being opened.

I suggest that either (a) the text, and possibly icon shown, represent the action (e.g. Move) which will happen when it's clicked, or (b) if the same text and icon are shown for all commands where this dialog is used, that a more general "Select" or "Use" would be better than "Open."

whiskyfizz posted Dec 29 '14 at 3:19 pm

Hi !

It would take you some great time to "prepare the material" so my suggestion is first to open a new thread on the forums where you could present a rough sketch of your ideas, using a list for instance. If people are interested and jump in, it could make it to David's attention. Second, you could send a private message to David directly with some samples of your "material" with maybe a more precise presentation of your ideas. And then, I think you would have to wait for a reply. This way, you'll minimize the time spent for introducing your ideas and leave the door open for what could come next.

Cheers !

aquila posted Dec 13 '14 at 5:12 am

There's been a whole thread about this feature request

Even though I can understand there are different needs and situations, after having used PMail for quite a while now, this still is something I consider very important.

Granted one shouldn't use the email client as an archive, still there are cases where the attachment is really important.

The other day I sent some images to a colleague of mine, being in a rush at work I ended up writing something like: "Ref. attached, what do you think?"

I did it on the fly and I lost track of the img (was it downloaded from the Internet, was somewhere on my hard drive?). I don't consider myself an unorganized person, just when people are in a hurry things can get a tad out of control.

That's where software becomes useful, after all we invented to make our life easier.

I know there are other priorities, I really hope David will consider this option at least to give the opportunity for who need it to turn it on.

Just my 2 c.

Michael posted Nov 9 '14 at 8:11 pm

[quote user="fojtik"]Thanks for info. When the version 5 is planned?[/quote]

It's unpredictable as always, even David Harris won't be able to tell. There hasn't even been a beta version ever since v4.7 was released.

Michael posted Nov 2 '14 at 11:40 am

[quote user="fojtik"]When I receive Email that contains long url, it wraps and cannot be clicked directly.[/quote]

You may either try again after unchecking line wrapping or reformatting in the reader window (context menu) or highlight the whole URL and click Open selection as hyperlink in the context menu if the former doesn't work.

rocket posted Nov 4 '14 at 11:32 am

I keep the install files each time I download a new version. This way, if there is a problem caused by a new version, I can go to the earlier version and re-install that. On the machine I am using right now, I have 10 versions going back to 4.01 in a folder Downloaded Files. While not generally with Pegasus, this Downloads folder has saved me on more than a couple of occassions. :)



Here they are, in the downloads section.



[quote user="brainstuff"]@Michael I do not expect this issue in pegasus (it is perhaps doe to a wrong html code?)... but I hope that the policy of the Pegasus developpers is to fix such problems asap .... and not ... like the thunderbird developpers in 20 years or more! TB has a a similar, more severe  problem: "attaching ..." since xx years  (if you responds to a mail with a picture in it, TB displays often a "Warning Window" .. "attaching ..." and then you can wait for the next 1000 years or you can cancel the sending.


I have kind of the opposite experience. I stopped using Pegasus about a year ago exactly because errors and inconveniences were never fixed. I switched to Thunderbird, and the only thing I regret now is that I didn't do it a lot earlier. One of the biggest advantages of Thunderbird compared to Pegasus is that it has a search index database. It's like having Google inside your mail software! Very smart! Another advantage is that you don't need to open a message to see the whole subject-line.


JohnnyK posted Aug 5 '14 at 1:16 pm

 Is there any way to increase the number of Quick Open folders beyond six?

Its a wonderful facility, and  it would be great if a user could get even more benefit from this by increasing the number?

Thanks in advance.




I am in the habit of leaving my mail on the server for a while and only downloading the recent messages using selective mail download.  Ideally I would just select the block of new messages at the top of the list and mark them for retrieval.  But since there appears to be no way to correct the time zone in this list, some of the new messages are mixed in with the old messages that I have previously downloaded.  This is because they are sorted according to the times at the senders location instead of the corresponding times in my location.  As a result I have to spend a while carefully making sure that I am finding all of the new messages and none of the old ones.  Since there is already a check box to turn on time zone correction for the messages in the regular folders, why not have this apply to the selective mail download window as well?  It would be great if someone could fix this - thanks.

whiskyfizz posted Jun 3 '14 at 1:50 pm

Hi all !

Here is a short post to submit an idea about the future of Pegasus Mail. There is an almost 20 years operating system project called React OS which has taken the crowfunding path for future releases. According to their official website, they are looking for a default email client and I thought Pegasus Mail could be the one. From what I understood, it is possible to sign a contract for non open source software and thus include a payment scheme. It could help to raise the user base, secure some sort of financing and, who knows, benefit from exchanges with other professionnal programmers.

I think it is worth the try and if this idea is picked up by David, then I hope it'll be for the best.

Cheers ! 

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