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HolyHarp posted Oct 8 '11 at 1:27 pm

As our kind responder says, It is best to enable "show file extentions."  Without that, on my Win xp computer, some of the files showed a file type of "Performance Monitor File"  instead of a pmo, pmw or pmx file.   I caught it when I searched on

*.pmo, *.pmw, *.pmx

 Thanks to the Pegasus team for a great program.

irelam posted May 28 '07 at 7:10 pm

This looks very much like the previous reports of poorly formatted YahooGroups messages.   The latest version of Bearhtml has fixes for this, and should be used. As mentioned by Thomas it is available at a number of locations, now including the Downloads - Add-ons area in this

If that doesn't fix it, then I recommend you change your profile at YahooGroups back to Classic format 

Martin Ireland 


PiS posted May 28 '07 at 1:14 am

This means that your SMTP settings in Pmail must be set to authenticate with the server. Normally by using the same credentials as your POP3 settings.

If you wish - there is a French-speaking forum called "International Pegasus Mail"

Thomas_N_ posted Jun 1 '07 at 12:00 pm




As the future options are concerned, there is an external program you could use for importing messages: Mercury/32.

Mercury is a mail-server program that also has IMAP-support. The basic idea is to install Mercury with its IMAP-support, then copy the messages from other e-mail clients to the IMAP-account (created by Mercury), then move that messages from the IMAP-account to Pegasus Mail's local mailbox.

I have never used that before, so I can only tell what you might do. The disadvantage is that you have to do so manually; the advantage is that the "transport" via IMAP follows standardised rules, so the messages should not be altered or get lost (to the best of my knowledge).


Another idea is that save the messages in a folder that is in Unix mailbox format (*.mbx-files when created in Pegasus Mail). Since Pegasus Mail has some (limited) support for *.mbx-files, one e-mail client could create such a folder, and the oether one (Pegasus Mail) would read it.

You could create a folder in the Unix mailbox format in the other e-mail client and then make Pegasus Mail (try to) read that file, either by copying that file to that Pegasus Mail user's mailbox directory (and renaming that file to an *.mbx-file), or by using the "Add mailbox to list..."-command (and poiting to that directory that contains the *.mbx-files).

As above, you should have to do the work manually...and again, the only thing I know about these conversion steps is the theory - I have never done that in practice, so I do not know about any pitfalls.


Perhaps, others can tell you more about that.


dgrahame posted May 28 '07 at 4:26 am

Thanks very much for the explanation, David. It helps quite a lot to understand more about Pegasus' HTML technology (much more complex than I would have imagined!) - and also to know that my OS isn't screwed up somehow.

So how safe would it be to assume that a forwarded HTML section - with "Edit or make changes..." - will probably be seen by the recipient as it originally appeared in the reader window, even if it looks screwy in the compose window? At least in my experiment today, it did work out that way.




The problem occurs when the windows are maximized.   This

is the way I usually keep them.  I checked to see if the problem

occurs when the windows are normal.  It still does.


example, when I view the New Mail folder, whether I have the window

normal or maximized, I do not have the bottom scroll arrow.  This

also occurs when I view all of the other mail folders that I have.<>

<>Do you need any other information?

Please advise.

Thank you. 



David Harris posted May 28 '07 at 3:07 am

[quote user="Dirty Harry"]

Okay, I'll try that, however, the help file reports that new mail filters are not applied to read mail.


The help is half right: new mail filtering rules applied when the folder is OPENED are not applied to read mail, but the on-close rule set DOES apply to read mail (it really wouldn't be much use if it didn't). On Han's prompting, I've made a note to clarify this in the help file for the next version.


-- David --

arisme posted Jun 1 '07 at 3:16 pm

As of 06.30 am today 1 Jun 2007, test e-mails arrived at their destinations promptly. It seems the ISP is getting it's act together. Their website claims that test transmissions to all major ISP are now OK, with the exception of AOL.

It is disappointing that this turned out to be a non-event, in the sense that there was no technical problem to chase down and resolve. It was pleasing to find that Pegasus Mail was blameless.

Finally, it was nice to discover this forum, and come away with the comforting feeling that any future problems are no longer likely to be major obstacles.

Thanks, everybody.




I use Pegasus v.4.41 on Windows 2000 and in May 2007 Pegasus and other programs started running extremely slow, something like 100 times slower, especially when queing a mail for sending and when closing Pegasus (and moving read mails from New Mail folder to other folders).

Now I have done a lot of experiments, and my conclusion is that some Windows Updates (probably in May 2007) destroyed the speed, because now I have restored a HD image from Oct. 2006 twice, updated the firewall, the antivirus and spyware, and done virus- and spyware-scannings but the second time I only installed the MS-Windows Updates up to April the 10th 2007, and now Pegasus works perfectly again.

My guess is that my PC has some kind of hardware problem that hasn't been activated until I installed the Win2000 updates in May...


Han vd Bogaerde posted May 23 '07 at 10:21 pm

[quote user="Charles Gran"]

Is there someway to set the reader so that I can have 12 point roman for regular viewing and 10 point courier for monospaced viewing?


  • 4.41
  • xp sp2 


The first yes, when the window is in focus just select the Red F icon to set the default (non html-mail).

The 2nd is currently not possible, at least I have never seen this in any file, so the monospaced view (using F12 in the reader) is hard coded; it might not work in html view though.


Kiwicom posted May 24 '07 at 1:23 pm

Thanks for your reply,

unfortunately up to the moment of this incident I never backed up my emails, but since then have done so once in every two weeks. 

I checked the corresponding mail folder files (FOL02A6C.PMI and FOL02A6C.PMM) and they are both still inside the Home mailbox location path.

When I said that the folder names were scrambled I meant the folder names that appear within Pegasus Mail (ID) and not the actual file names.

By the way, sorry for my late reply but I can only get online once in a while. I very much appreciate your help!



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